blob: 3187f6b49890097711fba4884185550d5cd225f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
import "cloud_policy.proto";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package enterprise_management;
// Protocol buffers for the obsolete protocol:
// -------------------------------------------
// GenericValue, GenericNamedValue, GenericSetting, DevicePolicySetting,
// DevicePolicySettingRequest, DevicePolicyRequest, DevicePolicyResponse
// TODO(gfeher): Remove these when both Chrome and DMServer is switched to
// using the new protocol.
// Generic value container.
message GenericValue {
enum ValueType {
optional ValueType value_type = 1 [default = VALUE_TYPE_STRING];
// basic value types
optional bool bool_value = 2;
optional int64 int64_value = 3;
optional string string_value = 4;
optional double double_value = 5;
optional bytes bytes_value = 6;
repeated bool bool_array = 7;
repeated int64 int64_array = 8;
repeated string string_array = 9;
repeated double double_array = 10;
// Generic name value pair container.
message GenericNamedValue {
required string name = 1;
optional GenericValue value = 2;
// A setting is a set of generic name value pairs.
message GenericSetting {
repeated GenericNamedValue named_value = 1;
// Identify a single device policy setting key/value pair.
message DevicePolicySetting {
// key of the policy setting
required string policy_key = 1;
// value of the setting
optional GenericSetting policy_value = 2;
// watermark for setting value.
optional string watermark = 3;
// Request for a setting or with optional watermark on client side.
message DevicePolicySettingRequest {
// setting key
required string key = 1;
// watermark last read from server if available.
optional string watermark = 2;
// Request from device to server to read device policies.
message DevicePolicyRequest {
// identify request scope: CrOS settings or other type of settings.
optional string policy_scope = 1;
// identify key to the settings: proxy etc.
repeated DevicePolicySettingRequest setting_request = 2;
// Response from server to agent for reading policies.
message DevicePolicyResponse {
// the result of the settings.
repeated DevicePolicySetting setting = 1;
// Protocol buffers for the new protocol:
// --------------------------------------
// Request from device to server to query if the authenticated user is in a
// managed domain.
message ManagedCheckRequest {
// Response from server to device indicating if the authenticated user is in a
// managed domain.
message ManagedCheckResponse {
enum Mode {
// The device must be enrolled for policies.
// The device is not automatically enrolled for policies, but the user
// may choose to try to enroll it.
optional Mode mode = 1;
// Request from device to server to register device.
message DeviceRegisterRequest {
// reregister device without erasing server state.
// it can be used to refresh dmtoken etc.
optional bool reregister = 1;
// Response from server to device register request.
message DeviceRegisterResponse {
// device mangement toke for this registration.
required string device_management_token = 1;
// The name of the device, assigned by the server.
optional string device_name = 2;
// Request from device to server to unregister device.
message DeviceUnregisterRequest {
// Response from server to device unregister request.
message DeviceUnregisterResponse {
message CloudPolicyRequest {
// Identify request scope: chromeos/device for device policies, chromeos/user
// for user policies.
optional string policy_scope = 1;
// The device token of the owner of the device sending the request. In cases
// the request was sent by the device owner or device policies were
// requested, this is the same as the token used for authentication.
// Otherwise (if the user policy is requested for someone else than the device
// owner) this token is different from the token used for authentication.
optional string device_token = 2;
// Response from server to device for reading policies.
message CloudPolicyResponse {
// Serialized SignedCloudPolicyResponse.
optional bytes signed_response = 1;
// RSA signature of the SHA1 hash of the above data.
optional bytes signature = 2;
// The chain of DER-encoded X.509 certificates of the server's signing key.
// The first element should be the certificate whose private key was used
// for signing the response, and each of the following certificates signs the
// previous one.
repeated bytes certificate_chain = 3;
message SignedCloudPolicyResponse {
// The following two are necessary against replay attacks.
// |timestamp| is a unix timestamp (seconds since 1970).
optional int64 timestamp = 1;
// The token that was used for the request.
optional string request_token = 2;
// The name of the device, assigned by the server.
optional string device_name = 3;
// CloudPolicySettings is defined in cloud_policy.proto (which is
// auto-generated from chrome/app/policy_templates.json).
optional CloudPolicySettings settings = 4;
// Request from the DMAgent on the device to the DMServer.
// This is container for all requests from client.
// Http Query parameters:
// Query parameters contain the following information in each request:
// request: register/unregister/policy/cloud_policy/managed_check etc.
// devicetype: CrOS/Android/Iphone etc.
// apptype: CrOS/AndroidDM etc.
// deviceid: unique id that identify the device.
// agent: identify agent on device.
// Authorization:
// 1. If request is managed_check, client must pass in GoogleLogin auth
// cookie in Authorization header:
// Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=<auth cookie>
// This is the only case when the deviceid query parameter is set to empty.
// The response will contain a flag indicating if the user is in a managed
// domain or not. (We don't want to expose device ids of users not in
// managed domains.)
// 2. If request is register_request, client must pass in GoogleLogin auth
// cookie in Authorization header:
// Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=<auth cookie>
// The response will contain an unique DMToken for future requests.
// Depending on domain policy, the request may need admin approval before
// DMToken is issued.
// 3. For other requests, client must pass in DMToken in Authorization header:
// Authorization: GoogleDMToken token=<google dm token>
message DeviceManagementRequest {
// Register request.
optional DeviceRegisterRequest register_request = 1;
// Unregister request.
optional DeviceUnregisterRequest unregister_request = 2;
// Data request.
optional DevicePolicyRequest policy_request = 3;
// Data request (new protocol).
optional CloudPolicyRequest cloud_policy_request = 4;
// Request to check if a user is managed or not.
optional ManagedCheckRequest managed_check_request = 5;
// Response from server to device.
message DeviceManagementResponse {
// Error code to client.
enum ErrorCode {
// Returned for register request when device management is not supported
// for the domain.
// Returned when the device is not found.
// Returned when passed in device management token doesn't match the token
// on server side.
// Returned when device registration is pending approval (if required).
// Returned when the policy is not found.
// Error code for this request.
required ErrorCode error = 1;
// Error message.
optional string error_message = 2;
// Register response
optional DeviceRegisterResponse register_response = 3;
// Unregister response
optional DeviceUnregisterResponse unregister_response = 4;
// Policy response.
optional DevicePolicyResponse policy_response = 5;
// Policy response (new protocol).
optional CloudPolicyResponse cloud_policy_response = 6;
// Response to managed check request.
optional ManagedCheckResponse managed_check_response = 7;