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<base target="_blank">
<title>Constraints and statistics</title>
<div id="container">
<h1><a href="//" title="WebRTC samples homepage">WebRTC samples</a> <span>Constraints &amp; statistics</span></h1>
<section id="blurb">
<p>This demo shows ways to use constraints and statistics in WebRTC applications.</p>
<p>Set camera constraints, and click <strong>Get media</strong> to (re)open the camera with these included. Click <strong>Connect</strong> to create a (local) peer connection. The RTCPeerConnection objects <code>localPeerConnection</code> and <code>remotePeerConnection</code> can be inspected from the console.</p>
<p>Setting a value to zero will remove that constraint. </p>
<p>The lefthand video shows the output of <code>getUserMedia()</code>; on the right is the video after being passed through the peer connection. The transmission bitrate is displayed below the righthand video.</p>
<button id="getMedia">Get media</button>
<button id="connect" disabled>Connect</button>
<button id="hangup" disabled>Hang Up</button>
<section id="constraints">
<div id="getUserMedia">
<div class="input">
<h2>Camera constraints</h2>
<div id="minWidth">
<label>Min width <span>300</span>px:</label>
<input type="range" min="0" max="1920" value="300">
<div id="maxWidth">
<label>Max width <span>640</span>px:</label>
<input type="range" min="0" max="1920" value="640">
<div id="minHeight">
<label>Min height <span>200</span>px:</label>
<input type="range" min="0" max="1080" value="200">
<div id="maxHeight">
<label>Max height <span>480</span>px:</label>
<input type="range" min="0" max="1080" value="480">
<div id="minFramerate">
<label>Min frameRate <span>0</span>fps:</label>
<input type="range" min="0" max="60" value="0">
<div id="maxFramerate">
<label>Max frameRate <span>0</span>fps:</label>
<input type="range" min="0" max="60" value="0">
<div id="getUserMediaConstraints" class="output"></div>
<section id="video">
<div id="localVideo">
<video autoplay muted></video>
<div id="remoteVideo">
<video autoplay muted></video>
<div id="bitrate"></div>
<div id="peer"></div>
<section id="statistics">
<div id="senderStats"></div>
<div id="receiverStats"></div>
<a href="" title="View source for this page on GitHub" id="viewSource">View source on GitHub</a>
<script src="constraints.js"></script>
<script src="adapter.js"></script>
<script src="common.js"></script>