Resubmit: Enable WebGPU for non-component Android builds

Non-component Android builds were being blocked by ANGLE producing
multiple .so files, but a previous Dawn change has temporarily
disabled ANGLE in Dawn on Android, clearing the way for this change.

Also activates the "Enable Unsafe WebGPU" and "WebGPU Developer
Features" flags in about:flags.

Previously reverted due to some failing gl_tests. Fixed in:

Additionally there were some Vulkan crashes that ocurred while it
was enabled. Fixed in:

This commit is expected to increase the binary size of Chrome on Android
by about 1.5Mb. This is mostly due to the new inclusion of the Dawn
library, which provides Chrome's cross-platform implementation of the
WebGPU API. Because WebGPU is a large new feature a proportional size
increase is to be expected. By comparison a roughly equivalent library,
ANGLE, also adds approximately the same amount to the binary size.

for further discussion about the size impact.

Bug: dawn:286
Change-Id: Ia3a6a15aa23d90185d34a248aa5c6b2920bb44c3
Binary-Size: Added a new library to enable large feature.
Commit-Queue: Brandon Jones <>
Reviewed-by: Kenneth Russell <>
Reviewed-by: Andrew Grieve <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#1099421}
GitOrigin-RevId: 239e1dfd3989f1bb897d0c9533308fdc9f8cd0ce
diff --git a/tint.gni b/tint.gni
index 44731b6..9b52393 100644
--- a/tint.gni
+++ b/tint.gni
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 tint_googletest_dir = "//third_party/googletest/src"
 tint_spirv_headers_dir = "//third_party/vulkan-deps/spirv-headers/src"
-tint_build_spv_reader = true
+tint_build_spv_reader = false
 tint_build_spv_writer = true
 tint_build_wgsl_reader = true
 tint_build_wgsl_writer = true