[Windows] Fix and remove sandbox tests.

This CL fixes or removes some tests from the sandbox. This includes the
* Removed tests checking for Windows behaviors, only check mitigations.
* Reworked ConvertToLongPath to not need admin access.
* Changed desired file access to what's needed rather than everything
which can fail depending on the permissions on the temporary directory.

Bug: 1270309
Bug: 1278912
Change-Id: Ia53c2c5ba24db1b487be14243cde95b62c3bbd4b
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/3329667
Reviewed-by: Will Harris <wfh@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: James Forshaw <forshaw@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#950988}
GitOrigin-RevId: 79b6564b99e48640bef3828678ef0b86b792f1b7
diff --git a/win/BUILD.gn b/win/BUILD.gn
index 681a894..1eecd58 100644
--- a/win/BUILD.gn
+++ b/win/BUILD.gn
@@ -184,7 +184,6 @@
-    "src/process_mitigations_imageload_unittest.cc",
@@ -207,8 +206,6 @@
   data_deps = [
-    ":sbox_integration_test_hijack_dll",
-    ":sbox_integration_test_hijack_shim_dll",
@@ -219,15 +216,6 @@
-shared_library("sbox_integration_test_hijack_dll") {
-  sources = [
-    "tests/integration_tests/hijack_dll.cc",
-    "tests/integration_tests/hijack_dll.def",
-  ]
-  deps = [ ":maybe_set_appcontainer_acls" ]
 group("maybe_set_appcontainer_acls") {
   # NACL on 32-bit builds this target twice, once for 64-bit and once for 32-bit
   # so avoid this dep from running twice with the same output in that case.
@@ -251,20 +239,6 @@
-shared_library("sbox_integration_test_hijack_shim_dll") {
-  sources = [
-    "tests/integration_tests/hijack_shim_dll.cc",
-    "tests/integration_tests/hijack_shim_dll.def",
-  ]
-  # Implicitly linking hijack_dll as loader import resolution required.
-  deps = [
-    ":common",
-    ":sbox_integration_test_hijack_dll",
-    "//base",
-  ]
 shared_library("sbox_integration_test_hooking_dll") {
   sources = [ "tests/integration_tests/hooking_dll.cc" ]
@@ -344,7 +318,6 @@
-    "tests/integration_tests/hijack_shim_dll.h",
   deps = [ "//base" ]
diff --git a/win/src/app_container_test.cc b/win/src/app_container_test.cc
index d942eab..5eef889 100644
--- a/win/src/app_container_test.cc
+++ b/win/src/app_container_test.cc
@@ -631,10 +631,10 @@
 SBOX_TESTS_COMMAND int LoadDLL(int argc, wchar_t** argv) {
-  // DLL here doesn't matter as long as it's in the output directory: re-use one
-  // from another sbox test.
-  base::ScopedNativeLibrary test_dll(base::FilePath(
-      FILE_PATH_LITERAL("sbox_integration_test_hijack_dll.dll")));
+  // Library here doesn't matter as long as it's in the output directory: re-use
+  // one from another sbox test.
+  base::ScopedNativeLibrary test_dll(
+      base::FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("sbox_integration_test_win_proc.exe")));
   if (test_dll.is_valid())
diff --git a/win/src/file_policy_test.cc b/win/src/file_policy_test.cc
index b061c04..feef97e 100644
--- a/win/src/file_policy_test.cc
+++ b/win/src/file_policy_test.cc
@@ -48,8 +48,9 @@
   } else if (operation == L"Write") {
-    base::win::ScopedHandle file1(CreateFile(
-        argv[1], GENERIC_ALL, kSharing, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr));
+    base::win::ScopedHandle file1(
+                   kSharing, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr));
     base::win::ScopedHandle file2(
         CreateFile(argv[1], GENERIC_READ | FILE_WRITE_DATA, kSharing, nullptr,
                    OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr));
@@ -593,7 +594,7 @@
   std::wstring temp_file_title = subfolder.substr(subfolder.rfind(L"\\") + 1);
   std::wstring temp_file = subfolder + L"\\file_" + temp_file_title;
-  HANDLE file = ::CreateFile(temp_file.c_str(), FILE_ALL_ACCESS,
+  HANDLE file = ::CreateFile(temp_file.c_str(), FILE_WRITE_DATA,
                              FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nullptr,
                              CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, nullptr);
@@ -602,7 +603,7 @@
   // Create a temporary file in the temp directory.
   std::wstring temp_dir = temp_directory;
   std::wstring temp_file_in_temp = temp_dir + L"file_" + temp_file_title;
-  file = ::CreateFile(temp_file_in_temp.c_str(), FILE_ALL_ACCESS,
+  file = ::CreateFile(temp_file_in_temp.c_str(), FILE_WRITE_DATA,
                       FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nullptr,
                       CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, nullptr);
@@ -624,7 +625,7 @@
   // Replace the subfolder by a reparse point to %temp%.
-  HANDLE dir = ::CreateFile(subfolder.c_str(), FILE_ALL_ACCESS,
+  HANDLE dir = ::CreateFile(subfolder.c_str(), FILE_WRITE_DATA,
                             FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nullptr,
                             OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, nullptr);
@@ -639,7 +640,7 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SBOX_TEST_DENIED, runner.RunTest(command_write.c_str()));
   // Remove the reparse point.
-  dir = ::CreateFile(subfolder.c_str(), FILE_ALL_ACCESS,
+  dir = ::CreateFile(subfolder.c_str(), FILE_WRITE_DATA,
                      FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING,
diff --git a/win/src/process_mitigations_imageload_unittest.cc b/win/src/process_mitigations_imageload_unittest.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index f509466..0000000
--- a/win/src/process_mitigations_imageload_unittest.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "sandbox/win/src/process_mitigations.h"
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "base/files/file_util.h"
-#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
-#include "base/path_service.h"
-#include "base/scoped_native_library.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
-#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
-#include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox.h"
-#include "sandbox/win/src/target_services.h"
-#include "sandbox/win/tests/common/controller.h"
-#include "sandbox/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_shim_dll.h"
-#include "sandbox/win/tests/integration_tests/integration_tests_common.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace {
-// Internal Defines & Functions
-constexpr wchar_t g_hijack_dll_file[] = L"sbox_integration_test_hijack_dll.dll";
-constexpr wchar_t g_hijack_shim_dll_file[] =
-    L"sbox_integration_test_hijack_shim_dll.dll";
-// System mutex to prevent conflicting tests from running at the same time.
-// This particular mutex is related to the use of the hijack dlls.
-constexpr wchar_t g_hijack_dlls_mutex[] = L"ChromeTestHijackDllsMutex";
-// API defined in hijack_shim_dll.h.
-using CheckHijackResultFunction = decltype(&CheckHijackResult);
-// ImageLoadRemote test helper function.
-// Trigger test child process (with or without mitigation enabled).
-void TestWin10ImageLoadRemote(bool is_success_test) {
-  // ***Insert a manual testing share UNC path here!
-  // E.g.: \\\\hostname\\sharename\\calc.exe
-  std::wstring unc = L"\"\\\\hostname\\sharename\\calc.exe\"";
-  sandbox::TestRunner runner;
-  sandbox::TargetPolicy* policy = runner.GetPolicy();
-  // Set a policy that would normally allow for process creation.
-  policy->SetJobLevel(sandbox::JOB_NONE, 0);
-  policy->SetTokenLevel(sandbox::USER_UNPROTECTED, sandbox::USER_UNPROTECTED);
-  runner.SetDisableCsrss(false);
-  if (!is_success_test) {
-    // Enable the NoRemote mitigation.
-    EXPECT_EQ(policy->SetDelayedProcessMitigations(
-                  sandbox::MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_REMOTE),
-              sandbox::SBOX_ALL_OK);
-  }
-  std::wstring test = L"TestChildProcess ";
-  test += unc.c_str();
-  EXPECT_EQ((is_success_test ? sandbox::SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED
-                             : sandbox::SBOX_TEST_FAILED),
-            runner.RunTest(test.c_str()));
-// ImageLoadLow test helper function.
-// 1. Set up a copy of calc, using icacls to make it low integrity.
-// 2. Trigger test child process (with or without mitigation enabled).
-void TestWin10ImageLoadLowLabel(bool is_success_test) {
-  // Setup a mandatory low executable for this test (calc.exe).
-  // If anything fails during setup, ASSERT to end test.
-  base::FilePath orig_path;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathService::Get(base::DIR_SYSTEM, &orig_path));
-  orig_path = orig_path.Append(L"calc.exe");
-  base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir());
-  base::FilePath new_path = temp_dir.GetPath();
-  new_path = new_path.Append(L"lowIL_calc.exe");
-  // Test file will be cleaned up by the ScopedTempDir.
-  ASSERT_TRUE(base::CopyFileW(orig_path, new_path));
-  std::wstring cmd_line = L"icacls \"";
-  cmd_line += new_path.value().c_str();
-  cmd_line += L"\" /setintegritylevel Low";
-  base::LaunchOptions options = base::LaunchOptionsForTest();
-  base::Process setup_proc = base::LaunchProcess(cmd_line.c_str(), options);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(setup_proc.IsValid());
-  int exit_code = 1;
-  if (!setup_proc.WaitForExitWithTimeout(TestTimeouts::action_max_timeout(),
-                                         &exit_code)) {
-    // Might have timed out, or might have failed.
-    // Terminate to make sure we clean up any mess.
-    setup_proc.Terminate(0, false);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(false);
-  }
-  // Make sure icacls was successful.
-  ASSERT_EQ(0, exit_code);
-  sandbox::TestRunner runner;
-  sandbox::TargetPolicy* policy = runner.GetPolicy();
-  // Set a policy that would normally allow for process creation.
-  policy->SetJobLevel(sandbox::JOB_NONE, 0);
-  policy->SetTokenLevel(sandbox::USER_UNPROTECTED, sandbox::USER_UNPROTECTED);
-  runner.SetDisableCsrss(false);
-  if (!is_success_test) {
-    // Enable the NoLowLabel mitigation.
-    EXPECT_EQ(policy->SetDelayedProcessMitigations(
-                  sandbox::MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_LOW_LABEL),
-              sandbox::SBOX_ALL_OK);
-  }
-  std::wstring test = L"TestChildProcess \"";
-  test += new_path.value().c_str();
-  test += L"\" false";
-  EXPECT_EQ((is_success_test ? sandbox::SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED
-                             : sandbox::SBOX_TEST_FAILED),
-            runner.RunTest(test.c_str()));
-// ImageLoadPreferSystem32 test helper function.
-// - Acquire the global g_hijack_dlls_mutex mutex before calling
-//   (as we meddle with a shared system resource).
-// - Note: Do not use ASSERTs in this function, as a global mutex is held.
-// - If |baseline_test|, there is no attempted hijacking.  Just test the
-//   implicit import in the local directory.
-// 1. Put a copy of the hijack DLL into system32.
-// 2. Trigger test child process (with or without mitigation enabled).  When
-//    the OS resolves the import table for the child process, it will either
-//    choose the version in the local app directory, or the copy in system32.
-void TestWin10ImageLoadPreferSys32(bool baseline_test, bool expect_sys32_path) {
-  base::FilePath app_path;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(base::PathService::Get(base::DIR_EXE, &app_path));
-  // Put a copy of the hijack dll into system32.  So there's one in the
-  // local dir, and one in system32.
-  base::FilePath old_dll_path = app_path.Append(g_hijack_dll_file);
-  base::FilePath sys_path;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(base::PathService::Get(base::DIR_SYSTEM, &sys_path));
-  base::FilePath new_dll_path = sys_path.Append(g_hijack_dll_file);
-  // Note: test requires admin to copy/delete files in system32.
-  EXPECT_TRUE(base::CopyFileW(old_dll_path, new_dll_path));
-  // Get path for the test shim DLL to pass along to test child proc.
-  base::FilePath shim_dll_path = app_path.Append(g_hijack_shim_dll_file);
-  sandbox::TestRunner runner;
-  sandbox::TargetPolicy* policy = runner.GetPolicy();
-  // ACCESS_DENIED errors loading DLLs without a higher token - AddFsRule
-  // alone doesn't cut it.
-  policy->SetTokenLevel(sandbox::TokenLevel::USER_RESTRICTED_SAME_ACCESS,
-                        sandbox::TokenLevel::USER_LIMITED);
-  runner.AddFsRule(sandbox::TargetPolicy::FILES_ALLOW_READONLY,
-                   shim_dll_path.value().c_str());
-  runner.AddFsRule(sandbox::TargetPolicy::FILES_ALLOW_READONLY,
-                   old_dll_path.value().c_str());
-  runner.AddFsRule(sandbox::TargetPolicy::FILES_ALLOW_READONLY,
-                   new_dll_path.value().c_str());
-  if (!baseline_test && expect_sys32_path) {
-    // Enable the PreferSystem32 mitigation.
-    EXPECT_EQ(policy->SetDelayedProcessMitigations(
-                  sandbox::MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_PREFER_SYS32),
-              sandbox::SBOX_ALL_OK);
-  }
-  // For the baseline test, disable sandbox completely.  Just trying to ensure
-  // that the implicit link & import succeeds from local dir.
-  if (baseline_test)
-    runner.SetUnsandboxed(true);
-  // If this is the "success" test, expect a return value of "false" - as the
-  // hijack was successful so the hijack_dll is NOT in system32.
-  // The failure case has the mitigation enabled, so expect the hijack_dll to be
-  // in system32.
-  std::wstring test = base::StringPrintf(
-      L"%ls %ls \"%ls\"", L"TestImageLoadHijack",
-      (!expect_sys32_path) ? L"true" : L"false", shim_dll_path.value().c_str());
-  // NOTE: 1706098690 == SBOX_TEST_NOT_FOUND == LoadLibrary on the shim dll
-  //       failed, or the secondary import load of hijack.dll failed.
-  EXPECT_EQ((expect_sys32_path ? sandbox::SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED
-                               : sandbox::SBOX_TEST_FAILED),
-            runner.RunTest(test.c_str()));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(base::DeleteFile(new_dll_path));
-}  // namespace
-namespace sandbox {
-// Exported functions called by child test processes.
-// This test loading and using the shim DLL is required.
-// The waterfall bots (test environment/harness) have unique resource
-// access failures if the main sbox_integration_tests executable
-// implicitely links against the hijack DLL (and implicit linking is required
-// to test this mitigation) - regardless of whether this test runs or is
-// disabled.
-// - Arg1: "true" or "false", if the DLL path should be in system32.
-// - Arg2: the full path to the test shim DLL to load.
-SBOX_TESTS_COMMAND int TestImageLoadHijack(int argc, wchar_t** argv) {
-  if (argc < 2 || !argv[0] || !argv[1])
-  bool expect_system = false;
-  if (::wcsicmp(argv[0], L"true") == 0)
-    expect_system = true;
-  // Ensure implicitely linked, secondary hijack DLL is not already
-  // loaded in process.
-  HMODULE check = ::GetModuleHandleW(g_hijack_dll_file);
-  if (check)
-    return SBOX_TEST_FAILED;
-  // Load the shim DLL for this test.
-  base::ScopedNativeLibrary shim_dll((base::FilePath(argv[1])));
-  if (!shim_dll.is_valid())
-    return SBOX_TEST_NOT_FOUND;
-  CheckHijackResultFunction check_hijack_result =
-      reinterpret_cast<CheckHijackResultFunction>(
-          shim_dll.GetFunctionPointer(g_hijack_shim_func));
-  if (!check_hijack_result)
-  return check_hijack_result(expect_system);
-// Exported Image Load Tests
-// Disable image load from remote devices (MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_REMOTE).
-// >= Win10_TH2
-// This test validates that setting the MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_REMOTE
-// mitigation enables the setting on a process.
-TEST(ProcessMitigationsTest, CheckWin10ImageLoadNoRemotePolicySuccess) {
-  if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN10_TH2)
-    return;
-  std::wstring test_command = L"CheckPolicy ";
-  test_command += std::to_wstring(TESTPOLICY_LOADNOREMOTE);
-  //---------------------------------
-  // 1) Test setting pre-startup.
-  //---------------------------------
-  TestRunner runner;
-  sandbox::TargetPolicy* policy = runner.GetPolicy();
-  EXPECT_EQ(policy->SetProcessMitigations(MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_REMOTE),
-            SBOX_ALL_OK);
-  EXPECT_EQ(SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED, runner.RunTest(test_command.c_str()));
-  //---------------------------------
-  // 2) Test setting post-startup.
-  //---------------------------------
-  TestRunner runner2;
-  sandbox::TargetPolicy* policy2 = runner2.GetPolicy();
-      policy2->SetDelayedProcessMitigations(MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_REMOTE),
-      SBOX_ALL_OK);
-  EXPECT_EQ(SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED, runner2.RunTest(test_command.c_str()));
-// This test validates that we CAN create a new process from
-// a remote UNC device, if the MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_REMOTE
-// mitigation is NOT set.
-// MANUAL testing only.
-TEST(ProcessMitigationsTest, DISABLED_CheckWin10ImageLoadNoRemoteSuccess) {
-  if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN10_TH2)
-    return;
-  TestWin10ImageLoadRemote(true /* is_success_test */);
-// This test validates that setting the MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_REMOTE
-// mitigation prevents creating a new process from a remote
-// UNC device.
-// MANUAL testing only.
-TEST(ProcessMitigationsTest, DISABLED_CheckWin10ImageLoadNoRemoteFailure) {
-  if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN10_TH2)
-    return;
-  TestWin10ImageLoadRemote(false /* is_success_test */);
-// Disable image load when "mandatory low label" (integrity level).
-// >= Win10_TH2
-// This test validates that setting the MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_LOW_LABEL
-// mitigation enables the setting on a process.
-TEST(ProcessMitigationsTest, CheckWin10ImageLoadNoLowLabelPolicySuccess) {
-  if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN10_TH2)
-    return;
-  std::wstring test_command = L"CheckPolicy ";
-  test_command += std::to_wstring(TESTPOLICY_LOADNOLOW);
-  //---------------------------------
-  // 1) Test setting pre-startup.
-  //---------------------------------
-  TestRunner runner;
-  sandbox::TargetPolicy* policy = runner.GetPolicy();
-            SBOX_ALL_OK);
-  EXPECT_EQ(SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED, runner.RunTest(test_command.c_str()));
-  //---------------------------------
-  // 2) Test setting post-startup.
-  //---------------------------------
-  TestRunner runner2;
-  sandbox::TargetPolicy* policy2 = runner2.GetPolicy();
-      policy2->SetDelayedProcessMitigations(MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_LOW_LABEL),
-      SBOX_ALL_OK);
-  EXPECT_EQ(SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED, runner2.RunTest(test_command.c_str()));
-// This test validates that we CAN create a new process with
-// low mandatory label (IL), if the MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_LOW_LABEL
-// mitigation is NOT set.
-TEST(ProcessMitigationsTest, CheckWin10ImageLoadNoLowLabelSuccess) {
-  if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN10_TH2)
-    return;
-  TestWin10ImageLoadLowLabel(true /* is_success_test */);
-// This test validates that setting the MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_LOW_LABEL
-// mitigation prevents creating a new process with low mandatory label (IL).
-TEST(ProcessMitigationsTest, CheckWin10ImageLoadNoLowLabelFailure) {
-  if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN10_TH2)
-    return;
-  TestWin10ImageLoadLowLabel(false /* is_success_test */);
-// Prefer system32 directory on image load (MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_PREFER_SYS32).
-// >= Win10_RS1 (Anniversary)
-// This test validates that setting the MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_PREFER_SYS32
-// mitigation enables the setting on a process.
-TEST(ProcessMitigationsTest, CheckWin10ImageLoadPreferSys32PolicySuccess) {
-  if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN10_RS1)
-    return;
-  std::wstring test_command = L"CheckPolicy ";
-  test_command += std::to_wstring(TESTPOLICY_LOADPREFERSYS32);
-  //---------------------------------
-  // 1) Test setting pre-startup.
-  //   ** Currently disabled.  All PreferSys32 tests start to explode on
-  //   >= Win10 1703/RS2 when this mitigation is set pre-startup.
-  //   Child process creation works fine, but when ::ResumeThread() is called,
-  //   there is a fatal error: "Entry point ucnv_convertEx_60 could not be
-  //   located in the DLL ... sbox_integration_tests.exe."
-  //   This is a character conversion function in a ucnv (unicode) DLL.
-  //   Potentially the loader is finding a different version of this DLL that
-  //   we have a dependency on in System32... but it doesn't match up with
-  //   what we build against???!
-  //---------------------------------
-  //---------------------------------
-  // 2) Test setting post-startup.
-  //---------------------------------
-  TestRunner runner2;
-  sandbox::TargetPolicy* policy2 = runner2.GetPolicy();
-      policy2->SetDelayedProcessMitigations(MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_PREFER_SYS32),
-      SBOX_ALL_OK);
-  EXPECT_EQ(SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED, runner2.RunTest(test_command.c_str()));
-// This baseline test validates that the implicit import works in the local
-// working directory.
-// Must run this test as admin/elevated.
-TEST(ProcessMitigationsTest, CheckWin10ImageLoadPreferSys32_Baseline) {
-  if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN10_RS1)
-    return;
-  ScopedTestMutex mutex(g_hijack_dlls_mutex);
-  // Baseline test, and expect the DLL to NOT be in system32.
-  TestWin10ImageLoadPreferSys32(true /* baseline_test */,
-                                false /* expect_sys32_path */);
-// This test validates that import hijacking succeeds, if the
-// (Hijack success.)
-// Must run this test as admin/elevated.
-TEST(ProcessMitigationsTest, CheckWin10ImageLoadPreferSys32_Success) {
-  if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN10_RS1)
-    return;
-  ScopedTestMutex mutex(g_hijack_dlls_mutex);
-  // Not a baseline test, and expect the DLL to be in system32.
-  TestWin10ImageLoadPreferSys32(false /* baseline_test */,
-                                true /* expect_sys32_path */);
-// This test validates that setting the MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_PREFER_SYS32
-// mitigation prevents import hijacking. (Hijack failure.)
-// Must run this test as admin/elevated.
-TEST(ProcessMitigationsTest, CheckWin10ImageLoadPreferSys32_Failure) {
-  if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN10_RS1)
-    return;
-  ScopedTestMutex mutex(g_hijack_dlls_mutex);
-  // Not a baseline test, and expect the DLL to NOT be in system32.
-  TestWin10ImageLoadPreferSys32(false /* baseline_test */,
-                                false /* expect_sys32_path */);
-}  // namespace sandbox
diff --git a/win/src/process_mitigations_unittest.cc b/win/src/process_mitigations_unittest.cc
index 3113831..1c71649 100644
--- a/win/src/process_mitigations_unittest.cc
+++ b/win/src/process_mitigations_unittest.cc
@@ -1298,4 +1298,99 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED, runner.RunTest(test_policy_command.c_str()));
+TEST(ProcessMitigationsTest, CheckWin10ImageLoadNoRemotePolicySuccess) {
+  if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN10_TH2)
+    return;
+  std::wstring test_command = L"CheckPolicy ";
+  test_command += std::to_wstring(TESTPOLICY_LOADNOREMOTE);
+  //---------------------------------
+  // 1) Test setting pre-startup.
+  //---------------------------------
+  TestRunner runner;
+  sandbox::TargetPolicy* policy = runner.GetPolicy();
+  EXPECT_EQ(policy->SetProcessMitigations(MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_REMOTE),
+            SBOX_ALL_OK);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED, runner.RunTest(test_command.c_str()));
+  //---------------------------------
+  // 2) Test setting post-startup.
+  //---------------------------------
+  TestRunner runner2;
+  sandbox::TargetPolicy* policy2 = runner2.GetPolicy();
+      policy2->SetDelayedProcessMitigations(MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_REMOTE),
+      SBOX_ALL_OK);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED, runner2.RunTest(test_command.c_str()));
+// This test validates that setting the MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_LOW_LABEL
+// mitigation enables the setting on a process.
+TEST(ProcessMitigationsTest, CheckWin10ImageLoadNoLowLabelPolicySuccess) {
+  if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN10_TH2)
+    return;
+  std::wstring test_command = L"CheckPolicy ";
+  test_command += std::to_wstring(TESTPOLICY_LOADNOLOW);
+  //---------------------------------
+  // 1) Test setting pre-startup.
+  //---------------------------------
+  TestRunner runner;
+  sandbox::TargetPolicy* policy = runner.GetPolicy();
+            SBOX_ALL_OK);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED, runner.RunTest(test_command.c_str()));
+  //---------------------------------
+  // 2) Test setting post-startup.
+  //---------------------------------
+  TestRunner runner2;
+  sandbox::TargetPolicy* policy2 = runner2.GetPolicy();
+      policy2->SetDelayedProcessMitigations(MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_NO_LOW_LABEL),
+      SBOX_ALL_OK);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED, runner2.RunTest(test_command.c_str()));
+// This test validates that setting the MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_PREFER_SYS32
+// mitigation enables the setting on a process.
+TEST(ProcessMitigationsTest, CheckWin10ImageLoadPreferSys32PolicySuccess) {
+  if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN10_RS1)
+    return;
+  std::wstring test_command = L"CheckPolicy ";
+  test_command += std::to_wstring(TESTPOLICY_LOADPREFERSYS32);
+  //---------------------------------
+  // 1) Test setting pre-startup.
+  //   ** Currently disabled.  All PreferSys32 tests start to explode on
+  //   >= Win10 1703/RS2 when this mitigation is set pre-startup.
+  //   Child process creation works fine, but when ::ResumeThread() is called,
+  //   there is a fatal error: "Entry point ucnv_convertEx_60 could not be
+  //   located in the DLL ... sbox_integration_tests.exe."
+  //   This is a character conversion function in a ucnv (unicode) DLL.
+  //   Potentially the loader is finding a different version of this DLL that
+  //   we have a dependency on in System32... but it doesn't match up with
+  //   what we build against???!
+  //---------------------------------
+  //---------------------------------
+  // 2) Test setting post-startup.
+  //---------------------------------
+  TestRunner runner2;
+  sandbox::TargetPolicy* policy2 = runner2.GetPolicy();
+      policy2->SetDelayedProcessMitigations(MITIGATION_IMAGE_LOAD_PREFER_SYS32),
+      SBOX_ALL_OK);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED, runner2.RunTest(test_command.c_str()));
 }  // namespace sandbox
diff --git a/win/src/win_utils_unittest.cc b/win/src/win_utils_unittest.cc
index da82ec1..b81721c 100644
--- a/win/src/win_utils_unittest.cc
+++ b/win/src/win_utils_unittest.cc
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
 #include "base/files/file_util.h"
+#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
 #include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
 #include "base/path_service.h"
 #include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
@@ -61,7 +62,6 @@
 TEST(WinUtils, IsReparsePoint) {
   using sandbox::IsReparsePoint;
   // Create a temp file because we need write access to it.
   wchar_t temp_directory[MAX_PATH];
   wchar_t my_folder[MAX_PATH];
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
   // Replace the directory with a reparse point to %temp%.
-  HANDLE dir = ::CreateFile(my_folder, FILE_ALL_ACCESS,
+  HANDLE dir = ::CreateFile(my_folder, FILE_WRITE_DATA,
                             FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nullptr,
                             OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, nullptr);
@@ -207,19 +207,20 @@
   ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathService::Get(base::DIR_SYSTEM, &orig_path));
   orig_path = orig_path.Append(L"calc.exe");
-  base::FilePath temp_path;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathService::Get(base::DIR_PROGRAM_FILES, &temp_path));
-  temp_path = temp_path.Append(L"test_calc.exe");
+  base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir;
+  base::FilePath base_path;
+  ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathService::Get(base::DIR_COMMON_APP_DATA, &base_path));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir.CreateUniqueTempDirUnderPath(base_path));
+  base::FilePath temp_path = temp_dir.GetPath().Append(L"test_calc.exe");
   ASSERT_TRUE(base::CopyFile(orig_path, temp_path));
-  // No more asserts until cleanup.
-  // WIN32 long path: "c:\Program Files\test_calc.exe"
+  // WIN32 long path: "C:\ProgramData\%TEMP%\test_calc.exe"
   wchar_t short_path[MAX_PATH] = {};
   DWORD size =
       ::GetShortPathNameW(temp_path.value().c_str(), short_path, MAX_PATH);
   EXPECT_TRUE(size > 0 && size < MAX_PATH);
-  // WIN32 short path: "C:\PROGRA~1\TEST_C~1.exe"
+  // WIN32 short path: "C:\PROGRA~3\%TEMP%\TEST_C~1.exe"
   // Sanity check that we actually got a short path above!  Small chance
   // it was disabled in the filesystem setup.
@@ -228,13 +229,13 @@
   std::wstring short_form_native_path;
-  // NT short path: "\Device\HarddiskVolume4\PROGRA~1\TEST_C~1.EXE"
+  // NT short path: "\Device\HarddiskVolume4\PROGRA~3\%TEMP%\TEST_C~1.EXE"
   // Test 1: convert win32 short path to long:
   std::wstring test1(short_path);
   EXPECT_TRUE(::wcsicmp(temp_path.value().c_str(), test1.c_str()) == 0);
-  // Expected result: "c:\Program Files\test_calc.exe"
+  // Expected result: "C:\ProgramData\%TEMP%\test_calc.exe"
   // Test 2: convert native short path to long:
   std::wstring drive_letter = temp_path.value().substr(0, 3);
@@ -247,10 +248,7 @@
   std::wstring expected_result = short_form_native_path.substr(0, index + 1);
   EXPECT_TRUE(::wcsicmp(expected_result.c_str(), test2.c_str()) == 0);
-  // Expected result: "\Device\HarddiskVolumeX\Program Files\test_calc.exe"
-  // clean up
-  EXPECT_TRUE(base::DeleteFile(temp_path));
+  // Expected result: "\Device\HarddiskVolumeX\ProgramData\%TEMP%\test_calc.exe"
 }  // namespace sandbox
diff --git a/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_dll.cc b/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_dll.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ea4c7b..0000000
--- a/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_dll.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <windows.h>
-// Arg1: pointer to a buffer of size MAX_PATH + 1.
-bool GetPathOnDisk(wchar_t* buffer) {
-  if (buffer == nullptr)
-    return false;
-  if (::GetModuleFileNameW((HINSTANCE)&__ImageBase, buffer, MAX_PATH) == 0)
-    return false;
-  return true;
-BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE instance, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved) {
-  return TRUE;
diff --git a/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_dll.def b/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_dll.def
deleted file mode 100644
index c942068..0000000
--- a/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_dll.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-; Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-; found in the LICENSE file.
-LIBRARY  "sbox_integration_test_hijack_dll.dll"
-  GetPathOnDisk
diff --git a/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_shim_dll.cc b/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_shim_dll.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cd3198..0000000
--- a/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_shim_dll.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "sandbox/win/tests/common/controller.h"
-#include "sandbox/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_shim_dll.h"
-// Function definition from hijack dll.
-bool GetPathOnDisk(wchar_t* buffer);
-// This shim implicitly links in the GetPathOnDisk function from the test
-// hijack DLL.  When this DLL is loaded, the loader resolves the
-// import using standard search path.  (The mitigation being tested affects the
-// standard search path.)  This test then calls the exported function to
-// determine which DLL on disk was loaded.
-// Arg1: "true" or "false", if the DLL path should be in system32.
-int CheckHijackResult(bool expect_system) {
-  wchar_t dll_path[MAX_PATH + 1] = {};
-  // This should always succeed.
-  if (!GetPathOnDisk(dll_path))
-    return sandbox::SBOX_TEST_NOT_FOUND;
-  // Make sure the path is all one case.
-  for (size_t i = 0; dll_path[i]; i++)
-    dll_path[i] = ::towlower(dll_path[i]);
-  if (::wcsstr(dll_path, L"system32") == nullptr) {
-    // Not in system32.
-    return (expect_system) ? sandbox::SBOX_TEST_FAILED
-                           : sandbox::SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED;
-  }
-  return (!expect_system) ? sandbox::SBOX_TEST_FAILED
-                          : sandbox::SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED;
-BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE instance, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved) {
-  return TRUE;
diff --git a/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_shim_dll.def b/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_shim_dll.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 32ff3a1..0000000
--- a/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_shim_dll.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-; Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-; found in the LICENSE file.
-LIBRARY  "sbox_integration_test_hijack_shim_dll.dll"
-  CheckHijackResult
diff --git a/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_shim_dll.h b/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_shim_dll.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b96ae2a..0000000
--- a/win/tests/integration_tests/hijack_shim_dll.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Hijack shim dll exported API defines for dynamic lookup.
-constexpr char g_hijack_shim_func[] = "CheckHijackResult";
-// Arg1: "true" or "false", if the DLL path should be in system32.
-// Returns a sandbox::SboxTestResult value.
-int CheckHijackResult(bool expect_system);