blob: 5e8b9ef1441b9a5df2edc2f625e43c0cb630766d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import copy
import dbus
import logging
import os
import time
from chromeos.power_strip import PowerStrip
import pyauto
import pyauto_errors
class WifiPowerStrip(PowerStrip):
"""Manages the power state of wifi routers connected to a power strip.
This class provides additional functionality over PowerStrip by providing
a timeout feature for wifi routers connected to the strip. This is to prevent
repeated on/off calls to the same router which may put the router in an
undesired state.
def __init__ (self, host, routers):
"""Initializes a WifiPowerStrip object.
host: IP of the switch that the routers are attached to.
routers: Dictionary of wifi routers in the following format:
'< router name >': {
'strip_id' : '.aX' # where X is the port number
< additional fields may be added here for each router >
self._router_dict = routers
# Each router will have a timestamp associated to it regarding whether
# or not an action can be performed on it yet. This is to prevent
# the spamming of power on/off calls on a particular router.
# The WifiPowerStrip_UsableTime field specifies the earliest time
# after which the router may be used. We will initialize it to now
# since they should all be usable at init.
for router_info in self._router_dict.values():
router_info['WifiPowerStrip_UsableTime'] = time.time()
# _routers_used keeps track of which routers were used during the lifetime
# of the WifiPowerStrip instance. Adding used routers occurs when
# a wifi router has been turned on. Otherwise, it get clears upon
# the TurnOffUsedRouters call.
self._routers_used = set()
PowerStrip.__init__(self, host)
def GetRouterConfig(self, router_name):
"""Returns the configuration for the specified router.
router_name: A string specifying the router.
The config dictionary for the given router if the router is defined.
None otherwise.
return copy.deepcopy(self._router_dict.get(router_name))
def RouterPower(self, router_name, power_state, pause_after=5):
"""Executes PowerStrip commands.
router_name: The name of the router to perform the action on.
power_state: A boolean value where True represents turning the router on
and False represents turning the router off.
pause_after: Specified in seconds, and specifies the time to sleep
after a command is run. This is to prevent spamming of
power on/off of the same router which has put the router
in an undesirable state.
Exception if router_name is not a valid router.
router = self.GetRouterConfig(router_name)
if not router: raise Exception('Invalid router name \'%s\'.' % router_name)
# Hidden routers will always be on. Don't allow controlling of the power
# for these networks.
if router.get('hidden'):
sleep_time = router['WifiPowerStrip_UsableTime'] - time.time()
if sleep_time > 0:
if power_state:
self._routers_used |= set([router_name])
logging.debug('Turning on router %s:%s.' %
(router['strip_id'], router_name))
logging.debug('Turning off router %s:%s.' %
(router['strip_id'], router_name))
# Set the Usable time of the particular router to pause_after
# seconds after the current time.
router['WifiPowerStrip_UsableTime'] = time.time() + pause_after
def TurnOffAllRouters(self):
"""Turns off all the routers."""
for router in self._router_dict:
self.RouterPower(router, False, pause_after=0)
def TurnOffUsedRouters(self):
"""Turns off the routers that were once turned on."""
for router in self._routers_used:
self.RouterPower(router, False, pause_after=0)
self._routers_used = set()
class PyNetworkUITest(pyauto.PyUITest):
"""A subclass of PyUITest for Chrome OS network tests.
A subclass of PyUITest that automatically sets the flimflam
priorities to put wifi connections first before starting tests.
This is for convenience when writing wifi tests.
_ROUTER_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(pyauto.PyUITest.DataDir(),
'pyauto_private', 'chromeos', 'network',
_FLIMFLAM_PATH = 'org.chromium.flimflam'
def setUp(self):
# Move ethernet to the end of the flimflam priority list,
# effectively hiding any ssh connections that the
# test harness might be using and putting wifi ahead.
self._wifi_power_strip = None
def tearDown(self):
if self._wifi_power_strip:
# Remove the route entry for the power strip.
if hasattr(self, 'ps_route_entry'):
os.system('route del -net %(ipaddress)s gateway %(gateway)s netmask '
'%(netmask)s dev %(iface)s' % self.ps_route_entry)
def _GetFlimflamManager(self):
_proxy = dbus.SystemBus().get_object(self._FLIMFLAM_PATH, '/')
return dbus.Interface(_proxy, self._FLIMFLAM_PATH + '.Manager')
def _ParseDefaultRoutingTable(self):
"""Creates and stores a dictionary of the default routing paths."""
route_table_headers = ['destination', 'gateway', 'genmask', 'flags',
'metric', 'ref', 'use', 'iface']
routes = os.popen('route -n | egrep "^"').read()
routes = [interface.split() for interface in routes.split('\n')][:-1]
self.default_routes = {}
for iface in routes:
self.default_routes[iface[-1]] = dict(zip(route_table_headers, iface))
def _SetServiceOrder(self, service_order):
# Flimflam throws a dbus exception if device is already disabled. This
# is not an error.
except dbus.DBusException as e:
if 'org.chromium.flimflam.Error.AlreadyDisabled' not in str(e):
raise e
def _PushServiceOrder(self, service_order):
self._old_service_order = self._GetFlimflamManager().GetServiceOrder()
service_order = service_order.split(',')
# Verify services that are present in both the service_order
# we set and the one retrieved from device are in the correct order.
set_service_order = self._GetFlimflamManager().GetServiceOrder().split(',')
common_service = set(service_order) & set(set_service_order)
service_order = [s for s in service_order if s in common_service]
set_service_order = [s for s in set_service_order if s in common_service]
assert service_order == set_service_order, \
'Flimflam service order not set properly. %s != %s' % \
(service_order, set_service_order)
def _PopServiceOrder(self):
# Verify services that are present in both the service_order
# we set and the one retrieved from device are in the correct order.
old_service_order = self._old_service_order.split(',')
set_service_order = self._GetFlimflamManager().GetServiceOrder().split(',')
common_service = set(old_service_order) & set(set_service_order)
old_service_order = [s for s in old_service_order if s in common_service]
set_service_order = [s for s in set_service_order if s in common_service]
assert old_service_order == set_service_order, \
'Flimflam service order not set properly. %s != %s' % \
(old_service_order, set_service_order)
def _SetupRouteForPowerStrip(self, ipaddress, iface='eth'):
"""Create a route table entry for the power strip."""
# Assume device has only one interface that is prepended with
# $iface and use that one.
iface = [ key for key in self.default_routes.keys() if iface in key ][0]
assert 'Unable to find interface of type %s.' % iface
self.ps_route_entry = {
'iface' : iface,
'gateway' : self.default_routes[iface]['gateway'],
'netmask' : '',
'ipaddress' : ipaddress
os.system('route add -net %(ipaddress)s gateway %(gateway)s netmask '
'%(netmask)s dev %(iface)s' % self.ps_route_entry)
# Verify the route was added.
assert os.system('route -n | egrep "^%(ipaddress)s[[:space:]]+%(gateway)s'
'[[:space:]]+%(netmask)s"' % self.ps_route_entry) == 0, \
'Failed to create default route for powerstrip.'
def InitWifiPowerStrip(self):
"""Initializes the router controller using the specified config file."""
assert os.path.exists(PyNetworkUITest._ROUTER_CONFIG_FILE), \
'Router configuration file does not exist.'
config = pyauto.PyUITest.EvalDataFrom(self._ROUTER_CONFIG_FILE)
strip_ip, routers = config['strip_ip'], config['routers']
self._wifi_power_strip = WifiPowerStrip(strip_ip, routers)
self.RouterPower = self._wifi_power_strip.RouterPower
self.TurnOffAllRouters = self._wifi_power_strip.TurnOffAllRouters
self.GetRouterConfig = self._wifi_power_strip.GetRouterConfig
def ConnectToWifiRouter(self, router_name, shared=True):
"""Connects to a router by name.
router_name: The name of the router that is specified in the
configuration file.
router = self._wifi_power_strip.GetRouterConfig(router_name)
assert router, 'Router with name %s is not defined ' \
'in the router configuration.' % router_name
security = router.get('security', 'SECURITY_NONE')
passphrase = router.get('passphrase', '')
# Branch off the connect calls depending on if the wifi network is hidden
# or not.
error_string = None
if router.get('hidden'):
error_string = self.ConnectToHiddenWifiNetwork(router['ssid'], security,
service_path = self.GetServicePath(router['ssid'])
assert service_path, 'Service with SSID %s is not present.' % \
logging.debug('Connecting to router %s.' % router_name)
error_string = self.ConnectToWifiNetwork(service_path,
return error_string