blob: 9619733dd9415b7e5d4085f53e2bb2a96f239c7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package chrome_cleaner;
// Request messages are sent from the Chrome Cleaner to Chrome.
// Response messages are sent from Chrome to the Chrome Cleaner.
// Tells Chrome to close the IPC connection to the cleaner. There is no
// response to this request.
message CloseConnectionRequest {}
message QueryCapabilityRequest {
// Add “optional bool supports_foo” fields to this message for each capability
// that may or may not be supported by Chrome.
message QueryCapabilityResponse {
// Add a matching “optional bool supports_foo” field to this message for each
// field in QueryCapabilityRequest.
// Tells Chrome to prompt the user to start a cleanup because the Chrome
// Cleanup tool has detected unwanted software on the system.
message PromptUserRequest {
// List of fully-qualified paths of the files that will be deleted by the
// Chrome Cleanup tool.
repeated string files_to_delete = 1;
// List of fully-qualified paths of the registry keys that will be changed or
// deleted by the Chrome Cleanup tool. These are formatted for display to the
// user (eg. "HKCU:32\software\unwanted_software").
repeated string registry_keys = 2;
// List of IDs of extensions that will be removed by the Chrome Cleanup tool.
// These are 32-character extension ID's.
// TODO( Deprecate and remove this field.
repeated string extension_ids = 3;
// After deserializing, Chrome must check if
// PromptUserRequest.unknown_fields() is empty. If the request includes any
// fields that Chrome does not know how to display it will immediately return
// DENIED instead of showing the prompt.
// Tells the Chrome Cleanup tool whether the user accepted the prompt.
message PromptUserResponse {
enum PromptAcceptance {
// The user explicitly accepted the cleanup operation and cleaner logs
// upload is allowed.
// The user explicitly accepted the cleanup operation and cleaner logs
// upload is not allowed.
// The user explicitly denied the Chrome prompt.
// Missing or UNSPECIFIED |prompt_acceptance| will cause Chrome Cleanup to
// exit with an error.
optional PromptAcceptance prompt_acceptance = 1 [default = UNSPECIFIED];
// Tells Chrome to remove the given extensions.
// TODO( Deprecate and remove this request.
message RemoveExtensionsRequest {
repeated string extension_ids = 1;
// Tells the Chrome Cleanup tool whether Chrome successfully removed all
// extensions.
// TODO( Deprecate and remove this response.
message RemoveExtensionsResponse {
// Missing |success| will cause Chrome Cleanup to exit with an error.
optional bool success = 1;
message ChromePromptRequest {
oneof request {
CloseConnectionRequest close_connection = 1;
QueryCapabilityRequest query_capability = 2;
PromptUserRequest prompt_user = 3;
RemoveExtensionsRequest remove_extensions = 4;
// An unrecognized |request| will cause Chrome to kill the Chrome Cleanup
// process, since it has no response message to return. Chrome Cleanup
// should send QueryCapabilityRequest to see if Chrome supports requests
// that aren’t in the first interface version.