blob: dfda4f3db23c988fbe8c395f12f77cb700a2919f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
extern "C" {
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XTest.h>
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromeos/string.h"
using chromeos::SplitStringUsing;
using std::make_pair;
using std::map;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
// TODO: If this gets significantly more complicated, it really needs to
// be OO-ified.
const static char* kUsage =
"Usage: autox SCRIPT-FILE\n"
"SCRIPT-FILE is a JSON file (with trailing commas allowed) consisting\n"
"of a list of input events that should be injected into the X server\n"
"using the XTEST extension. Each event is described by a list containing\n"
"the following:\n"
" COMMAND, ARG1, ARG2, ...\n"
"The following commands are available:\n"
" button_down, BUTTON - mouse button press for given button\n"
" button_up, BUTTON - mouse button release for given button\n"
" hotkey, TEXT - hotkey combo (e.g. \"Ctrl-Alt-Tab\")\n"
" key_down, KEYSYM - key press for named keysym (e.g. from xev)\n"
" key_up, KEYSYM - key release for named keysym\n"
" motion, X, Y - mouse motion to absolute coordinates\n"
" motion_relative, X, Y - mouse motion relative to current position\n"
" sleep, TIME_MS - sleep for given number of milliseconds\n"
" string, TEXT - ASCII characters (keysyms may be also\n"
" be included, e.g. \"\\(Control_L)\")\n"
"The following is a valid script file:\n"
" { \"script\": [\n"
" [ \"motion\", 10, 20 ],\n"
" [ \"button_down\", 1 ],\n"
" [ \"motion_relative\", 500, 20 ],\n"
" [ \"button_up\", 1 ],\n"
" [ \"sleep\", 500 ],\n"
" [ \"string\", \"one line\\nand a second line\\\\(Return)\" ],\n"
" [ \"key_down\", \"Alt_L\" ],\n"
" [ \"key_down\", \"Tab\" ],\n"
" [ \"key_up\", \"Tab\" ],\n"
" [ \"key_up\", \"Alt_L\" ],\n"
" [ \"hotkey\", \"Alt-Tab\" ], // faster\n"
" ],\n"
" }\n";
// Check that a command got the expected number of arguments, crashing with
// an error otherwise. Helper method for command handlers.
void CheckNumArgs(const ListValue& values,
int num_args_expected,
int command_num) {
string command_name;
CHECK(values.GetString(0, &command_name)); // asserted in RunScript()
int num_args = values.GetSize() - 1;
CHECK(num_args == num_args_expected)
<< "Command " << command_num << ": " << command_name << " requires "
<< num_args_expected << " argument" << (num_args_expected == 1 ? "" : "s")
<< " (got " << num_args << " instead)";
// Given a string beginning with '\', interpret a prefix of the following
// characters as an escaped keysym name (e.g. "\(Return)". The extracted
// keysym is stored in 'keysym_out', and the number of characters that
// should be skipped to get to the next character in the string (including
// the leading '\') are stored in 'escaped_length_out'. Returns false if
// unable to interpret the escaped sequence.
bool ConvertEscapedStringToKeySym(const string& escaped_str,
KeySym* keysym_out,
int* escaped_length_out) {
CHECK(escaped_str[0] == '\\');
if (escaped_str.size() < 2)
return false;
if (escaped_str[1] == '\\') {
*keysym_out = XK_backslash;
*escaped_length_out = 2;
return true;
if (escaped_str[1] != '(')
return false;
size_t end_pos = escaped_str.find(')', 2);
if (end_pos == string::npos || end_pos == 2)
return false;
*keysym_out = XStringToKeysym(escaped_str.substr(2, end_pos - 2).c_str());
*escaped_length_out = end_pos + 1;
return (*keysym_out != NoSymbol);
// Given an ASCII character, find the keysym that represents it. Returns
// true on success.
bool ConvertCharToKeySym(char ch, KeySym* keysym_out) {
if (isalnum(ch)) {
string keysym_name(1, ch);
*keysym_out = XStringToKeysym(keysym_name.c_str());
return (keysym_out != NoSymbol);
// TODO: This is probably incomplete. I can't find any existing function
// that does something similar, though.
static map<char, KeySym> char_map;
if (char_map.empty()) {
char_map.insert(make_pair(' ', XK_space));
char_map.insert(make_pair('\n', XK_Return));
char_map.insert(make_pair('\t', XK_Tab));
char_map.insert(make_pair('~', XK_asciitilde));
char_map.insert(make_pair('!', XK_exclam));
char_map.insert(make_pair('@', XK_at));
char_map.insert(make_pair('#', XK_numbersign));
char_map.insert(make_pair('$', XK_dollar));
char_map.insert(make_pair('%', XK_percent));
char_map.insert(make_pair('^', XK_asciicircum));
char_map.insert(make_pair('&', XK_ampersand));
char_map.insert(make_pair('*', XK_asterisk));
char_map.insert(make_pair('(', XK_parenleft));
char_map.insert(make_pair(')', XK_parenright));
char_map.insert(make_pair('-', XK_minus));
char_map.insert(make_pair('_', XK_underscore));
char_map.insert(make_pair('+', XK_plus));
char_map.insert(make_pair('=', XK_equal));
char_map.insert(make_pair('{', XK_braceleft));
char_map.insert(make_pair('[', XK_bracketleft));
char_map.insert(make_pair('}', XK_braceright));
char_map.insert(make_pair(']', XK_bracketright));
char_map.insert(make_pair('|', XK_bar));
char_map.insert(make_pair(':', XK_colon));
char_map.insert(make_pair(';', XK_semicolon));
char_map.insert(make_pair('"', XK_quotedbl));
char_map.insert(make_pair('\'', XK_apostrophe));
char_map.insert(make_pair(',', XK_comma));
char_map.insert(make_pair('<', XK_less));
char_map.insert(make_pair('.', XK_period));
char_map.insert(make_pair('>', XK_greater));
char_map.insert(make_pair('/', XK_slash));
char_map.insert(make_pair('?', XK_question));
map<char, KeySym>::const_iterator it = char_map.find(ch);
if (it == char_map.end())
return false;
*keysym_out = it->second;
return true;
// Returns true if shift needs to be held for the passed-in keysym to be
// entered.
bool KeySymRequiresShift(KeySym keysym) {
const char* keysym_name = XKeysymToString(keysym);
if (keysym_name[0] != '\0' &&
keysym_name[1] == '\0' &&
return true;
// TODO: Again, cheesy but seems like the only way to do it.
static set<KeySym> keysym_set;
if (keysym_set.empty()) {
return (keysym_set.find(keysym) != keysym_set.end());
// Handle "button_down" and "button_up" commands. 'values' is the complete
// list consisting of the command name followed by X and Y integer
// arguments.
void HandleButtonCommand(Display* display,
int command_num,
const ListValue& values,
bool button_down) {
CheckNumArgs(values, 1, command_num);
int button = 1;
CHECK(values.GetInteger(1, &button)) << "Command " << command_num;
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, button, button_down ? True : False, 0);
// Handle "hotkey" commands. 'values' is the command name and a string
// consisting of a sequence of keysyms to be pressed at the same time,
// joined by dashes. "Ctrl", "Alt", and "Shift" can also be used.
// "Ctrl-Alt-Tab" will type Tab while Control and Alt are held, for
// instance.
void HandleHotkeyCommand(Display* display,
int command_num,
const ListValue& values) {
CheckNumArgs(values, 1, command_num);
string text;
CHECK(values.GetString(1, &text)) << "Command " << command_num;
CHECK(!text.empty()) << "Command " << command_num;
vector<string> parts;
SplitStringUsing(text, "-", &parts);
CHECK(parts.size() >= 2) << "Command " << command_num;
vector<KeyCode> keycodes;
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = parts.begin();
it != parts.end(); ++it) {
string keysym_name = *it;
// Map some convenient short names to full keysym names.
if (keysym_name == "Ctrl")
keysym_name = "Control_L";
else if (keysym_name == "Alt")
keysym_name = "Alt_L";
else if (keysym_name == "Shift")
keysym_name = "Shift_L";
KeySym keysym = XStringToKeysym(keysym_name.c_str());
CHECK(keysym != NoSymbol)
<< "Command " << command_num << ": Unable to look "
<< "up keysym with name \"" << keysym_name << "\"";
KeyCode keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(display, keysym);
CHECK(keycode != 0) << "Command " << command_num << ": Unable to convert "
<< "keysym " << keysym << " (\"" << keysym_name
<< "\") to keycode";
// Press the keys in order and then release them in reverse order.
for (vector<KeyCode>::const_iterator it = keycodes.begin();
it != keycodes.end(); ++it) {
XTestFakeKeyEvent(display, *it, True, 0);
for (vector<KeyCode>::const_reverse_iterator it = keycodes.rbegin();
it != keycodes.rend(); ++it) {
XTestFakeKeyEvent(display, *it, False, 0);
// Handle "key_down" and "key_up" commands. 'values' consists of the
// command name followed by a KeySym name.
void HandleKeyCommand(Display* display,
int command_num,
const ListValue& values,
bool key_down) {
CheckNumArgs(values, 1, command_num);
string keysym_name;
CHECK(values.GetString(1, &keysym_name)) << "Command " << command_num;
KeySym keysym = XStringToKeysym(keysym_name.c_str());
CHECK(keysym != NoSymbol) << "Command " << command_num << ": Unable to look "
<< "up keysym with name \"" << keysym_name << "\"";
KeyCode keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(display, keysym);
CHECK(keycode != 0) << "Command " << command_num << ": Unable to convert "
<< "keysym " << keysym << " to keycode";
XTestFakeKeyEvent(display, keycode, key_down ? True : False, 0);
// Handle "motion" and "motion_relative" commands. 'values' consists of the
// command name followed by X and Y integer arguments, which are
// interpreted as either absolute or relative coordinates depending on
// 'absolute'.
void HandleMotionCommand(Display* display,
int command_num,
const ListValue& values,
bool absolute) {
CheckNumArgs(values, 2, command_num);
int x = 0, y = 0;
CHECK(values.GetInteger(1, &x)) << "Command " << command_num;
CHECK(values.GetInteger(2, &y)) << "Command " << command_num;
if (absolute)
XTestFakeMotionEvent(display, 0, x, y, 0);
XTestFakeRelativeMotionEvent(display, x, y, 0);
// Handle "sleep" commands. 'values' consists of the command name followed
// by the number of milliseconds to sleep.
void HandleSleepCommand(int command_num, const ListValue& values) {
CheckNumArgs(values, 1, command_num);
int time_ms = 0;
CHECK(values.GetInteger(1, &time_ms)) << "Command " << command_num;
usleep(1000LL * time_ms);
// Handle "string" commands. 'values' consists of the command name
// followed by a string containing the characters that should be typed.
void HandleStringCommand(Display* display,
int command_num,
const ListValue& values) {
CheckNumArgs(values, 1, command_num);
string text;
CHECK(values.GetString(1, &text)) << "Command " << command_num;
static KeyCode shift_keycode = 0;
if (!shift_keycode)
shift_keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XK_Shift_L);
CHECK(shift_keycode) << "Unable to look up keycode for XK_Shift_L";
for (size_t i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i) {
char ch = text[i];
KeySym keysym;
if (ch == '\\') {
int num_chars_to_skip = 1;
text.substr(i), &keysym, &num_chars_to_skip))
<< "Command " << command_num << ": Unable to convert escaped "
<< "sequence at beginning of \"" << text.substr(i) << "\" to keysym";
CHECK(num_chars_to_skip >= 1);
i += num_chars_to_skip - 1; // - 1 to compensate for loop's ++i
} else {
CHECK(ConvertCharToKeySym(ch, &keysym))
<< "Command " << command_num << ": Unable to convert character '"
<< ch << "' to keysym";
KeyCode keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(display, keysym);
CHECK(keycode != 0) << "Command " << command_num << ": Unable to convert "
<< "keysym " << keysym << " to keycode";
bool shift_required = KeySymRequiresShift(keysym);
if (shift_required)
XTestFakeKeyEvent(display, shift_keycode, True, 0);
XTestFakeKeyEvent(display, keycode, True, 0);
XTestFakeKeyEvent(display, keycode, False, 0);
if (shift_required)
XTestFakeKeyEvent(display, shift_keycode, False, 0);
void RunScript(const string& filename, Display* display) {
// Reading JSON programmatically is pretty ugly, but the general
// structure is a dictionary with "script" mapping to a list of commands,
// where each command is itself a list consisting of a command name
// followed by the command's arguments:
// { "script": [
// [ "motion", 20, 40 ],
// [ "button_down", 1 ],
// [ "motion", 400, 300 ],
// [ "button_up", 1 ],
// ],
// }
// TODO: The toplevel dictionary is there to support additional
// parameters that will inevitably be needed at some point.
scoped_ptr<Value> toplevel_value(base::JSONReader::Read(filename, true));
<< "Unable to parse \"" << filename << "\" as JSON";
<< "Toplevel value must be a dictionary";
DictionaryValue* toplevel_dict =
Value* script_value = NULL;
CHECK(toplevel_dict->Get(L"script", &script_value))
<< "No \"script\" value in toplevel dictionary";
<< "\"script\" value must be a list";
ListValue* script_list = static_cast<ListValue*>(script_value);
const int num_commands = script_list->GetSize();
for (int command_num = 0; command_num < num_commands; ++command_num) {
Value* command_value = NULL;
CHECK(script_list->Get(command_num, &command_value));
<< "Command " << command_num << ": not a list";
ListValue* command_list = static_cast<ListValue*>(command_value);
<< "Command " << command_num << ": list is empty";
Value* command_name_value = NULL;
CHECK(command_list->Get(0, &command_name_value));
<< "Command " << command_num << ": list must start with string";
string command_name;
if (command_name == "button_down")
HandleButtonCommand(display, command_num, *command_list, true);
else if (command_name == "button_up")
HandleButtonCommand(display, command_num, *command_list, false);
else if (command_name == "hotkey")
HandleHotkeyCommand(display, command_num, *command_list);
else if (command_name == "key_down")
HandleKeyCommand(display, command_num, *command_list, true);
else if (command_name == "key_up")
HandleKeyCommand(display, command_num, *command_list, false);
else if (command_name == "motion")
HandleMotionCommand(display, command_num, *command_list, true);
else if (command_name == "motion_relative")
HandleMotionCommand(display, command_num, *command_list, false);
else if (command_name == "sleep")
HandleSleepCommand(command_num, *command_list);
else if (command_name == "string")
HandleStringCommand(display, command_num, *command_list);
CHECK(false) << "Command " << command_num << ": unknown command \""
<< command_name << "\"";
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc != 2 || argv[1][0] == '-') {
fprintf(stderr, "%s", kUsage);
return 1;
FilePath script_path = FilePath(argv[1]);
string script;
CHECK(file_util::ReadFileToString(script_path, &script))
<< "Unable to read script file \"" << script_path.value() << "\"";
Display* display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
CHECK(display) << "Couldn't open connection to X server";
RunScript(script, display);
return 0;