blob: 9697efe80667cd525acbeb1195d2dc3b1aaf7285 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <glib.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <dbus-c++/dbus.h> // NOLINT
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // NOLINT
#include "src/aggregator.h"
#include "src/cashew_server.h"
#include "src/data_plan.h" // for ByteCount
namespace cashew {
class Date;
class Service;
// a type to represent bytes used per day
typedef std::map<Date, ByteCount> BytesPerDay;
class AggregatorImpl : public Aggregator {
virtual ~AggregatorImpl();
// should be called right after construction
// (1) checks that the directory the file lives in exists
// (2) reads current daily usage data from the file
// (3) creates a timer that regularly updates the file
// returns true on success and false on failure
// success: (1) and (2) completed successfully
bool Init();
// Aggregator methods
// called when |service| is updated with byte counter info
virtual void OnByteCounterUpdate(const Service *service,
uint64 delta_rx_bytes, uint64 delta_tx_bytes);
// returns a map of date strings to bytes used
virtual BytesPerDayRep GetBytesPerDay();
// have I been successfully initialized via Init()?
bool initialized_;
// bytes used per day
BytesPerDay bytes_per_day_;
// accumulation of bytes used
// used to regularly update the file (gets reset on file update)
ByteCount accumulated_count_;
// periodic file update timeout
GSource *update_timeout_source_;
// a line in the file looks like:
// [ISO 8601 formatted Date]|kColumnDelimiter|[bytes used]
static const char kColumnDelimiter;
static const char *kLineFormat;
// all records older than |kCleanUpDays| days are removed
static const int kCleanUpDays;
// returns the string representation of |table_map|
static std::string StringFromMap(const BytesPerDay &table_map);
// sets |table_map| to be the BytesPerDay representation of |table_str|
// |table_map| should be empty
// empty lines in |table_str| are skipped
// if a date occurs multiple times in |table_str|,
// only last well formed occurrence will be recorded in |table_map|
// returns true on success and false on failure
// failure: found a wrongly formatted non-empty line in |table_str|
static bool MapFromString(const std::string &table_str,
BytesPerDay *table_map);
// returns the std::string to int64_t mapping of |bytes_per_day|
static BytesPerDayRep GetBytesPerDayRep(BytesPerDay bytes_per_day);
// gets rid of records in |bytes_per_day| that are at least
// |kCleanUpDays| days older than |baseline|
static void TrimOldData(BytesPerDay *bytes_per_day, Date baseline);
// reads the file (if it exists) and records data in |bytes_per_day_|
// trims old data in |bytes_per_day_|
// returns true on success and false on failure
bool GetCurrentData();
// if |bytes_per_day_| has changed, trims it then writes it to the file
// returns true on success and false on failure
bool UpdateFile();
// static wrapper for UpdateFile
// casts to AggregatorImpl* and invokes UpdateFile() on object ptr |data|
static gboolean StaticUpdateFile(gpointer data);
// creates and starts a timer that fires periodically to update the file
// returns true on success and false on failure
bool CreateUpdateTimer();
// stops and destroys the update timer if it exists
void DestroyUpdateTimer();
// for unit testing
friend class AggregatorTest;
FRIEND_TEST(AggregatorTest, MapStringConversion);
FRIEND_TEST(AggregatorTest, GetBytesPerDayRep);
FRIEND_TEST(AggregatorTest, TrimOld);
}; // AggregatorImpl
} // namespace cashew