blob: 26b474ff64fabb17c886c144f2e5d3f0e8f20782 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace chromeos {
struct AutoRepeatRate {
AutoRepeatRate() : initial_delay_in_ms(0), repeat_interval_in_ms(0) {}
unsigned int initial_delay_in_ms;
unsigned int repeat_interval_in_ms;
enum ModifierKey {
kSearchKey = 0, // Customizable.
kLeftControlKey, // Customizable.
kLeftAltKey, // Customizable.
// IMPORTANT: You should update kCustomizableKeys[] in .cc file, if you
// add a customizable key.
struct ModifierKeyPair {
ModifierKeyPair(ModifierKey in_original, ModifierKey in_replacement)
: original(in_original), replacement(in_replacement) {}
bool operator==(const ModifierKeyPair& rhs) const {
// For CheckMap() in
return (rhs.original == original) && (rhs.replacement == replacement);
ModifierKey original; // Replace the key with
ModifierKey replacement; // this key.
typedef std::vector<ModifierKeyPair> ModifierMap;
// Sets the current keyboard layout to |layout_name|. This function does not
// change the current mapping of the modifier keys. Returns true on success.
extern bool (*SetCurrentKeyboardLayoutByName)(const std::string& layout_name);
// Remaps modifier keys. This function does not change the current keyboard
// layout. Returns true on success.
// Notice: For now, you can't remap Left Control and Left Alt keys to CapsLock.
extern bool (*RemapModifierKeys)(const ModifierMap& modifier_map);
// Gets the current auto-repeat mode of the keyboard. The result is stored in
// |out_mode|. Returns true on success.
extern bool (*GetAutoRepeatEnabled)(bool* enabled);
// Turns on and off the auto-repeat of the keyboard. Returns true on success.
extern bool (*SetAutoRepeatEnabled)(bool enabled);
// Gets the current auto-repeat rate of the keyboard. The result is stored in
// |out_rate|. Returns true on success.
extern bool (*GetAutoRepeatRate)(AutoRepeatRate* out_rate);
// Sets the auto-repeat rate of the keyboard, initial delay in ms, and repeat
// interval in ms. Returns true on success.
extern bool (*SetAutoRepeatRate)(const AutoRepeatRate& rate);
// unittests. See the definitions in for details.
typedef std::map<std::string, ModifierMap> StringToModifierMap;
// Converts |key| to a modifier key name which is used in
// /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/chromeos.
inline std::string ModifierKeyToString(ModifierKey key) {
switch (key) {
case kSearchKey:
return "search";
case kLeftControlKey:
return "leftcontrol";
case kLeftAltKey:
return "leftalt";
case kVoidKey:
return "disabled";
case kCapsLockKey:
return "capslock";
case kNumModifierKeys:
return "";
// Creates a full XKB layout name like
// "gb(extd)+chromeos(leftcontrol_disabled_leftalt)+version(v1_7_r7),us"
// from modifier key mapping and |layout_name|, such as "us", "us(dvorak)", and
// "gb(extd)". Returns an empty string on error.
// If |use_version| is false, the function does not add "+version(...)" to the
// layout name. See for details.
std::string CreateFullXkbLayoutName(const std::string& layout_name,
const ModifierMap& modifire_map,
bool use_version);
// Returns a layout name which is used in libcros from a full XKB layout name.
// On error, it returns an empty string.
// Example: "gb(extd)+chromeos(leftcontrol_disabled_leftalt),us" -> "gb(extd)"
std::string ExtractLayoutNameFromFullXkbLayoutName(
const std::string& full_xkb_layout_name);
// Initializes a std::map that holds mappings like:
// "leftcontrol_disabled_leftalt" ->
// {{ kSearchKey -> kLeftControlKey },
// { kLeftControlKey -> kVoidKey },
// { kLeftAltKey -> kLeftAltKey }}
void InitializeStringToModifierMap(
StringToModifierMap* out_string_to_modifier_map);
// Returns a mapping of modifier keys from a full XKB layout name. Returns true
// on success.
// Example: "gb(extd)+chromeos(leftcontrol_disabled_leftalt),us" ->
// {{ kSearchKey -> kLeftControlKey },
// { kLeftControlKey -> kVoidKey },
// { kLeftAltKey -> kLeftAltKey }}
bool ExtractModifierMapFromFullXkbLayoutName(
const std::string& full_xkb_layout_name,
const StringToModifierMap& string_to_modifier_map,
ModifierMap* out_modifier_map);
// Returns true if caps lock is enabled.
bool CapsLockIsEnabled();
// Sets the caps lock status to |enable_caps_lock|.
void SetCapsLockEnabled(bool enabled);
// Returns true if |key| is in |modifier_map| as replacement.
bool ContainsModifierKeyAsReplacement(
const ModifierMap& modifier_map, ModifierKey key);
} // namespace chromeos