blob: 36072e73cd88c10b8499f0c5186788f2f3150c15 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_path_watcher.h>
#include <base/single_thread_task_runner.h>
#include <mojo/edk/embedder/process_delegate.h>
#include <mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h>
#include "hal_adapter/camera_hal_adapter.h"
#include "mojo/cros_camera_service.mojom.h"
namespace cros {
// CameraHalServerImpl is the implementation of the CameraHalServer Mojo
// interface. It hosts the camera HAL v3 adapter and registers itself to the
// CameraHalDispatcher Mojo proxy in started by Chrome. Camera clients such
// as Chrome VideoCaptureDeviceFactory and Android cameraserver process connect
// to the CameraHalDispatcher to ask for camera service; CameraHalDispatcher
// proxies the service requests to CameraHalServerImpl.
class CameraHalServerImpl final : public mojom::CameraHalServer,
public mojo::edk::ProcessDelegate {
// Initializes the threads and start monitoring the unix domain socket file
// created by Chrome.
bool Start();
// CameraHalServer Mojo interface implementation. This method runs on
// |ipc_thread_|.
void CreateChannel(mojom::CameraModuleRequest camera_module_request) final;
// ProcessDelegate implementation. This is a no-op since on Mojo connection
// error the process will simply exit.
void OnShutdownComplete() final;
// Callback method for the unix domain socket file change events. The method
// will try to establish the Mojo connection to the CameraHalDispatcher
// started by Chrome.
void OnSocketFileStatusChange(const base::FilePath& socket_path, bool error);
// Registers with the CameraHalDispatcher Mojo proxy. After registration the
// CameraHalDispatcher proxy will call CreateChannel for each connected
// service clients to create a Mojo channel handle to the HAL adapter. This
// method runs on |ipc_thread_|.
void RegisterCameraHal();
// Connection error handler for the Mojo connection to CameraHalDispatcher.
// This method runs on |ipc_thread_|.
void OnServiceMojoChannelError();
void ExitOnMainThread(int exit_status);
// Watches for change events on the unix domain socket file created by Chrome.
// Upon file change OnScoketFileStatusChange will be called to initiate
// connection to CameraHalDispatcher.
base::FilePathWatcher watcher_;
// The Mojo IPC thread.
base::Thread ipc_thread_;
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_task_runner_;
// The Mojo channel to CameraHalDispatcher in Chrome. All the Mojo
// communication to |dispatcher_| happens on |ipc_thread_|.
mojom::CameraHalDispatcherPtr dispatcher_;
// The CameraHalServer implementation binding. All the function calls to
// |binding_| runs on |ipc_thread_|.
mojo::Binding<mojom::CameraHalServer> binding_;
// The camera HAL adapter instance. Each call to CreateChannel creates a
// new Mojo binding in the camera HAL adapter. Currently the camera HAL
// adapter serves two clients: Chrome VideoCaptureDeviceFactory and Android
// cameraserver process.
std::unique_ptr<CameraHalAdapter> camera_hal_adapter_;
} // namespace cros