blob: c495224a29f81dbfe4a20f0466acf9c0ebb80bf9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package reporting;
// |Destination| indicates which handler a |Record| should be delivered to.
enum Destination {
// |UPLOAD_EVENTS| handler sends records to the Eventing pipeline.
// |MEET_DEVICE_TELEMETRY| handler is for telemetry data sent by Meet
// Devices. For more information, see go/reliable-meet-device-telemetry.
// |Priority| is used to determine when items from the queue should be rate
// limited or shed. Rate limiting indicates that fewer records will be sent due
// to message volume, records of the lowest priority are limited first. Shedding
// records occurs when disk space is at or near the limt, records of the lowest
// priority are shed first.
enum Priority {
// |IMMEDIATE| queues should transfer small amounts of immediately necessary
// information. These are the events that will be rate limited last.
// |IMMEDIATE| records are the last ones to be shed.
// Security events are the only example of events that need to be |IMMEDIATE|.
// |FAST_BATCH| queues should transfer small amounts of information that may
// be critical for administrative experience. These records will be rate
// limited before |IMMEDIATE| records.
// |FAST_BATCH| records are shed before |IMMEDIATE| records.
// Resource utilization and failed application installation are perfect
// examples of records that need to be |FAST_BATCH|.
// |SLOW_BATCH| queues should transfer small amounts of non-immediate data.
// These records will be rate limited before |FAST_BATCH| records.
// |SLOW_BATCH| records are shed before |FAST_BATCH| records.
// Application metrics are a good example of records that should be
// |BACKGROUND_BATCH| queues transfer large amounts of non-immediate data.
// These records will be rate limited before |SLOW_BATCH| records.
// |BACKGROUND_BATCH| records are shed before |SLOW_BATCH| records.
// Log files are a perfect examples of records that need to be
// |MANUAL_BATCH| queues transfer data only on explicit request.
// Note that since a queue can hold records submitted by multiple clients,
// one client requesting to transfer data will do so for all collected
// records of the same priority, including those enqueued by other clients.
// |MANUAL_BATCH| records are the first to be rate limited, and since there
// is no automatic transfer, it is important to explicitly flush them often
// enough to avoid loss of data.
// |MANUAL_BATCH| records are the first to be shed.