blob: e59d65e465cc973173e3e3d221e6db167bff2837 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import math
from googleapiclient import errors
import common.google_bigquery_helper
from common.loading_trace_database import LoadingTraceDatabase
import common.google_error_helper as google_error_helper
from failure_database import FailureDatabase
from loading_trace import LoadingTrace
from report import LoadingReport
def LoadRemoteTrace(storage_accessor, remote_trace_path, logger):
"""Loads and returns the LoadingTrace located at the remote trace path.
storage_accessor: (GoogleStorageAccessor) Used to download the trace from
remote_trace_path: (str) Path to the trace file.
# Cut the gs://<bucket_name> prefix from trace paths if needed.
prefix = 'gs://%s/' % storage_accessor.BucketName()
prefix_length = len(prefix)
if remote_trace_path.startswith(prefix):
remote_trace_path = remote_trace_path[prefix_length:]
trace_string = storage_accessor.DownloadAsString(
if not trace_string:
logger.error('Failed to download: ' + remote_trace_path)
return None
trace_dict = json.loads(trace_string)
if not trace_dict:
logger.error('Failed to parse: ' + remote_trace_path)
return None
trace = LoadingTrace.FromJsonDict(trace_dict)
if not trace:
logger.error('Invalid format for: ' + remote_trace_path)
return None
return trace
class ReportTaskHandler(object):
"""Handles 'report' tasks.
This handler loads the traces given in the task parameters, generates a report
from them, and add them to a BigQuery table.
The BigQuery table is implicitly created from a template (using the stream
mode), and identified by the task tag.
def __init__(self, project_name, failure_database, google_storage_accessor,
bigquery_service, logger, ad_rules_filename,
self._project_name = project_name
self._failure_database = failure_database
self._google_storage_accessor = google_storage_accessor
self._bigquery_service = bigquery_service
self._logger = logger
self._ad_rules_filename = ad_rules_filename
self._tracking_rules_filename = tracking_rules_filename
def _IsBigQueryValueValid(self, value):
"""Returns whether a value is valid and can be uploaded to BigQuery."""
if value is None:
return False
# BigQuery rejects NaN.
if type(value) is float and (math.isnan(value) or math.isinf(value)):
return False
return True
def _StreamRowsToBigQuery(self, rows, table_id):
"""Uploads a list of rows to the BigQuery table associated with the given
rows: (list of dict) Each dictionary is a row to add to the table.
table_id: (str) Identifier of the BigQuery table to update.
response = common.google_bigquery_helper.InsertInTemplatedBigQueryTable(
self._bigquery_service, self._project_name, table_id, rows,
except errors.HttpError as http_error:
# Handles HTTP error response codes (such as 404), typically indicating a
# problem in parameters other than 'body'.
error_content = google_error_helper.GetErrorContent(http_error)
error_reason = google_error_helper.GetErrorReason(error_content)
self._logger.error('BigQuery API error (reason: "%s"):\n%s' % (
error_reason, http_error))
self._failure_database.AddFailure('big_query_error', error_reason)
if error_content:
self._logger.error('Error details:\n%s' % error_content)
# Handles other errors, typically when the body is ill-formatted.
insert_errors = response.get('insertErrors')
if insert_errors:
self._logger.error('BigQuery API error:\n' + str(insert_errors))
for insert_error in insert_errors:
def Finalize(self):
"""Called once before the handler is destroyed."""
def Run(self, clovis_task):
"""Runs a 'report' clovis_task.
clovis_task: (ClovisTask) The task to run.
if clovis_task.Action() != 'report':
self._logger.error('Unsupported task action: %s' % clovis_task.Action())
ad_rules = open(self._ad_rules_filename).readlines()
tracking_rules = open(self._tracking_rules_filename).readlines()
rows = []
for path in clovis_task.ActionParams()['traces']:'Generating report for: ' + path)
trace = LoadRemoteTrace(self._google_storage_accessor, path, self._logger)
if not trace:
self._logger.error('Failed loading trace at: ' + path)
self._failure_database.AddFailure('missing_trace_for_report', path)
report = LoadingReport(trace, ad_rules, tracking_rules).GenerateReport()
if not report:
self._logger.error('Failed generating report for: ' + path)
self._failure_database.AddFailure('report_generation_failed', path)
# Filter out bad values.
for key, value in report.items():
if not self._IsBigQueryValueValid(value):
url = report.get('url')
self._logger.error('Invalid %s for URL:%s' % (key, url))
self._failure_database.AddFailure('invalid_bigquery_value', url)
del report[key]
if rows:
table_id = common.google_bigquery_helper.GetBigQueryTableID(clovis_task)
self._StreamRowsToBigQuery(rows, table_id)