blob: b704c52578500191bb54a8654182b4f84121bfae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/version.h"
using DWORD = unsigned long; // NOLINT(runtime/int)
using HANDLE = void*;
struct _SYSTEM_INFO;
namespace base {
namespace test {
class ScopedOSInfoOverride;
} // namespace test
} // namespace base
namespace base {
namespace win {
// The running version of Windows. This is declared outside OSInfo for
// syntactic sugar reasons; see the declaration of GetVersion() below.
// NOTE: Keep these in order so callers can do things like
// "if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::Version::VISTA) ...".
enum class Version {
PRE_XP = 0, // Not supported.
XP = 1,
SERVER_2003 = 2, // Also includes XP Pro x64 and Server 2003 R2.
VISTA = 3, // Also includes Windows Server 2008.
WIN7 = 4, // Also includes Windows Server 2008 R2.
WIN8 = 5, // Also includes Windows Server 2012.
WIN8_1 = 6, // Also includes Windows Server 2012 R2.
WIN10 = 7, // Threshold 1: Version 1507, Build 10240.
WIN10_TH2 = 8, // Threshold 2: Version 1511, Build 10586.
WIN10_RS1 = 9, // Redstone 1: Version 1607, Build 14393.
// Also includes Windows Server 2016
WIN10_RS2 = 10, // Redstone 2: Version 1703, Build 15063.
WIN10_RS3 = 11, // Redstone 3: Version 1709, Build 16299.
WIN10_RS4 = 12, // Redstone 4: Version 1803, Build 17134.
WIN10_RS5 = 13, // Redstone 5: Version 1809, Build 17763.
// Also includes Windows Server 2019
WIN10_19H1 = 14, // 19H1: Version 1903, Build 18362.
WIN10_19H2 = 15, // 19H2: Version 1909, Build 18363.
WIN10_20H1 = 16, // 20H1: Build 19041.
WIN10_20H2 = 17, // 20H2: Build 19042.
WIN10_21H1 = 18, // 21H1: Build 19043.
WIN10_21H2 = 19, // Win10 21H2: Build 19044.
SERVER_2022 = 20, // Server 2022: Build 20348.
WIN11 = 21, // Win11 21H2: Build 22000.
WIN_LAST, // Indicates error condition.
// A rough bucketing of the available types of versions of Windows. This is used
// to distinguish enterprise enabled versions from home versions and potentially
// server versions. Keep these values in the same order, since they are used as
// is for metrics histogram ids.
enum VersionType {
// A singleton that can be used to query various pieces of information about the
// OS and process state. Note that this doesn't use the base Singleton class, so
// it can be used without an AtExitManager.
class BASE_EXPORT OSInfo {
struct VersionNumber {
uint32_t major;
uint32_t minor;
uint32_t build;
uint32_t patch;
struct ServicePack {
int major;
int minor;
// The processor architecture this copy of Windows natively uses. For
// example, given an x64-capable processor, we have three possibilities:
// 32-bit Chrome running on 32-bit Windows: X86_ARCHITECTURE
// 32-bit Chrome running on 64-bit Windows via WOW64: X64_ARCHITECTURE
// 64-bit Chrome running on 64-bit Windows: X64_ARCHITECTURE
enum WindowsArchitecture {
static OSInfo* GetInstance();
OSInfo(const OSInfo&) = delete;
OSInfo& operator=(const OSInfo&) = delete;
// Separate from the rest of OSInfo so it can be used during early process
// initialization.
static WindowsArchitecture GetArchitecture();
// Returns the OS Version as returned from a call to GetVersionEx().
const Version& version() const { return version_; }
// Returns detailed version info containing major, minor, build and patch.
const VersionNumber& version_number() const { return version_number_; }
// The Kernel32* set of functions return the OS version as determined by a
// call to VerQueryValue() on kernel32.dll. This avoids any running App Compat
// shims from manipulating the version reported.
Version Kernel32Version() const;
VersionNumber Kernel32VersionNumber() const;
base::Version Kernel32BaseVersion() const;
// These helper functions return information about common scenarios of
// interest in regards to WOW emulation.
bool IsWowDisabled() const; // Chrome bitness matches OS bitness.
bool IsWowX86OnAMD64() const; // Chrome x86 on an AMD64 host machine.
bool IsWowX86OnARM64() const; // Chrome x86 on an ARM64 host machine.
bool IsWowAMD64OnARM64()
const; // Chrome AMD64 build on an ARM64 host machine.
bool IsWowX86OnOther() const; // Chrome x86 on some other x64 host machine.
// Functions to determine Version Type (e.g. Enterprise/Home) and Service Pack
// value. See above for definitions of these values.
const VersionType& version_type() const { return version_type_; }
const ServicePack& service_pack() const { return service_pack_; }
const std::string& service_pack_str() const { return service_pack_str_; }
// Returns the number of processors on the system.
const int& processors() const { return processors_; }
// Returns the allocation granularity. See
const size_t& allocation_granularity() const {
return allocation_granularity_;
// Processor name as read from registry.
std::string processor_model_name();
// Returns the "ReleaseId" (Windows 10 release number) from the registry.
const std::string& release_id() const { return release_id_; }
friend class base::test::ScopedOSInfoOverride;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(OSInfo, MajorMinorBuildToVersion);
// This enum contains a variety of 32-bit process types that could be
// running with consideration towards WOW64.
enum class WowProcessMachine {
kDisabled, // Chrome bitness matches OS bitness.
kX86, // 32-bit (x86) Chrome.
kARM32, // 32-bit (arm32) Chrome.
kOther, // all other 32-bit Chrome.
// This enum contains a variety of 64-bit host machine architectures that
// could be running with consideration towards WOW64.
enum class WowNativeMachine {
kARM64, // 32-bit Chrome running on ARM64 Windows.
kAMD64, // 32-bit Chrome running on AMD64 Windows.
kOther, // 32-bit Chrome running on all other 64-bit Windows.
// This is separate from GetInstance() so that ScopedOSInfoOverride
// can override it in tests.
static OSInfo** GetInstanceStorage();
OSInfo(const _OSVERSIONINFOEXW& version_info,
const _SYSTEM_INFO& system_info,
DWORD os_type);
// Returns a Version value for a given OS version tuple.
static Version MajorMinorBuildToVersion(uint32_t major,
uint32_t minor,
uint32_t build);
// Returns the architecture of the process machine within the WOW emulator.
WowProcessMachine GetWowProcessMachineArchitecture(const int process_machine);
// Returns the architecture of the native (host) machine using the WOW
// emulator.
WowNativeMachine GetWowNativeMachineArchitecture(const int native_machine);
void InitializeWowStatusValuesFromLegacyApi(HANDLE process_handle);
void InitializeWowStatusValuesForProcess(HANDLE process_handle);
Version version_;
VersionNumber version_number_;
VersionType version_type_;
ServicePack service_pack_;
// Represents the version of the OS associated to a release of
// Windows 10. Each version may have different releases (such as patch
// updates). This is the identifier of the release.
// Example:
// Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS build 17763) has multiple releases
// (i.e. build 17763.1, build 17763.195, build 17763.379, ...).
// See
// for more information.
std::string release_id_;
// A string, such as "Service Pack 3", that indicates the latest Service Pack
// installed on the system. If no Service Pack has been installed, the string
// is empty.
std::string service_pack_str_;
int processors_;
size_t allocation_granularity_;
WowProcessMachine wow_process_machine_;
WowNativeMachine wow_native_machine_;
std::string processor_model_name_;
// Because this is by far the most commonly-requested value from the above
// singleton, we add a global-scope accessor here as syntactic sugar.
BASE_EXPORT Version GetVersion();
} // namespace win
} // namespace base