blob: 67589780535896a5f9d24cc4f8678811d8d60896 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "device/gamepad/xbox_hid_controller.h"
#include "device/gamepad/gamepad_id_list.h"
#include "device/gamepad/hid_writer.h"
namespace device {
namespace {
const uint8_t kRumbleMagnitudeMax = 0xff;
} // namespace
XboxHidController::XboxHidController(std::unique_ptr<HidWriter> writer)
: writer_(std::move(writer)) {}
XboxHidController::~XboxHidController() = default;
// static
bool XboxHidController::IsXboxHid(GamepadId gamepad_id) {
// TODO(crbug/1030841): Detect haptics functionality through HID usages
// instead of relying on a hard-coded list of supported device IDs.
// Bluetooth-connected Xbox One gamepads expose usages from the Physical
// Interface Device usage page.
return gamepad_id == GamepadId::kMicrosoftProduct02e0 ||
gamepad_id == GamepadId::kMicrosoftProduct02fd ||
gamepad_id == GamepadId::kMicrosoftProduct0b05 ||
gamepad_id == GamepadId::kMicrosoftProduct0b13;
void XboxHidController::DoShutdown() {
void XboxHidController::SetVibration(double strong_magnitude,
double weak_magnitude) {
std::array<uint8_t, 9> control_report;
control_report[0] = 0x03; // report ID
control_report[1] = 0x03; // enable rumble motors, disable trigger haptics
control_report[4] =
static_cast<uint8_t>(strong_magnitude * kRumbleMagnitudeMax);
control_report[5] =
static_cast<uint8_t>(weak_magnitude * kRumbleMagnitudeMax);
control_report[6] = 0xff; // duration
control_report[7] = 0x00; // start delay
control_report[8] = 0x01; // loop count
base::WeakPtr<AbstractHapticGamepad> XboxHidController::GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
} // namespace device