blob: 6c88a23b9f27d8a556176cf5413621042b0f1f67 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module for tasks triggered by suite scheduler."""
# pylint: disable=g-bad-import-order
from distutils import version
import MySQLdb
import logging
import build_lib
import task_executor
import time_converter
import tot_manager
# The max lifetime of a suite scheduled by suite scheduler
# One kind of formats for RO firmware spec.
_RELEASE_RO_FIRMWARE_SPEC = 'released_ro_'
class SchedulingError(Exception):
"""Raised to indicate a failure in scheduling a task."""
class Task(object):
"""Represents an entry from the suite_scheduler config file.
Each entry from the suite_scheduler config file maps one-to-one to a
Task. Each instance has enough information to schedule itself.
def __init__(self, task_info, tot=None):
"""Initialize a task instance.
task_info: a config_reader.TaskInfo object, which includes:
name, name of this task, e.g. 'NightlyPower'
suite, the name of the suite to run, e.g. 'graphics_per-day'
branch_specs, a pre-vetted iterable of branch specifiers,
e.g. ['>=R18', 'factory']
pool, the pool of machines to schedule tasks. Default is None.
num, the number of devices to shard the test suite. It could
be an Integer or None. By default it's None.
boards, a comma separated list of boards to run this task on. Default
is None, which allows this task to run on all boards.
priority, the string name of a priority from constants.Priorities.
timeout, the max lifetime of the suite in hours.
cros_build_spec, spec used to determine the ChromeOS build to test
with a firmware build, e.g., tot, R41 etc.
firmware_rw_build_spec, spec used to determine the firmware RW build
test with a ChromeOS build.
firmware_ro_build_spec, spec used to determine the firmware RO build
test with a ChromeOS build.
test_source, the source of test code when firmware will be updated in
the test. The value can be 'firmware_rw', 'firmware_ro' or 'cros'.
job_retry, set to True to enable job-level retry. Default is False.
no_delay, set to True to raise the priority of this task in task
queue, so the suite jobs can start running tests with no waiting.
hour, an integer specifying the hour that a nightly run should be
triggered, default is set to 21.
day, an integer specifying the day of a week that a weekly run should
be triggered, default is set to 5 (Saturday).
os_type, type of OS, e.g., cros, brillo, android. Default is cros.
The argument is required for android/brillo builds.
launch_control_branches, comma separated string of launch control
branches. The argument is required and only applicable for
android/brillo builds.
launch_control_targets, comma separated string of build targets for
launch control builds. The argument is required and only
applicable for android/brillo builds.
testbed_dut_count, number of duts to test when using a testbed.
tot: The tot manager for checking ToT. If it's None, a new tot_manager
instance will be initialized.
""" =
self.suite = task_info.suite
self.branch_specs = task_info.branch_specs
self.pool = task_info.pool
self.num = task_info.num
self.priority = task_info.priority
self.timeout = task_info.timeout
self.cros_build_spec = task_info.cros_build_spec
self.firmware_rw_build_spec = task_info.firmware_rw_build_spec
self.firmware_ro_build_spec = task_info.firmware_ro_build_spec
self.test_source = task_info.test_source
self.job_retry = task_info.job_retry
self.no_delay = task_info.no_delay
self.os_type = task_info.os_type
self.testbed_dut_count = task_info.testbed_dut_count
if task_info.hour is not None:
utc_time_info = time_converter.convert_time_info_to_utc(
time_converter.TimeInfo(, task_info.hour))
self.hour = utc_time_info.hour = utc_time_info.weekday
self.hour = task_info.hour =
if task_info.lc_branches:
self.launch_control_branches = [
t.strip() for t in task_info.lc_branches.split(',')]
self.launch_control_branches = []
if task_info.lc_targets:
self.launch_control_targets = [
t.strip() for t in task_info.lc_targets.split(',')]
self.launch_control_targets = []
if task_info.boards:
self.boards = [t.strip() for t in task_info.boards.split(',')]
self.boards = []
if tot is None:
self.tot_manager = tot_manager.TotMilestoneManager()
self.tot_manager = tot
def schedule(self, launch_control_builds, branch_builds, lab_config,
"""Schedule the task by its settings.
launch_control_builds: the build dict for Android boards, see
return value of |get_launch_control_builds|.
branch_builds: the build dict for ChromeOS boards, see return
value of |get_cros_builds|.
lab_config: a config.LabConfig object, to read lab config file.
db_client: a cloud_sql_client.CIDBClient object to connect to cidb.
SchedulingError: if tasks that should be scheduled fail to schedule.
assert lab_config is not None'######## Scheduling task %s ########',
if self.os_type == build_lib.OS_TYPE_CROS:
if not branch_builds:'No CrOS build to run, skip running.')
self._schedule_cros_builds(branch_builds, lab_config, db_client)
if not launch_control_builds:'No Android build to run, skip running.')
def _set_spec_compare_info(self):
"""Set branch spec compare info for task for further check."""
self._bare_branches = []
self._version_equal_constraint = False
self._version_gte_constraint = False
self._version_lte_constraint = False
if not self.branch_specs:
# Any milestone is OK.
self._numeric_constraint = version.LooseVersion('0')
self._numeric_constraint = None
for spec in self.branch_specs:
if 'tot' in spec.lower():
# Convert spec >=tot-1 to >=RXX.
tot_str = spec[spec.index('tot'):]
spec = spec.replace(
tot_str, self.tot_manager.convert_tot_spec(tot_str))
if spec.startswith('>='):
self._numeric_constraint = version.LooseVersion(
self._version_gte_constraint = True
elif spec.startswith('<='):
self._numeric_constraint = version.LooseVersion(
self._version_lte_constraint = True
elif spec.startswith('=='):
self._version_equal_constraint = True
self._numeric_constraint = version.LooseVersion(
def _fits_spec(self, branch):
"""Check if a branch is deemed OK by this task's branch specs.
Will return whether a branch 'fits' the specifications stored in this task.
Assuming tot=R40
t = Task('Name', 'suite', ['factory', '>=tot-1'])
t._fits_spec('factory') # True
t._fits_spec('40') # True
t._fits_spec('38') # False
t._fits_spec('firmware') # False
branch: the branch to check.
True if branch 'fits' with stored specs, False otherwise.
if branch in build_lib.BARE_BRANCHES:
return branch in self._bare_branches
if self._numeric_constraint:
if self._version_equal_constraint:
return version.LooseVersion(branch) == self._numeric_constraint
elif self._version_gte_constraint:
return version.LooseVersion(branch) >= self._numeric_constraint
elif self._version_lte_constraint:
return version.LooseVersion(branch) <= self._numeric_constraint
return version.LooseVersion(branch) >= self._numeric_constraint
return False
def _get_latest_firmware_build_from_db(self, spec, board, db_client):
"""Get the latest firmware build from CIDB database.
spec: a string build spec for RO or RW firmware, eg. firmware,
cros. For RO firmware, the value can also be released_ro_X.
board: the board against which this task will run suite job.
db_client: a cloud_sql_client.CIDBClient object to connect to cidb.
the latest firmware build.
MySQLdb.OperationalError: if connection operations are not valid.
build_type = 'release' if spec == 'cros' else spec
# TODO(xixuan): not all firmware are saved in cidb.
build = db_client.get_latest_passed_builds('%s-%s' % (board, build_type))
if build is None:
return None
latest_build = str(build_lib.CrOSBuild(
board, build_type, build.milestone, build.platform))
logging.debug('latest firmware build for %s-%s: %s', board,
build_type, latest_build)
return latest_build
def _get_latest_firmware_build_from_lab_config(self, spec, board,
"""Get latest firmware from lab config file.
spec: a string build spec for RO or RW firmware, eg. firmware,
cros. For RO firmware, the value can also be released_ro_X.
board: a string board against which this task will run suite job.
lab_config: a config.LabConfig object, to read lab config file.
A string latest firmware build.
ValueError: if no firmware build list is found in lab config file.
index = int(spec[len(_RELEASE_RO_FIRMWARE_SPEC):])
released_ro_builds = lab_config.get_firmware_ro_build_list(
'RELEASED_RO_BUILDS_%s' % board).split(',')
if len(released_ro_builds) < index:
raise ValueError('No %dth ro_builds in the lab_config firmware '
'list %r' % (index, released_ro_builds))
logging.debug('Get ro_build: %s', released_ro_builds[index - 1])
return released_ro_builds[index - 1]
def _get_firmware_build(self, spec, board, lab_config, db_client):
"""Get the firmware build name to test with ChromeOS build.
spec: a string build spec for RO or RW firmware, eg. firmware,
cros. For RO firmware, the value can also be released_ro_X.
board: a string board against which this task will run suite job.
lab_config: a config.LabConfig object, to read lab config file.
db_client: a cloud_sql_client.CIDBClient object to connect to cidb.
A string firmware build name.
ValueError: if failing to get firmware from lab config file;
MySQLdb.OperationalError: if DB connection is not available.
if not spec or spec == 'stable':
# TODO( Query stable RO firmware.
logging.debug('%s RO firmware build is not supported.', spec)
return None
if spec.startswith(_RELEASE_RO_FIRMWARE_SPEC):
# For RO firmware whose value is released_ro_X, where X is the index of
# the list defined in lab config file:
# For example, for spec 'released_ro_2', and lab config file
# CROS/RELEASED_RO_BUILDS_veyron_jerry: build1,build2,
# return firmare RO build should be 'build2'.
return self._get_latest_firmware_build_from_lab_config(
spec, board, lab_config)
return self._get_latest_firmware_build_from_db(spec, board, db_client)
except ValueError as e:
logging.warning('Failed to get firmware from lab config file'
'for spec %s, board %s: %s', spec, board, str(e))
return None
except MySQLdb.OperationalError as e:
logging.warning('Failed to get firmware from cidb for spec %s, '
'board %s: %s', spec, board, str(e))
return None
def _push_suite(self, board=None, cros_build=None, firmware_rw_build=None,
firmware_ro_build=None, test_source_build=None,
launch_control_build=None, run_prod_code=False):
"""Schedule suite job for the task by pushing suites to SuiteQueue.
board: the board against which this suite job run.
cros_build: the CrOS build of this suite job.
firmware_rw_build: Firmware RW build to run this suite job with.
firmware_ro_build: Firmware RO build to run this suite job with.
test_source_build: Test source build, used for server-side
packaging of this suite job.
launch_control_build: the launch control build of this suite job.
run_prod_code: If True, the suite will run the test code that lives
in prod aka the test code currently on the lab servers. If
False, the control files and test code for this suite run will
be retrieved from the build artifacts. Default is False.
android_build = None
testbed_build = None
if self.testbed_dut_count:
launch_control_build = '%s#%d' % (launch_control_build,
test_source_build = launch_control_build
board = '%s-%d' % (board, self.testbed_dut_count)
if launch_control_build:
if not self.testbed_dut_count:
android_build = launch_control_build
testbed_build = launch_control_build
suite_job_parameters = {
'suite': self.suite,
'board': board,
build_lib.BuildVersionKey.CROS_VERSION: cros_build,
build_lib.BuildVersionKey.FW_RW_VERSION: firmware_rw_build,
build_lib.BuildVersionKey.FW_RO_VERSION: firmware_ro_build,
build_lib.BuildVersionKey.ANDROID_BUILD_VERSION: android_build,
build_lib.BuildVersionKey.TESTBED_BUILD_VERSION: testbed_build,
'num': self.num,
'pool': self.pool,
'priority': self.priority,
'timeout': self.timeout,
'max_runtime_mins': _JOB_MAX_RUNTIME_MINS_DEFAULT,
'no_wait_for_results': not self.job_retry,
'test_source_build': test_source_build,
'job_retry': self.job_retry,
'no_delay': self.no_delay,
'run_prod_code': run_prod_code,
task_executor.push(task_executor.SUITES_QUEUE, **suite_job_parameters)'Pushing task %r into taskqueue', suite_job_parameters)
def _schedule_cros_builds(self, branch_builds, lab_config, db_client):
"""Schedule tasks with branch builds.
branch_builds: the build dict for ChromeOS boards, see return
value of |build_lib.get_cros_builds_since_date_from_db|.
lab_config: a config.LabConfig object, to read lab config file.
db_client: a cloud_sql_client.CIDBClient object to connect to cidb.
for (board, build_type,
milestone), manifest in branch_builds.iteritems():
cros_build = str(build_lib.CrOSBuild(board, build_type, milestone,
manifest))'Running %s on %s',, cros_build)
if self.boards and board not in self.boards:
logging.debug('Board %s is not in supported board list: %s',
board, self.boards)
# Check the fitness of the build's branch for task
branch_build_spec = _pick_branch(build_type, milestone)
if not self._fits_spec(branch_build_spec):
logging.debug("branch_build spec %s doesn't fit this task's "
"requirement: %s", branch_build_spec, self.branch_specs)
firmware_rw_build = None
firmware_ro_build = None
if self.firmware_rw_build_spec or self.firmware_ro_build_spec:
firmware_rw_build = self._get_firmware_build(
self.firmware_rw_build_spec, board, lab_config, db_client)
firmware_ro_build = self._get_firmware_build(
self.firmware_ro_build_spec, board, lab_config, db_client)
if not firmware_ro_build and self.firmware_ro_build_spec:
logging.debug('No firmware ro build to run, skip running')
if self.test_source == build_lib.BuildType.FIRMWARE_RW:
test_source_build = firmware_rw_build
# Default test source build to CrOS build if it's not specified and
# run_prod_code is set to False, which is the case in current suite
# scheduler settings, where run_prod_code is always False.
test_source_build = cros_build
def _schedule_launch_control_builds(self, launch_control_builds):
"""Schedule tasks with launch control builds.
launch_control_builds: the build dict for Android boards.
for board, launch_control_build in launch_control_builds.iteritems():
logging.debug('Running %s on %s',, board)
if self.boards and board not in self.boards:
logging.debug('Board %s is not in supported board list: %s',
board, self.boards)
for android_build in launch_control_build:
if not any([branch in android_build
for branch in self.launch_control_branches]):
logging.debug('Branch %s is not required to run for task '
'%s', android_build,
def _pick_branch(build_type, milestone):
"""Select branch based on build type.
If the build_type is a bare branch, return build_type as the build spec.
If the build_type is a normal CrOS branch, return milestone as the build
build_type: a string builder name, like 'release'.
milestone: a string milestone, like '55'.
A string milestone if build_type represents CrOS build, otherwise
return build_type.
return build_type if build_type in build_lib.BARE_BRANCHES else milestone