blob: 762521d0691b85d3540f8b3a2818a91e320b7207 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/dns/dns_response.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/big_endian.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/sys_byteorder.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/dns/dns_query.h"
#include "net/dns/dns_response_result_extractor.h"
#include "net/dns/dns_util.h"
#include "net/dns/public/dns_protocol.h"
#include "net/dns/record_rdata.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace net {
namespace {
const size_t kHeaderSize = sizeof(dns_protocol::Header);
const uint8_t kRcodeMask = 0xf;
} // namespace
DnsResourceRecord::DnsResourceRecord() = default;
DnsResourceRecord::DnsResourceRecord(const DnsResourceRecord& other)
: name(,
owned_rdata(other.owned_rdata) {
if (!owned_rdata.empty())
rdata = owned_rdata;
rdata = other.rdata;
DnsResourceRecord::DnsResourceRecord(DnsResourceRecord&& other)
: name(std::move(,
owned_rdata(std::move(other.owned_rdata)) {
if (!owned_rdata.empty())
rdata = owned_rdata;
rdata = other.rdata;
DnsResourceRecord::~DnsResourceRecord() = default;
DnsResourceRecord& DnsResourceRecord::operator=(
const DnsResourceRecord& other) {
name =;
type = other.type;
klass = other.klass;
ttl = other.ttl;
owned_rdata = other.owned_rdata;
if (!owned_rdata.empty())
rdata = owned_rdata;
rdata = other.rdata;
return *this;
DnsResourceRecord& DnsResourceRecord::operator=(DnsResourceRecord&& other) {
name = std::move(;
type = other.type;
klass = other.klass;
ttl = other.ttl;
owned_rdata = std::move(other.owned_rdata);
if (!owned_rdata.empty())
rdata = owned_rdata;
rdata = other.rdata;
return *this;
void DnsResourceRecord::SetOwnedRdata(std::string value) {
owned_rdata = std::move(value);
rdata = owned_rdata;
size_t DnsResourceRecord::CalculateRecordSize() const {
bool has_final_dot = name.back() == '.';
// Depending on if |name| in the dotted format has the final dot for the root
// domain or not, the corresponding wire data in the DNS domain name format is
// 1 byte (with dot) or 2 bytes larger in size. See RFC 1035, Section 3.1 and
// DNSDomainFromDot.
return name.size() + (has_final_dot ? 1 : 2) +
net::dns_protocol::kResourceRecordSizeInBytesWithoutNameAndRData +
(owned_rdata.empty() ? rdata.size() : owned_rdata.size());
DnsRecordParser::DnsRecordParser() = default;
DnsRecordParser::DnsRecordParser(const void* packet,
size_t length,
size_t offset,
size_t num_records)
: packet_(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(packet)),
cur_(packet_ + offset) {
DCHECK_LE(offset, length);
unsigned DnsRecordParser::ReadName(const void* const vpos,
std::string* out) const {
static const char kAbortMsg[] = "Abort parsing of noncompliant DNS record.";
const char* const pos = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(vpos);
DCHECK_LE(packet_, pos);
DCHECK_LE(pos, packet_ + length_);
const char* p = pos;
const char* end = packet_ + length_;
// Count number of seen bytes to detect loops.
unsigned seen = 0;
// Remember how many bytes were consumed before first jump.
unsigned consumed = 0;
// The length of the encoded name (sum of label octets and label lengths).
// For context, RFC 1034 states that the total number of octets representing a
// domain name (the sum of all label octets and label lengths) is limited to
// 255. RFC 1035 introduces message compression as a way to reduce packet size
// on the wire, not to increase the maximum domain name length.
unsigned encoded_name_len = 0;
if (pos >= end)
return 0;
if (out) {
for (;;) {
// The first two bits of the length give the type of the length. It's
// either a direct length or a pointer to the remainder of the name.
switch (*p & dns_protocol::kLabelMask) {
case dns_protocol::kLabelPointer: {
if (p + sizeof(uint16_t) > end) {
VLOG(1) << kAbortMsg << " Truncated or missing label pointer.";
return 0;
if (consumed == 0) {
consumed = p - pos + sizeof(uint16_t);
if (!out)
return consumed; // If name is not stored, that's all we need.
seen += sizeof(uint16_t);
// If seen the whole packet, then we must be in a loop.
if (seen > length_) {
VLOG(1) << kAbortMsg << " Detected loop in label pointers.";
return 0;
uint16_t offset;
base::ReadBigEndian(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(p), &offset);
offset &= dns_protocol::kOffsetMask;
p = packet_ + offset;
if (p >= end) {
VLOG(1) << kAbortMsg << " Label pointer points outside packet.";
return 0;
case dns_protocol::kLabelDirect: {
uint8_t label_len = *p;
// Note: root domain (".") is NOT included.
if (label_len == 0) {
if (consumed == 0) {
consumed = p - pos;
} // else we set |consumed| before first jump
return consumed;
// Add one octet for the length and |label_len| for the number of
// following octets.
encoded_name_len += 1 + label_len;
if (encoded_name_len > dns_protocol::kMaxNameLength) {
VLOG(1) << kAbortMsg << " Name is too long.";
return 0;
if (p + label_len >= end) {
VLOG(1) << kAbortMsg << " Truncated or missing label.";
return 0; // Truncated or missing label.
if (out) {
if (!out->empty())
out->append(p, label_len);
DCHECK_LE(out->size(), dns_protocol::kMaxCharNameLength);
p += label_len;
seen += 1 + label_len;
// unhandled label type
VLOG(1) << kAbortMsg << " Unhandled label type.";
return 0;
bool DnsRecordParser::ReadRecord(DnsResourceRecord* out) {
// Disallow parsing any more than the claimed number of records.
if (num_records_parsed_ >= num_records_)
return false;
size_t consumed = ReadName(cur_, &out->name);
if (!consumed)
return false;
base::BigEndianReader reader(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(cur_ + consumed),
packet_ + length_ - (cur_ + consumed));
uint16_t rdlen;
if (reader.ReadU16(&out->type) &&
reader.ReadU16(&out->klass) &&
reader.ReadU32(&out->ttl) &&
reader.ReadU16(&rdlen) &&
reader.ReadPiece(&out->rdata, rdlen)) {
cur_ = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(reader.ptr());
return true;
return false;
bool DnsRecordParser::ReadQuestion(std::string& out_dotted_qname,
uint16_t& out_qtype) {
size_t consumed = ReadName(cur_, &out_dotted_qname);
if (!consumed)
return false;
const char* next = cur_ + consumed + 2 * sizeof(uint16_t); // QTYPE + QCLASS
if (next > packet_ + length_)
return false;
base::ReadBigEndian(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(cur_ + consumed),
cur_ = next;
return true;
uint16_t id,
bool is_authoritative,
const std::vector<DnsResourceRecord>& answers,
const std::vector<DnsResourceRecord>& authority_records,
const std::vector<DnsResourceRecord>& additional_records,
const absl::optional<DnsQuery>& query,
uint8_t rcode,
bool validate_records) {
bool has_query = query.has_value();
dns_protocol::Header header; = id;
bool success = true;
if (has_query) {
success &= (id == query.value().id());
// DnsQuery only supports a single question.
header.qdcount = 1;
header.flags |= dns_protocol::kFlagResponse;
if (is_authoritative)
header.flags |= dns_protocol::kFlagAA;
DCHECK_EQ(0, rcode & ~kRcodeMask);
header.flags |= rcode;
header.ancount = answers.size();
header.nscount = authority_records.size();
header.arcount = additional_records.size();
// Response starts with the header and the question section (if any).
size_t response_size = has_query
? sizeof(header) + query.value().question_size()
: sizeof(header);
// Add the size of all answers and additional records.
auto do_accumulation = [](size_t cur_size, const DnsResourceRecord& record) {
return cur_size + record.CalculateRecordSize();
response_size = std::accumulate(answers.begin(), answers.end(), response_size,
response_size =
std::accumulate(authority_records.begin(), authority_records.end(),
response_size, do_accumulation);
response_size =
std::accumulate(additional_records.begin(), additional_records.end(),
response_size, do_accumulation);
io_buffer_ = base::MakeRefCounted<IOBuffer>(response_size);
io_buffer_size_ = response_size;
base::BigEndianWriter writer(io_buffer_->data(), io_buffer_size_);
success &= WriteHeader(&writer, header);
if (has_query) {
success &= WriteQuestion(&writer, query.value());
// Start the Answer section.
for (const auto& answer : answers) {
success &= WriteAnswer(&writer, answer, query, validate_records);
// Start the Authority section.
for (const auto& record : authority_records) {
success &= WriteRecord(&writer, record, validate_records);
// Start the Additional section.
for (const auto& record : additional_records) {
success &= WriteRecord(&writer, record, validate_records);
if (!success) {
io_buffer_size_ = 0;
// Ensure we don't have any remaining uninitialized bytes in the buffer.
memset(writer.ptr(), 0, writer.remaining());
if (has_query)
InitParse(io_buffer_size_, query.value());
: io_buffer_(base::MakeRefCounted<IOBuffer>(dns_protocol::kMaxUDPSize + 1)),
io_buffer_size_(dns_protocol::kMaxUDPSize + 1) {}
DnsResponse::DnsResponse(scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> buffer, size_t size)
: io_buffer_(std::move(buffer)), io_buffer_size_(size) {}
DnsResponse::DnsResponse(size_t length)
: io_buffer_(base::MakeRefCounted<IOBuffer>(length)),
io_buffer_size_(length) {}
DnsResponse::DnsResponse(const void* data, size_t length, size_t answer_offset)
: io_buffer_(base::MakeRefCounted<IOBufferWithSize>(length)),
std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
memcpy(io_buffer_->data(), data, length);
// static
DnsResponse DnsResponse::CreateEmptyNoDataResponse(uint16_t id,
bool is_authoritative,
base::StringPiece qname,
uint16_t qtype) {
return DnsResponse(id, is_authoritative,
/*additional_records=*/{}, DnsQuery(id, qname, qtype));
DnsResponse::DnsResponse(DnsResponse&& other) = default;
DnsResponse& DnsResponse::operator=(DnsResponse&& other) = default;
DnsResponse::~DnsResponse() = default;
bool DnsResponse::InitParse(size_t nbytes, const DnsQuery& query) {
const base::StringPiece question = query.question();
// Response includes question, it should be at least that size.
if (nbytes < kHeaderSize + question.size() || nbytes > io_buffer_size_) {
return false;
// At this point, it has been validated that the response is at least large
// enough to read the ID field.
id_available_ = true;
// Match the query id.
if (id().value() !=
return false;
// Not a response?
if ((base::NetToHost16(header()->flags) & dns_protocol::kFlagResponse) == 0)
return false;
// Match question count.
if (base::NetToHost16(header()->qdcount) != 1)
return false;
// Match the question section.
if (question !=
base::StringPiece(io_buffer_->data() + kHeaderSize, question.size())) {
return false;
absl::optional<std::string> dotted_qname = DnsDomainToString(query.qname());
if (!dotted_qname.has_value())
return false;
size_t num_records = base::NetToHost16(header()->ancount) +
base::NetToHost16(header()->nscount) +
// Construct the parser. Only allow parsing up to `num_records` records. If
// more records are present in the buffer, it's just garbage extra data after
// the formal end of the response and should be ignored.
parser_ = DnsRecordParser(io_buffer_->data(), nbytes,
kHeaderSize + question.size(), num_records);
return true;
bool DnsResponse::InitParseWithoutQuery(size_t nbytes) {
if (nbytes < kHeaderSize || nbytes > io_buffer_size_) {
return false;
id_available_ = true;
// Not a response?
if ((base::NetToHost16(header()->flags) & dns_protocol::kFlagResponse) == 0)
return false;
size_t num_records = base::NetToHost16(header()->ancount) +
base::NetToHost16(header()->nscount) +
// Only allow parsing up to `num_records` records. If more records are present
// in the buffer, it's just garbage extra data after the formal end of the
// response and should be ignored.
parser_ =
DnsRecordParser(io_buffer_->data(), nbytes, kHeaderSize, num_records);
unsigned qdcount = base::NetToHost16(header()->qdcount);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < qdcount; ++i) {
std::string dotted_qname;
uint16_t qtype;
if (!parser_.ReadQuestion(dotted_qname, qtype)) {
parser_ = DnsRecordParser(); // Make parser invalid again.
return false;
return true;
absl::optional<uint16_t> DnsResponse::id() const {
if (!id_available_)
return absl::nullopt;
return base::NetToHost16(header()->id);
bool DnsResponse::IsValid() const {
return parser_.IsValid();
uint16_t DnsResponse::flags() const {
return base::NetToHost16(header()->flags) & ~(kRcodeMask);
uint8_t DnsResponse::rcode() const {
return base::NetToHost16(header()->flags) & kRcodeMask;
unsigned DnsResponse::question_count() const {
return base::NetToHost16(header()->qdcount);
unsigned DnsResponse::answer_count() const {
return base::NetToHost16(header()->ancount);
unsigned DnsResponse::authority_count() const {
return base::NetToHost16(header()->nscount);
unsigned DnsResponse::additional_answer_count() const {
return base::NetToHost16(header()->arcount);
uint16_t DnsResponse::GetSingleQType() const {
DCHECK_EQ(qtypes().size(), 1u);
return qtypes().front();
base::StringPiece DnsResponse::GetSingleDottedName() const {
DCHECK_EQ(dotted_qnames().size(), 1u);
return dotted_qnames().front();
DnsRecordParser DnsResponse::Parser() const {
// Return a copy of the parser.
return parser_;
const dns_protocol::Header* DnsResponse::header() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const dns_protocol::Header*>(io_buffer_->data());
bool DnsResponse::WriteHeader(base::BigEndianWriter* writer,
const dns_protocol::Header& header) {
return writer->WriteU16( && writer->WriteU16(header.flags) &&
writer->WriteU16(header.qdcount) && writer->WriteU16(header.ancount) &&
writer->WriteU16(header.nscount) && writer->WriteU16(header.arcount);
bool DnsResponse::WriteQuestion(base::BigEndianWriter* writer,
const DnsQuery& query) {
const base::StringPiece& question = query.question();
return writer->WriteBytes(, question.size());
bool DnsResponse::WriteRecord(base::BigEndianWriter* writer,
const DnsResourceRecord& record,
bool validate_record) {
if (record.rdata != base::StringPiece(record.owned_rdata)) {
VLOG(1) << "record.rdata should point to record.owned_rdata.";
return false;
if (validate_record &&
!RecordRdata::HasValidSize(record.owned_rdata, record.type)) {
VLOG(1) << "Invalid RDATA size for a record.";
return false;
std::string domain_name;
if (!DNSDomainFromDot(, &domain_name)) {
VLOG(1) << "Invalid dotted name.";
return false;
return writer->WriteBytes(, domain_name.size()) &&
writer->WriteU16(record.type) && writer->WriteU16(record.klass) &&
writer->WriteU32(record.ttl) &&
writer->WriteU16(record.owned_rdata.size()) &&
// Use the owned RDATA in the record to construct the response.
bool DnsResponse::WriteAnswer(base::BigEndianWriter* writer,
const DnsResourceRecord& answer,
const absl::optional<DnsQuery>& query,
bool validate_record) {
// Generally assumed to be a mistake if we write answers that don't match the
// query type, except CNAME answers which can always be added.
if (validate_record && query.has_value() &&
answer.type != query.value().qtype() &&
answer.type != dns_protocol::kTypeCNAME) {
VLOG(1) << "Mismatched answer resource record type and qtype.";
return false;
return WriteRecord(writer, answer, validate_record);
} // namespace net