blob: d6fc551feb502687d65531dc9eeae25406f2f990 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The header files provides APIs for monitoring and controlling input
// method UI status. The APIs encapsulate the APIs of IBus, the underlying
// input method framework.
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace chromeos {
// A key for attaching the |ibus_service_panel_| object to |ibus_|.
const char kPanelObjectKey[] = "panel-object";
// The struct represents the input method lookup table (list of candidates).
// Used for InputMethodUpdateLookupTableMonitorFunction.
struct InputMethodLookupTable {
enum Orientation {
: visible(false),
orientation(kHorizontal) {
// Returns a string representation of the class. Used for debugging.
// The function has to be defined here rather than in the .cc file. If
// it's defined in the .cc file, the code will be part of,
// which cannot be accessed from clients directly. is loaded
// by dlopen() so all functions are unbound unless explicitly bound by
// dlsym().
std::string ToString() const {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "visible: " << visible << "\n";
stream << "cursor_absolute_index: " << cursor_absolute_index << "\n";
stream << "page_size: " << page_size << "\n";
stream << "orientation: " << orientation << "\n";
stream << "candidates:";
for (size_t i = 0; i < candidates.size(); ++i) {
stream << " [" << candidates[i] << "]";
stream << "\nlabels:";
for (size_t i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i) {
stream << " [" << labels[i] << "]";
return stream.str();
// True if the lookup table is visible.
bool visible;
// Zero-origin index of the current cursor position in the all
// candidates. If the cursor is pointing to the third candidate in the
// second page when the page size is 10, the value will be 12 as it's
// 13th candidate.
int cursor_absolute_index;
// Page size is the max number of candidates shown in a page. Usually
// it's about 10, depending on the backend conversion engine.
int page_size;
// Candidate strings in UTF-8.
std::vector<std::string> candidates;
// The orientation of the candidates in the candidate window.
Orientation orientation;
// Label strings in UTF-8 (ex. "1", "2", "3", ...).
std::vector<std::string> labels;
// Annotation strings in UTF-8 (ex. "Hankaku Katakana").
std::vector<std::string> annotations;
// Callback function type for handling IBus's |HideAuxiliaryText| signal.
typedef void (*InputMethodHideAuxiliaryTextMonitorFunction)(
void* input_method_library);
// Callback function type for handling IBus's |HideLookupTable| signal.
typedef void (*InputMethodHideLookupTableMonitorFunction)(
void* input_method_library);
// Callback function type for handling IBus's |SetCandidateText| signal.
typedef void (*InputMethodSetCursorLocationMonitorFunction)(
void* input_method_library,
int x, int y, int width, int height);
// Callback function type for handling IBus's |UpdateAuxiliaryText| signal.
typedef void (*InputMethodUpdateAuxiliaryTextMonitorFunction)(
void* input_method_library,
const std::string& text,
bool visible);
// Callback function type for handling IBus's |UpdateLookupTable| signal.
typedef void (*InputMethodUpdateLookupTableMonitorFunction)(
void* input_method_library,
const InputMethodLookupTable& table);
// A monitor function which is called when ibus connects or disconnects.
typedef void(*InputMethodConnectionChangeMonitorFunction)(
void* input_method_library, bool connected);
// A set of function pointers used for monitoring the input method UI status.
struct InputMethodUiStatusMonitorFunctions {
: hide_auxiliary_text(NULL),
update_lookup_table(NULL) {
InputMethodHideAuxiliaryTextMonitorFunction hide_auxiliary_text;
InputMethodHideLookupTableMonitorFunction hide_lookup_table;
InputMethodSetCursorLocationMonitorFunction set_cursor_location;
InputMethodUpdateAuxiliaryTextMonitorFunction update_auxiliary_text;
InputMethodUpdateLookupTableMonitorFunction update_lookup_table;
// Establishes IBus connection to the ibus-daemon.
// Returns an InputMethodUiStatusConnection object that is used for
// maintaining and monitoring an IBus connection. The implementation
// details of InputMethodUiStatusConnection is not exposed.
// Function pointers in |monitor_functions| are registered in the returned
// InputMethodUiStatusConnection object. These functions will be called,
// unless the pointers are NULL, when certain signals are received from
// ibus-daemon.
// The client can pass a pointer to an abitrary object as
// |input_method_library|. The pointer passed as |input_method_library|
// will be passed to the registered callback functions as the first
// parameter.
class InputMethodUiStatusConnection;
extern InputMethodUiStatusConnection* (*MonitorInputMethodUiStatus)(
const InputMethodUiStatusMonitorFunctions& monitor_functions,
void* input_method_library);
// Disconnects the input method UI status connection, as well as the
// underlying IBus connection.
extern void (*DisconnectInputMethodUiStatus)(
InputMethodUiStatusConnection* connection);
// Notifies that a candidate is clicked. |CandidateClicked| signal will be
// sent to the ibus-daemon.
// - |index| Index in the Lookup table. The semantics is same with
// |cursor_absolute_index|.
// - |button| GdkEventButton::button (1: left button, etc.)
// - |state| GdkEventButton::state (key modifier flags)
extern void (*NotifyCandidateClicked)(
InputMethodUiStatusConnection* connection,
int index, int button, int flags);
// Set a notification function for changes to an ibus connection.
extern void (*MonitorInputMethodConnection)(
InputMethodUiStatusConnection* connection,
InputMethodConnectionChangeMonitorFunction connection_change_handler);
} // namespace chromeos