blob: f55a73f9cb30f9f510f1e484df3689b6d61524ab [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "libcros_servicer.h"
namespace chromeos {
// Register with the glib type system.
// This macro automatically defines a number of functions and variables
// which are required to make libcros_servicer functional as a GObject:
// - libcros_servicer_parent_class
// - libcros_servicer_get_type()
// - dbus_glib_libcros_servicer_object_info
// It also ensures that the structs are setup so that the initialization
// functions are called in the appropriate way by g_object_new().
G_DEFINE_TYPE(LibCrosServicer, libcros_servicer, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
GObject* libcros_servicer_constructor(GType gtype,
guint n_properties,
GObjectConstructParam *properties) {
GObject* obj;
GObjectClass* parent_class;
// Instantiate using the parent class, then extend for local properties.
parent_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(libcros_servicer_parent_class);
obj = parent_class->constructor(gtype, n_properties, properties);
LibCrosServicer* libcros_servicer = reinterpret_cast<LibCrosServicer*>(obj);
libcros_servicer->service = NULL;
// We don't have any thing we care to expose to the glib class system.
return obj;
void libcros_servicer_class_init(LibCrosServicerClass *real_class) {
// Called once to configure the "class" structure.
GObjectClass* gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(real_class);
gobject_class->constructor = libcros_servicer_constructor;
void libcros_servicer_init(LibCrosServicer *self) {}
gboolean libcros_servicer_resolve_network_proxy(LibCrosServicer* self,
gchar* source_url,
gchar* signal_interface,
gchar* signal_name,
GError** error) {
if (!self->service)
return false;
return self->service->ResolveNetworkProxy(source_url, signal_interface,
signal_name, error);
} // namespace chromeos