blob: 95330ebda67878afda2cc9c2e3e98071d9e23991 [file] [log] [blame]
// services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/compositor_frame_sink.mojom-shared-message-ids.h is auto generated by, do not edit
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
namespace viz {
namespace mojom {
namespace internal {
// The 1767807663 value is based on sha256(salt + "CompositorFrameSink1").
constexpr uint32_t kCompositorFrameSink_SetNeedsBeginFrame_Name = 1767807663;
// The 924807202 value is based on sha256(salt + "CompositorFrameSink2").
constexpr uint32_t kCompositorFrameSink_SetWantsAnimateOnlyBeginFrames_Name = 924807202;
// The 1540875197 value is based on sha256(salt + "CompositorFrameSink3").
constexpr uint32_t kCompositorFrameSink_SubmitCompositorFrame_Name = 1540875197;
// The 717264241 value is based on sha256(salt + "CompositorFrameSink4").
constexpr uint32_t kCompositorFrameSink_SubmitCompositorFrameSync_Name = 717264241;
// The 801282137 value is based on sha256(salt + "CompositorFrameSink5").
constexpr uint32_t kCompositorFrameSink_DidNotProduceFrame_Name = 801282137;
// The 1421229719 value is based on sha256(salt + "CompositorFrameSink6").
constexpr uint32_t kCompositorFrameSink_DidAllocateSharedBitmap_Name = 1421229719;
// The 524282779 value is based on sha256(salt + "CompositorFrameSink7").
constexpr uint32_t kCompositorFrameSink_DidDeleteSharedBitmap_Name = 524282779;
// The 277400412 value is based on sha256(salt + "CompositorFrameSink8").
constexpr uint32_t kCompositorFrameSink_InitializeCompositorFrameSinkType_Name = 277400412;
// The 1849935628 value is based on sha256(salt + "CompositorFrameSinkClient1").
constexpr uint32_t kCompositorFrameSinkClient_DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck_Name = 1849935628;
// The 1909087137 value is based on sha256(salt + "CompositorFrameSinkClient2").
constexpr uint32_t kCompositorFrameSinkClient_OnBeginFrame_Name = 1909087137;
// The 1020311072 value is based on sha256(salt + "CompositorFrameSinkClient3").
constexpr uint32_t kCompositorFrameSinkClient_OnBeginFramePausedChanged_Name = 1020311072;
// The 1604530594 value is based on sha256(salt + "CompositorFrameSinkClient4").
constexpr uint32_t kCompositorFrameSinkClient_ReclaimResources_Name = 1604530594;
// The 2144480699 value is based on sha256(salt + "CompositorFrameSinkClient5").
constexpr uint32_t kCompositorFrameSinkClient_OnCompositorFrameTransitionDirectiveProcessed_Name = 2144480699;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace mojom
} // namespace viz