blob: 7ad16d7f9589bb604dd52afdeea4c0aee44f9d1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <windows.h>
#include <accctrl.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
#include "base/win/sid.h"
#include "sandbox/win/src/app_container.h"
#include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_types.h"
#include "sandbox/win/src/security_capabilities.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace sandbox {
class AppContainerBase final : public AppContainer {
AppContainerBase(const AppContainerBase&) = delete;
AppContainerBase& operator=(const AppContainerBase&) = delete;
void AddRef() override;
void Release() override;
bool GetRegistryLocation(REGSAM desired_access,
base::win::ScopedHandle* key) override;
bool GetFolderPath(base::FilePath* file_path) override;
bool GetPipePath(const wchar_t* pipe_name,
base::FilePath* pipe_path) override;
bool AccessCheck(const wchar_t* object_name,
SE_OBJECT_TYPE object_type,
DWORD desired_access,
DWORD* granted_access,
BOOL* access_status) override;
bool AddCapability(const wchar_t* capability_name) override;
bool AddCapability(base::win::WellKnownCapability capability) override;
bool AddCapabilitySddl(const wchar_t* sddl_sid) override;
bool AddImpersonationCapability(const wchar_t* capability_name) override;
bool AddImpersonationCapability(
base::win::WellKnownCapability capability) override;
bool AddImpersonationCapabilitySddl(const wchar_t* sddl_sid) override;
void SetEnableLowPrivilegeAppContainer(bool enable) override;
bool GetEnableLowPrivilegeAppContainer() override;
AppContainerType GetAppContainerType() override;
// Get the package SID for this AC.
const base::win::Sid& GetPackageSid() const;
// Get an allocated SecurityCapabilities object for this App Container.
std::unique_ptr<SecurityCapabilities> GetSecurityCapabilities();
// Get a vector of capabilities.
const std::vector<base::win::Sid>& GetCapabilities();
// Get a vector of impersonation only capabilities. Used if the process needs
// a more privileged token to start.
const std::vector<base::win::Sid>& GetImpersonationCapabilities();
// Creates a new AppContainer object. This will create a new profile
// if it doesn't already exist. The profile must be deleted manually using
// the Delete method if it's no longer required.
static AppContainerBase* CreateProfile(const wchar_t* package_name,
const wchar_t* display_name,
const wchar_t* description);
// Opens a derived AppContainer object. No checks will be made on
// whether the package exists or not.
static AppContainerBase* Open(const wchar_t* package_name);
// Creates a new Lowbox object. Need to followup with a call to build lowbox
// token
static AppContainerBase* CreateLowbox(const wchar_t* sid);
// Delete a profile based on name. Returns true if successful, or if the
// package doesn't already exist.
static bool Delete(const wchar_t* package_name);
// Build the token for the lowbox
ResultCode BuildLowBoxToken(base::win::ScopedHandle* token,
base::win::ScopedHandle* lockdown = nullptr);
AppContainerBase(base::win::Sid& package_sid, AppContainerType type);
bool AddCapability(const absl::optional<base::win::Sid>& capability_sid,
bool impersonation_only);
// Standard object-lifetime reference counter.
volatile LONG ref_count_;
base::win::Sid package_sid_;
bool enable_low_privilege_app_container_;
std::vector<base::win::Sid> capabilities_;
std::vector<base::win::Sid> impersonation_capabilities_;
AppContainerType type_;
base::win::ScopedHandle lowbox_directory_;
} // namespace sandbox