blob: fb56aef5592a61e6f306593792dacd79f7d333c9 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <hardware/camera3.h>
#include <system/camera_metadata.h>
namespace arc {
// CameraMetadata is a convenience class for dealing with libcamera_metadata
class CameraMetadata {
// Creates an empty object; best used when expecting to acquire contents
// from elsewhere
// Takes ownership of passed-in buffer
explicit CameraMetadata(camera_metadata_t* buffer);
// Clones the metadata
CameraMetadata(const CameraMetadata& other);
// Assignment clones metadata buffer.
CameraMetadata& operator=(const CameraMetadata& other);
CameraMetadata& operator=(const camera_metadata_t* buffer);
// Get reference to the underlying metadata buffer. Ownership remains with
// the CameraMetadata object, but non-const CameraMetadata methods will not
// work until unlock() is called. Note that the lock has nothing to do with
// thread-safety, it simply prevents the camera_metadata_t pointer returned
// here from being accidentally invalidated by CameraMetadata operations.
const camera_metadata_t* GetAndLock() const;
// Unlock the CameraMetadata for use again. After this unlock, the pointer
// given from getAndLock() may no longer be used. The pointer passed out
// from getAndLock must be provided to guarantee that the right object is
// being unlocked.
int Unlock(const camera_metadata_t* buffer);
// Release a raw metadata buffer to the caller. After this call,
// CameraMetadata no longer references the buffer, and the caller takes
// responsibility for freeing the raw metadata buffer (using
// free_camera_metadata()), or for handing it to another CameraMetadata
// instance.
camera_metadata_t* Release();
// Clear the metadata buffer and free all storage used by it.
void Clear();
// Acquire a raw metadata buffer from the caller. After this call,
// the caller no longer owns the raw buffer, and must not free or manipulate
// it. If CameraMetadata already contains metadata, it is freed.
void Acquire(camera_metadata_t* buffer);
// Acquires raw buffer from other CameraMetadata object. After the call, the
// argument object no longer has any metadata.
void Acquire(CameraMetadata* other);
// Append metadata from another CameraMetadata object.
int Append(const CameraMetadata& other);
// Append metadata from a raw camera_metadata buffer.
int Append(const camera_metadata* other);
// Number of metadata entries.
size_t EntryCount() const;
// Is the buffer empty (no entires).
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Sort metadata buffer for faster find.
int Sort();
// Update metadata entry. Will create entry if it doesn't exist already, and
// will reallocate the buffer if insufficient space exists. Overloaded for
// the various types of valid data.
int Update(uint32_t tag, const uint8_t* data, size_t data_count);
int Update(uint32_t tag, const int32_t* data, size_t data_count);
int Update(uint32_t tag, const float* data, size_t data_count);
int Update(uint32_t tag, const int64_t* data, size_t data_count);
int Update(uint32_t tag, const double* data, size_t data_count);
int Update(uint32_t tag,
const camera_metadata_rational_t* data,
size_t data_count);
int Update(uint32_t tag, const std::string& string);
template <typename T>
int Update(uint32_t tag, std::vector<T> data) {
return Update(tag, data.array(), data.size());
// Check if a metadata entry exists for a given tag id.
bool Exists(uint32_t tag) const;
// Get metadata entry by tag id.
camera_metadata_entry Find(uint32_t tag);
// Get metadata entry by tag id, with no editing.
camera_metadata_ro_entry Find(uint32_t tag) const;
// Delete metadata entry by tag.
int Erase(uint32_t tag);
// Dump contents into FD for debugging. The verbosity levels are
// 0: Tag entry information only, no data values
// 1: Level 0 plus at most 16 data values per entry
// 2: All information
// The indentation parameter sets the number of spaces to add to the start
// each line of output.
void Dump(int fd, int verbosity = 1, int indentation = 0) const;
// Check if tag has a given type.
int CheckType(uint32_t tag, uint8_t expected_type);
// Base update entry method.
int UpdateImpl(uint32_t tag, const void* data, size_t data_count);
// Resize metadata buffer if needed by reallocating it and copying it over.
int ResizeIfNeeded(size_t extra_entries, size_t extra_data);
// Actual internal storage
camera_metadata_t* buffer_;
mutable bool locked_;
} // namespace arc