blob: 8f91d796630e8e467e203326d669cad4fdcb14a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/win/security_descriptor.h"
#include "base/win/sid.h"
#include "base/win/windows_types.h"
#include "sandbox/win/src/security_capabilities.h"
namespace sandbox {
enum AppContainerType { kNone, kDerived, kProfile, kLowbox };
class [[clang::lto_visibility_public]] AppContainer {
// Increments the reference count of this object. The reference count must
// be incremented if this interface is given to another component.
virtual void AddRef() = 0;
// Decrements the reference count of this object. When the reference count
// is zero the object is automatically destroyed.
// Indicates that the caller is done with this interface. After calling
// release no other method should be called.
virtual void Release() = 0;
// Do an access check based on this profile for a named object. If method
// returns true then access_status reflects whether access was granted and
// granted_access gives the final access rights. The object_type can be one of
// kFile or kRegistry which correspond to SE_FILE_OBJECT or SE_REGISTRY_KEY.
// See ::GetNamedSecurityInfo for more information about how the enumeration
// is used and what format object_name needs to be.
virtual bool AccessCheck(const wchar_t* object_name,
base::win::SecurityObjectType object_type,
DWORD desired_access,
DWORD* granted_access,
BOOL* access_status) = 0;
// Adds a capability by name to this profile.
virtual void AddCapability(const wchar_t* capability_name) = 0;
// Adds a capability from a known list.
virtual void AddCapability(base::win::WellKnownCapability capability) = 0;
// Adds a capability from a SID
virtual bool AddCapabilitySddl(const wchar_t* sddl_sid) = 0;
// Adds an impersonation capability by name to this profile.
virtual void AddImpersonationCapability(const wchar_t* capability_name) = 0;
// Adds an impersonation capability from a known list.
virtual void AddImpersonationCapability(
base::win::WellKnownCapability capability) = 0;
// Adds an impersonation capability from a SID
virtual bool AddImpersonationCapabilitySddl(const wchar_t* sddl_sid) = 0;
// Enable Low Privilege AC.
virtual void SetEnableLowPrivilegeAppContainer(bool enable) = 0;
virtual bool GetEnableLowPrivilegeAppContainer() = 0;
virtual AppContainerType GetAppContainerType() = 0;
// Get a vector of capabilities.
virtual const std::vector<base::win::Sid>& GetCapabilities() = 0;
// Get a vector of impersonation only capabilities. Used if the process needs
// a more privileged token to start.
virtual const std::vector<base::win::Sid>& GetImpersonationCapabilities() = 0;
// Get an allocated SecurityCapabilities object for this App Container.
virtual std::unique_ptr<SecurityCapabilities> GetSecurityCapabilities() = 0;
} // namespace sandbox