blob: a480c29c109402c857e8d95be95155589c06cde5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
namespace device {
namespace mojom {
namespace internal {
// The 1293119928 value is based on sha256(salt + "Sensor1").
constexpr uint32_t kSensor_GetDefaultConfiguration_Name = 1293119928;
// The 1464979508 value is based on sha256(salt + "Sensor2").
constexpr uint32_t kSensor_AddConfiguration_Name = 1464979508;
// The 1958891204 value is based on sha256(salt + "Sensor3").
constexpr uint32_t kSensor_RemoveConfiguration_Name = 1958891204;
// The 1156085551 value is based on sha256(salt + "Sensor4").
constexpr uint32_t kSensor_Suspend_Name = 1156085551;
// The 190881414 value is based on sha256(salt + "Sensor5").
constexpr uint32_t kSensor_Resume_Name = 190881414;
// The 1389900853 value is based on sha256(salt + "Sensor6").
constexpr uint32_t kSensor_ConfigureReadingChangeNotifications_Name = 1389900853;
// The 1387604717 value is based on sha256(salt + "SensorClient1").
constexpr uint32_t kSensorClient_RaiseError_Name = 1387604717;
// The 1747332975 value is based on sha256(salt + "SensorClient2").
constexpr uint32_t kSensorClient_SensorReadingChanged_Name = 1747332975;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace mojom
} // namespace device