blob: 273558dc20ac1941121d21ed962e1959c906c49c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/reporting/util/rate_limiter_interface.h"
namespace reporting {
// Rate limiter implementation of the leaky bucket algorithm.
// A leaky bucket works as if filling up with water. The water represents the
// incoming events, and the bucket represents the system's capacity to accept
// them. The bucket has a hole in the bottom, which represents the rate at which
// the system can accept events. Water is not allowed to overflow the bucket.
// `max_level` is the maximum total size of events that can be in the bucket at
// any given time. `filling_time` represents the leakage rate at which events
// are allowed to go through the bucket. `filling_period` indicates how often do
// we want to update the level (the more frequently we do it, the fewer tokens
// we add each time).
// When a new event arrives, its size is released from the bucket, but only if
// the bucket is full, otherwise the event is rejected. After that the bucket
// resumes filling in at the prescribed rate - the time it takes is proportional
// to the event size.
// The outcome is that the events are accepted at no more than the leakage rate.
// It works well for averaging events rate over time.
class RateLimiterLeakyBucket : public RateLimiterInterface {
RateLimiterLeakyBucket(size_t max_level,
base::TimeDelta filling_time,
base::TimeDelta filling_period = base::Seconds(1));
RateLimiterLeakyBucket(const RateLimiterLeakyBucket&) = delete;
RateLimiterLeakyBucket& operator=(const RateLimiterLeakyBucket&) = delete;
~RateLimiterLeakyBucket() override;
// If the event is allowed, the method returns `true` and updates state to
// prepare for the next call. Otherwise returns false.
bool Acquire(size_t event_size) override;
// Adds next portion of tokens.
void NextFill();
// Schedules adding next portion of tokens.
void ScheduleNextFill();
// Total size of the bucket.
const size_t max_level_;
// How long does it take to fill in the bucket up to maximum.
const base::TimeDelta filling_time_;
// How often to add the next portion to the bucket.
const base::TimeDelta filling_period_;
// Current level of the bucket. Starts with 0 and goes up at with such a rate
// that fills it up to the `max_level_` in `filling_time_`.
// New event is only accepted if the bucket is full.
size_t current_level_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(sequence_checker_) = 0u;
// Weak ptr factory.
base::WeakPtrFactory<RateLimiterLeakyBucket> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace reporting