blob: 3e280ad30044c1c49f29212585ce03c7b9987c87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Sandbox is a sandbox library for windows processes. Use when you want a
// 'privileged' process and a 'locked down process' to interact with.
// The privileged process is called the broker and it is started by external
// means (such as the user starting it). The 'sandboxed' process is called the
// target and it is started by the broker. There can be many target processes
// started by a single broker process. This library provides facilities
// for both the broker and the target.
// The design rationale and relevant documents can be found at http://go/sbox.
// Note: this header does not include the SandboxFactory definitions because
// there are cases where the Sandbox library is linked against the main .exe
// while its API needs to be used in a DLL.
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include "sandbox/win/fuzzer/fuzzer_types.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_policy.h"
#include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_types.h"
// sandbox: Google User-Land Application Sandbox
namespace sandbox {
class BrokerServices;
class PolicyDiagnosticsReceiver;
class ProcessState;
class TargetPolicy;
class TargetServices;
// BrokerServices exposes all the broker API.
// The basic use is to start the target(s) and wait for them to end.
// This API is intended to be called in the following order
// (error checking omitted):
// BrokerServices* broker = SandboxFactory::GetBrokerServices();
// broker->Init();
// broker->SpawnTarget(target_exe_path, target_args, &target);
// ::ResumeThread(target->hThread);
// // -- later you can call:
// broker->WaitForAllTargets(option);
// We need [[clang::lto_visibility_public]] because instances of this class are
// passed across module boundaries. This means different modules must have
// compatible definitions of the class even when LTO is enabled.
class [[clang::lto_visibility_public]] BrokerServices {
// Initializes the broker. Must be called before any other on this class.
// returns ALL_OK if successful. All other return values imply failure.
// If the return is ERROR_GENERIC, you can call ::GetLastError() to get
// more information.
virtual ResultCode Init() = 0;
// Returns the interface pointer to a new, empty policy object. Use this
// interface to specify the sandbox policy for new processes created by
// SpawnTarget()
virtual scoped_refptr<TargetPolicy> CreatePolicy() = 0;
// Creates a new target (child process) in a suspended state.
// Parameters:
// exe_path: This is the full path to the target binary. This parameter
// can be null and in this case the exe path must be the first argument
// of the command_line.
// command_line: The arguments to be passed as command line to the new
// process. This can be null if the exe_path parameter is not null.
// policy: This is the pointer to the policy object for the sandbox to
// be created.
// last_warning: The argument will contain an indication on whether
// the process security was initialized completely, Only set if the
// process can be used without a serious compromise in security.
// last_error: If an error or warning is returned from this method this
// parameter will hold the last Win32 error value.
// target: returns the resulting target process information such as process
// handle and PID just as if CreateProcess() had been called. The caller is
// responsible for closing the handles returned in this structure.
// Returns:
// ALL_OK if successful. All other return values imply failure.
virtual ResultCode SpawnTarget(const wchar_t* exe_path,
const wchar_t* command_line,
scoped_refptr<TargetPolicy> policy,
ResultCode* last_warning,
DWORD* last_error,
// This call blocks (waits) for all the targets to terminate.
// Returns:
// ALL_OK if successful. All other return values imply failure.
// If the return is ERROR_GENERIC, you can call ::GetLastError() to get
// more information.
virtual ResultCode WaitForAllTargets() = 0;
// This call creates a snapshot of policies managed by the sandbox and
// returns them via a helper class.
// Parameters:
// receiver: The |PolicyDiagnosticsReceiver| implementation will be
// called to accept the results of the call.
// Returns:
// ALL_OK if the request was dispatched. All other return values
// imply failure, and the responder will not receive its completion
// callback.
virtual ResultCode GetPolicyDiagnostics(
std::unique_ptr<PolicyDiagnosticsReceiver> receiver) = 0;
~BrokerServices() {}
// TargetServices models the current process from the perspective
// of a target process. To obtain a pointer to it use
// Sandbox::GetTargetServices(). Note that this call returns a non-null
// pointer only if this process is in fact a target. A process is a target
// only if the process was spawned by a call to BrokerServices::SpawnTarget().
// This API allows the target to gain access to resources with a high
// privilege token and then when it is ready to perform dangerous activities
// (such as download content from the web) it can lower its token and
// enter into locked-down (sandbox) mode.
// The typical usage is as follows:
// TargetServices* target_services = Sandbox::GetTargetServices();
// if (target_services) {
// // We are the target.
// target_services->Init();
// // Do work that requires high privileges here.
// // ....
// // When ready to enter lock-down mode call LowerToken:
// target_services->LowerToken();
// }
// For more information see the BrokerServices API documentation.
class [[clang::lto_visibility_public]] TargetServices {
// Initializes the target. Must call this function before any other.
// returns ALL_OK if successful. All other return values imply failure.
// If the return is ERROR_GENERIC, you can call ::GetLastError() to get
// more information.
virtual ResultCode Init() = 0;
// Discards the impersonation token and uses the lower token, call before
// processing any untrusted data or running third-party code. If this call
// fails the current process could be terminated immediately.
virtual void LowerToken() = 0;
// Returns the ProcessState object. Through that object it's possible to have
// information about the current state of the process, such as whether
// LowerToken has been called or not.
virtual ProcessState* GetState() = 0;
// Attempts to create a socket in the broker process, and duplicates it back
// to the target. The socket will be created with default flags and no group.
// Only TCP/UDP and IPV4/IPV6 sockets are supported by the broker.
// The socket will be created with WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flags.
virtual SOCKET CreateBrokeredSocket(int af, int family, int protocol) = 0;
~TargetServices() {}
class PolicyInfo {
// Returns a JSON representation of the policy snapshot.
// This pointer has the same lifetime as this PolicyInfo object.
virtual const char* JsonString() = 0;
virtual ~PolicyInfo() {}
// This is returned by BrokerServices::GetPolicyDiagnostics().
// PolicyInfo entries need not be ordered.
class PolicyList {
virtual std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PolicyInfo>>::iterator begin() = 0;
virtual std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PolicyInfo>>::iterator end() = 0;
virtual size_t size() const = 0;
virtual ~PolicyList() {}
// This class mediates calls to BrokerServices::GetPolicyDiagnostics().
class PolicyDiagnosticsReceiver {
// ReceiveDiagnostics() should return quickly and should not block the
// thread on which it is called.
virtual void ReceiveDiagnostics(std::unique_ptr<PolicyList> policies) = 0;
// OnError() is passed any errors encountered and |ReceiveDiagnostics|
// will not be called.
virtual void OnError(ResultCode code) = 0;
virtual ~PolicyDiagnosticsReceiver() {}
} // namespace sandbox