blob: fc34150cd87a5e572374dfb01e3828e989075bab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <arc/camera_buffer_mapper.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <gbm.h>
#include <xf86drm.h>
#include "common/camera_buffer_handle.h"
namespace camera3_test {
struct BufferHandleDeleter {
void operator()(buffer_handle_t* handle);
typedef std::unique_ptr<buffer_handle_t, struct BufferHandleDeleter>
class Camera3TestGralloc {
// Get Gralloc single instance
static Camera3TestGralloc* GetInstance();
// Allocate buffer by given parameters
BufferHandleUniquePtr Allocate(int width, int height, int format, int usage);
// This method is analogous to the lock() function in Android gralloc module.
// Here the buffer handle is mapped with the given args.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to map.
// |flags|: Currently omitted and is reserved for future use.
// |x|: The base x coordinate in pixels.
// |y|: The base y coordinate in pixels.
// |width|: The width in pixels of the area to map.
// |height|: The height in pixels of the area to map.
// |out_addr|: The mapped address.
// Returns:
// 0 on success with |out_addr| set with the mapped address;
// -EINVAL on invalid buffer handle or invalid buffer format.
int Lock(buffer_handle_t buffer,
uint32_t flags,
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
void** out_addr);
// This method is analogous to the lock_ycbcr() function in Android gralloc
// module. Here all the physical planes of the buffer handle are mapped with
// the given args.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to map.
// |flags|: Currently omitted and is reserved for future use.
// |x|: The base x coordinate in pixels.
// |y|: The base y coordinate in pixels.
// |width|: The width in pixels of the area to map.
// |height|: The height in pixels of the area to map.
// |out_ycbcr|: The mapped addresses, plane strides and chroma offset.
// - |out_ycbcr.y| stores the mapped address of the Y-plane.
// - |out_ycbcr.cb| stores the mapped address of the Cb-plane.
// - || stores the mapped address of the Cr-plane.
// - |out_ycbcr.ystride| stores the stride of the Y-plane.
// - |out_ycbcr.cstride| stores the stride of the chroma planes.
// - |out_ycbcr.chroma_step| stores the distance between two adjacent
// pixels on the chroma plane. The value is 1 for normal planar
// formats, and 2 for semi-planar formats.
// Returns:
// 0 on success with |out_ycbcr.y| set with the mapped buffer info;
// -EINVAL on invalid buffer handle or invalid buffer format.
int LockYCbCr(buffer_handle_t buffer,
uint32_t flags,
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
struct android_ycbcr* out_ycbcr);
// This method is analogous to the unlock() function in Android gralloc
// module. Here the buffer is simply unmapped.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to unmap.
// Returns:
// 0 on success; -EINVAL on invalid buffer handle.
int Unlock(buffer_handle_t buffer);
// Get buffer format
// Returns:
// HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_* on success; -EINVAL on invalid buffer handle.
static int GetFormat(buffer_handle_t buffer);
// Free buffer
int Free(buffer_handle_t handle);
: gbm_dev_(nullptr),
buffer_mapper_(arc::CameraBufferMapper::GetInstance()) {}
// Conversion from HAL to GBM usage flags
uint64_t GrallocConvertFlags(int format, int flags);
// Conversion from HAL to fourcc-based GBM formats
uint32_t GrallocConvertFormat(int format);
gbm_device* gbm_dev_;
// Real GBM format of flexible YUV 420. The flexible format here does not
// necessarily match the yuv420 format allocated by Android gralloc, but for
// testing we are free to choose any yuv420 format that works.
uint32_t flexible_yuv_420_format_;
arc::CameraBufferMapper* buffer_mapper_;
} // namespace camera3_test