blob: 4c6c673764a30eb7f434dcc09d6fc3b7fe5397a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Data structures for representing a directed graph.
/** Some aspects of the node's state, to help with node visualization. */
class NodeVisualizationState {
constructor() {
/** @public {boolean} */
this.selectedByFilter = false;
/** @public {boolean} */
this.selectedByInbound = false;
/** @public {boolean} */
this.selectedByOutbound = false;
/** @public {number} */
this.inboundDepth = 0;
/** @public {number} */
this.outboundDepth = 0;
/** A node in a directed graph. */
class GraphNode {
* @param {string} id The unique ID for the node.
* @param {string} displayName The name to display when visualizing this node.
constructor(id, displayName) {
/** @public @const {string} */ = id;
/** @public @const {string} */
this.displayName = displayName;
// Sets a mutable state to help with visualizing the node.
this.visualizationState = new NodeVisualizationState();
// This information (edges) already exists in Graph.edges. However, we
// duplicate it here to make BFS traversal more efficient.
/** @public {!Set<!GraphNode>} */
this.inbound = new Set();
/** @public {!Set<!GraphNode>} */
this.outbound = new Set();
* Resets the mutable visualization state back to its default.
resetVisualizationState() {
this.visualizationState = new NodeVisualizationState();
* Adds a node to the inbound set of this node.
* @param {!GraphNode} other The inbound node.
addInbound(other) {
* Adds a node to the outbound set of this node.
* @param {!GraphNode} other The outbound node.
addOutbound(other) {
/** A node representing a Java package. */
class PackageNode extends GraphNode {
constructor(id, displayName, classNames) {
super(id, displayName);
/** @public {!Array<string>} */
this.classNames = classNames;
/** A node representing a Java class. */
class ClassNode extends GraphNode {
constructor(id, displayName, packageName) {
super(id, displayName);
/** @public {string} */
this.packageName = packageName;
* An edge in a directed graph.
class GraphEdge {
* @param {string} id The unique ID for the edge.
* @param {!GraphNode} source The source GraphNode object.
* @param {!GraphNode} target The target GraphNode object.
constructor(id, source, target) {
/** @public @const {string} */ = id;
/** @public @const {!GraphNode} */
this.source = source;
/** @public @const {!GraphNode} */ = target;
* The graph data for d3 to visualize.
* @typedef {Object} D3GraphData
* @property {!Array<!GraphNode>} nodes The nodes to visualize.
* @property {!Array<!GraphEdge>} edges The edges to visualize.
let D3GraphData;
* Generates and returns a unique edge ID from its source/target GraphNode IDs.
* @param {string} sourceId The ID of the source node.
* @param {string} targetId The ID of the target node.
* @return {string} The ID uniquely identifying the edge source -> target.
function getEdgeIdFromNodes(sourceId, targetId) {
return `${sourceId} > ${targetId}`;
/** A directed graph. */
class GraphModel {
constructor() {
/** @public {!Map<string, !GraphNode>} */
this.nodes = new Map();
/** @public {!Map<string, !GraphEdge>} */
this.edges = new Map();
* Adds a GraphNode to the node set.
* @param {!GraphNode} node The node to add.
addNodeIfNew(node) {
if (!this.nodes.has( {
this.nodes.set(, node);
* Retrieves a GraphNode from the node set, if it exists.
* @param {string} id The ID of the desired node.
* @return {?GraphNode} The GraphNode if it exists, otherwise null.
getNodeById(id) {
return this.nodes.get(id) || null;
* Retrieves a GraphEdge from the edge set, if it exists.
* @param {string} id The ID of the desired edge.
* @return {?GraphEdge} The GraphEdge if it exists, otherwise null.
getEdgeById(id) {
return this.edges.get(id) || null;
* Creates and adds an GraphEdge to the edge set.
* Also updates the inbound/outbound sets of the edge's nodes.
* @param {!GraphNode} sourceNode The node at the start of the edge.
* @param {!GraphNode} targetNode The node at the end of the edge.
addEdgeIfNew(sourceNode, targetNode) {
const edgeId = getEdgeIdFromNodes(,;
if (!this.edges.has(edgeId)) {
const edge = new GraphEdge(edgeId, sourceNode, targetNode);
this.edges.set(edgeId, edge);
* Generates the lists of nodes and edges for visualization with d3.
* The filter has three params: includedNodes (set of nodes), inbound (num),
* and outbound (num). For nodes, we display `includedNodes` + the nodes
* reachable within `inbound` inbound edges from `includedNodes` + the nodes
* reachable within `outbound` outbound edges from `includedNodes`. For edges,
* we display edges between all nodes except for the outermost layer, where we
* only display the edges used to reach it from the second-outermost layer.
* @param {!Set<string>} includedNodeSet The nodes included in the filter.
* @param {number} inboundDepth The maximum inbound distance.
* @param {number} outboundDepth The maximum outbound distance.
* @return {!D3GraphData} The nodes and edges to visualize.
getDataForD3(includedNodeSet, inboundDepth, outboundDepth) {
// These will be updated throughout the function and returned at the end.
const /** !Set<!GraphNode> */ resultNodeSet = new Set();
const /** !Set<!GraphNode> */ resultEdgeSet = new Set();
for (const node of this.nodes.values()) {
// Initialize the inbound and outbound BFS by setting the "seen" collection
// to the filter nodes. We maintain both a Set and array for efficiency.
const /** !Set<string> */ inboundSeenNodes = new Set(includedNodeSet);
const /** !Set<string> */ outboundSeenNodes = new Set(includedNodeSet);
const /** !Array<!GraphNode> */ inboundNodeQueue = [];
const /** !Array<!GraphNode> */ outboundNodeQueue = [];
for (const nodeName of includedNodeSet) {
const node = this.nodes.get(nodeName);
if (node !== undefined) {
node.visualizationState.selectedByFilter = true;
* Runs BFS and updates the result (resultNodeSet, resultEdgeSet).
* @param {boolean} inboundTraversal Whether inbound edges should be used to
* traverse. If false, outbound edges are used.
* @param {!Set<string>} seenNodes The IDs of nodes already visited in the
* BFS. Will be modified.
* @param {!Array<!GraphNode>} nodeQueue The queue used in BFS. Will be
* modified.
* @param {number} maxDepth The depth of the traversal.
const updateResultBFS = (
inboundTraversal, seenNodes, nodeQueue, maxDepth) => {
while (nodeQueue.length > 0) {
// The performance on the repeated `shift()`s is not as bad as it might
// seem, since we only have ~500 nodes for the package graph.
const curNode = nodeQueue.shift();
const curDepth = inboundTraversal ?
curNode.visualizationState.inboundDepth :
if (curDepth < maxDepth) {
const otherNodes = inboundTraversal ?
curNode.inbound : curNode.outbound;
for (const otherNode of otherNodes) {
if (!seenNodes.has( {
if (inboundTraversal) {
otherNode.visualizationState.selectedByInbound = true;
otherNode.visualizationState.inboundDepth = curDepth + 1;
} else {
otherNode.visualizationState.selectedByOutbound = true;
otherNode.visualizationState.outboundDepth = curDepth + 1;
const edgeTraversedId = inboundTraversal ?
getEdgeIdFromNodes(, :
updateResultBFS(/* inboundTraversal */ true, inboundSeenNodes,
inboundNodeQueue, inboundDepth);
updateResultBFS(/* inboundTraversal */ false, outboundSeenNodes,
outboundNodeQueue, outboundDepth);
// Special case: If inbound and outbound are both 0, both BFS will be a
// no-op and the edges between filtered nodes will not be included. In this
// case, we include those edges manually.
if (inboundDepth === 0 && outboundDepth === 0) {
for (const filterNode of resultNodeSet) {
for (const otherNode of filterNode.inbound) {
if (resultNodeSet.has(otherNode)) {
for (const otherNode of filterNode.outbound) {
if (resultNodeSet.has(otherNode)) {
return {
nodes: [...resultNodeSet],
edges: [...resultEdgeSet],
export {