blob: 7f803fa4024e90e76beba2dda7c5e967cf29b487 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
namespace device {
namespace mojom {
namespace internal {
// The 1676171699 value is based on sha256(salt + "FingerprintObserver1").
constexpr uint32_t kFingerprintObserver_OnRestarted_Name = 1676171699;
// The 348166933 value is based on sha256(salt + "FingerprintObserver2").
constexpr uint32_t kFingerprintObserver_OnEnrollScanDone_Name = 348166933;
// The 2074718873 value is based on sha256(salt + "FingerprintObserver3").
constexpr uint32_t kFingerprintObserver_OnAuthScanDone_Name = 2074718873;
// The 2108822839 value is based on sha256(salt + "FingerprintObserver4").
constexpr uint32_t kFingerprintObserver_OnSessionFailed_Name = 2108822839;
// The 1309755373 value is based on sha256(salt + "Fingerprint1").
constexpr uint32_t kFingerprint_GetRecordsForUser_Name = 1309755373;
// The 515766592 value is based on sha256(salt + "Fingerprint2").
constexpr uint32_t kFingerprint_StartEnrollSession_Name = 515766592;
// The 1495982951 value is based on sha256(salt + "Fingerprint3").
constexpr uint32_t kFingerprint_CancelCurrentEnrollSession_Name = 1495982951;
// The 2133968110 value is based on sha256(salt + "Fingerprint4").
constexpr uint32_t kFingerprint_RequestRecordLabel_Name = 2133968110;
// The 1952724203 value is based on sha256(salt + "Fingerprint5").
constexpr uint32_t kFingerprint_SetRecordLabel_Name = 1952724203;
// The 1108792990 value is based on sha256(salt + "Fingerprint6").
constexpr uint32_t kFingerprint_RemoveRecord_Name = 1108792990;
// The 222100237 value is based on sha256(salt + "Fingerprint7").
constexpr uint32_t kFingerprint_StartAuthSession_Name = 222100237;
// The 173257523 value is based on sha256(salt + "Fingerprint8").
constexpr uint32_t kFingerprint_EndCurrentAuthSession_Name = 173257523;
// The 1979525096 value is based on sha256(salt + "Fingerprint9").
constexpr uint32_t kFingerprint_DestroyAllRecords_Name = 1979525096;
// The 2043732824 value is based on sha256(salt + "Fingerprint10").
constexpr uint32_t kFingerprint_AddFingerprintObserver_Name = 2043732824;
// The 1650603262 value is based on sha256(salt + "Fingerprint11").
constexpr uint32_t kFingerprint_RequestType_Name = 1650603262;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace mojom
} // namespace device