blob: 1aa46c688f9015dc9f858654a03a98f9bdcad706 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tests for the analyzers module."""
from typing import List
from unittest import mock
from chromite.cli import analyzers
from chromite.lib import commandline
def process_args(args: List[str]) -> commandline.ArgumentNamespace:
"""Feeds an ArgumentParser with the provided `args` to AnalyzerCommand."""
parser = commandline.ArgumentParser()
parser_namespace = parser.parse_args(args)
analyzers.AnalyzerCommand.ProcessOptions(parser, parser_namespace)
return parser_namespace
# Patch can_modify_files to return True for additional coverage.
"chromite.cli.analyzers.AnalyzerCommand.can_modify_files", return_value=True
def test_get_files_from_commit(_, run_mock) -> None:
"""Test files from commit are correctly reconstructed as absolute paths."""
["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"], stdout="/path/to/root\n"
["git", "diff-tree", "--no-commit-id", "--name-only", "-r", "ignored"],
# There is a third, more verbose call to `git` to check for uncommitted
# changes. Use no output to indicate that there are none.
parser_namespace = process_args(["--commit", "ignored"])
assert run_mock.call_count == 3
assert parser_namespace.files == [
def test_commit_is_pre_submit(run_mock) -> None:
"""Test the special "pre-submit" commit id used by"""
parser_namespace = process_args(["--commit", "pre-submit"])
assert not run_mock.called, "Should not call out to git."
assert not parser_namespace.files, "Files should remain empty."
analyzers.AnalyzerCommand, can_modify_files=True, use_dryrun_options=True
def test_dry_run_never_inplace() -> None:
"""Ensure --check ignores --inplace (sets it to False)."""
assert process_args(["--inplace"]).inplace
assert not process_args(["--check"]).inplace
assert not process_args(["--check", "--inplace"]).inplace
def test_has_uncommitted_changes(run_mock) -> None:
"""Test handling of porcelain output for uncommitted change."""
run_mock.SetDefaultCmdResult(stdout="M file\n")
assert analyzers.HasUncommittedChanges(["/path/to/file"]) is True
def test_has_no_uncommitted_changes(run_mock) -> None:
"""Test handling of porcelain output when no uncommitted changes."""
assert analyzers.HasUncommittedChanges(["/path/to/file"]) is False
analyzers.AnalyzerCommand, can_modify_files=True, use_dryrun_options=True
def test_inplace_dryrun_default(caplog) -> None:
"""Check default inplace behavior."""
result = process_args(["f.txt"])
assert result.inplace
result = process_args(["--inplace", "f.txt"])
assert result.inplace
result = process_args(["--check", "f.txt"])
assert not result.inplace
# The inplace & dry-run *defaults* should *not* warn on conflicts.
assert caplog.text == ""
result = process_args(["--inplace", "--check", "f.txt"])
assert not result.inplace
# inplace & dry-run options should warn on conflicts.
assert caplog.text != ""
analyzers.AnalyzerCommand, can_modify_files=True, use_dryrun_options=False
def test_inplace_no_dryrun_default(caplog) -> None:
"""Check default inplace behavior."""
result = process_args(["f.txt"])
assert result.inplace
result = process_args(["--stdout", "f.txt"])
assert not result.inplace
result = process_args(["--stdout", "--inplace", "f.txt"])
assert result.inplace
result = process_args(["--inplace", "--stdout", "f.txt"])
assert not result.inplace
assert caplog.text == ""
analyzers.AnalyzerCommand, can_modify_files=False, use_dryrun_options=True
def test_no_inplace_dryrun_default(caplog) -> None:
"""Make sure we don't crash when inplace isn't enabled."""
result = process_args(["f.txt"])
assert not hasattr(result, "inplace")
assert caplog.text == ""
analyzers.AnalyzerCommand, can_modify_files=False, use_dryrun_options=False
def test_no_inplace_no_dryrun_default(caplog) -> None:
"""Make sure we don't crash when these options aren't enabled."""
result = process_args(["f.txt"])
assert not hasattr(result, "inplace")
assert caplog.text == ""