blob: e1205efc5b8e270e81d1b6af35358fbaa3f44d60 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/time.h"
// This file defines two version numbers for the CrosAPI.
// We have two components, the (so) and the libcros API which is
// built into chrome (app). The version of the two components may not match.
// The so will support any app version in the range
// [kCrosAPIMinVersion, kCrosAPIVersion]. Currently the app will not support
// older versions of the so.
// The expected workflow is that the so is updated to be backward compatible
// by at least one version of the app. This allows the so to be updated
// then the app without breaking either build. Support for older than n-1
// versions should only be done if there isn't any advantage to breaking the
// older versions (for example, cleaning out otherwise dead code).
// Removing an API method is a bit tricky. It takes a few steps:
// 1) First remove all calls to that method in Chrome.
// 2) Deprecate the method but keep the method implementation. Remove the
// binding of the method in, pull the code in header files that
// exports the symbols, and increment kCrosAPIVersion in this file.
// Check this in.
// 3) Once ChromeOS looks good, update cros_deps/DEPS in Chrome source tree.
// This new will work with new Chrome (which does not bind with
// the deprecated method) and it will still work with an older Chrome
// (which does bind with the deprecated method but does not call it).
// 4) Wait until all versions of Chrome (i.e. the binary release of Chrome)
// is using this new
// 5) Now, delete the method implementation. Increment kCrosAPIVersion and set
// kCrosAPIMinVersion to what kCrosAPIVersion was. Check this in.
// 6) Once ChromeOS looks good, update cros_deps/DEPS in Chrome source tree.
// This new will work with both the new Chrome and the one
// version back Chrome, since neither Chrome will be trying to bind to
// this now deleted method.
// It is not recommended to change the signature of a method as that can never
// be backwards compatible. So just name it differently. Add the new method and
// remove the old method as described above.
// Current version numbers:
// 0: Version number prior to the version scheme.
// 1: Added CrosVersionCheck API.
// Changed load to take file path instead of so handle.
// 2: Changed the interface for network monitoring callbacks.
// 3: Added support disconnecting the network monitor.
// 4: Added Update API
// 5: Added IPConfig code
// 6: Deprecated GetIPConfigProperty and SetIPConfigProperty.
// 7: Added a member to InputLanguageList struct (backward incompatible).
// 8: Added LanguageStatusConnectionIsAlive API.
// 9: Added ConnectToNetwork and refactored code (backward incompatible).
// 10: Added support for mounting/unmounting cryptohomes.
// 11: Added GetWifiService and FreeServiceInfo
// 12: Added RequestScan
// 13: Added SystemInfo replacing ServiceStatus. Reworked network monitoring.
// Removed loading of deprecated methods: GetAvailableNetworks,
// FreeServiceStatus, MonitorNetworkStatus, DisconnectNetworkStatus,
// GetEnabledTechnologies
// 14: Removed deprecated method
// 15: Added SetLanguageActivated and SetImePropertyActivated
// 16: Added MountDevicePath function, removed automatic mounting
// 17: Added GetCurrentKeyboardLayoutName, SetCurrentKeyboardLayoutByName,
// GetKeyboardLayoutPerWindow, SetKeyboardLayoutPerWindow
// 18: Added GetActiveInputMethods, GetSupportedInputMethods,
// ChangeInputMethod, SetInputMethodActivated
// 19: Removed loading of deprecated methods: GetSupportedLanguages,
// GetActiveLanguages, ChangeLanguage, SetLanguageActivated,
// ActivateLanguage, DeactivateLanguage, ActivateImeProperty,
// DeactivateImeProperty
// 20: Removed depreceted methods above.
// 21: Removed loading of a deprecated method: SetInputMethodActivated
// 22: Added ChromeOSConnectToNetworkWithCertInfo.
// 23: Added profile entries and SetAutoConnect and DeleteRememberedService.
// 24: Added MonitorInputMethodUiStatus and DisconnectInputMethodUiStatus.
// 25: Removed the depreceted method above.
// Added MonitorInputMethodStatus, DisconnectInputMethodStatusConnection,
// InputMethodStatusConnectionIsAlive.
// 26: Added speech synthesis library functions.
// 27: Added DisconnectFromNetwork and SetPassphrase
// 28: Removed loading of deprecated methods: MonitorLanguageStatus,
// DisconnectLanguageStatus, LanguageStatusConnectionIsAlive,
// MonitorImeStatus, DisconnectImeStatus.
// 29: Added SetIdentity and SetCertPath. Added identity and cert_path
// fields to ServiceInfo. Not backwards-compatible.
// 30: Reused an obsoleted member variable |icon_path| in InputMethodDescriptor
// class by renaming it to |keyboard_layout|. This change should be
// backwards-compatible since the type of the variable is not changed and
// the obsoleted variable hasn't been used for over a month.
// ScreenLock API is also added in this version.
// 31: Added NotifyScreenUnlockRequested, and obsoleted NotifyScreenUnlocked.
// Added new ScreenLockState argument to ScreenLockMonitor callback.
// 32: Added orientation information to InputMethodLookupTable.
// 33: Added NotifyScreenLockRequested.
// Renamed ScreenLockState to ScreenLockEvent
// 34: Added GetSystemInfo. Logs returned by GetSystemInfo are consumed by
// the bug report dialog when submitting user feedback to Google Feedback
// 35: Removed deprecated methods for input method (see v28).
// 36: Fix crashing but with device_path set to unknown.
// 37: Added CryptohomeGetSystemSalt, CryptohomeMigrateKey, and
// CryptohomeRemove.
// 38: Added InitTts function to the speech synthesis library.
// 39: Added CryptohomeMountAllowFail and CryptohomeMountGuest
// 40: Fixed update_engine API to be ABI safe. API was not called in prior
// versions of chrome so no backward compatibility provided.
// 41: Added chromeos_system timezone calls.
// 42: Added label information to InputMethodLookupTable.
// 43: Changed a string literal in chromeos_input_method.h.
// 44: Added SetActiveInputMethods() to chromeos_input_method.{cc,h}.
// 45: Added DeviceNetworkList + associated Get & Free functions.
// 46: Change the meaning of the last argument in MonitorInputMethodStatus().
// 47: Added RemapModifierKeys
// 49: Added RebootIfUpdated.
// 50: Added new flimflam error codes.
// 51: Added GetMachineInfo
// 52: Added ConfigureWifiService.
// 53: Added TPM APIs to Cryptohome.
// 54: Added GetAutoRepeatEnabled, SetAutoRepeatEnabled, GetAutoRepeatRate, and
// SetAutoRepeatRate
// 55: Added GetServiceInfo and GetRememberedServiceInfo on SystemInfo struct.
// 56: Added RestartJob to chromeos_login.{cc,h}.
// 57: Added UnmountDevicePath to chromeos_mount.h
// 58: Added GetHardwareKeyboardLayoutName
// 59: Added ActivateCellularModem and activation_state
// This is not backwards compatible, b/c we added a field to ServiceInfo.
// Client will need to use GetServiceInfo() which was added in version 55.
// 60: Changed GetSystemLogs to accept a NULL parameter.
// 61: Added chromeos_imageburn.{cc,h} API for burning a recovery image
// 62: Added async API for setting the Owner's public key.
// 63: Added async APIs for managing user whitelist and system settings.
// 64: Added async APIs for cryptohome
// 65: Added more status APIs for cryptohome
// 66: Added annotation information to InputMethodLookupTable.
// 67: Added an un-signed API for enumerating the whitelisted users.
// 68: Added new generic touchpad api.
// 69: Added async API for removing a user's cryptohome
// 70: Added ibus connection change callback for UI.
// 71: Added new network service properties, and handlers for service property
// change signals.
// 72: Added cellular data plan (CellularDataPlan) and monitoring.
// 73: Changed cryptohome Mount APIs to support better configuration
// 74: Added TpmCanAttemptOwnership/TpmClearStoredPassword APIs to cryptohome
// 75: Added DeviceInfo and CarrierInfo to ServiceInfo
// 76: Added EnableScreenLock to power library.
// 77: Added RequestShutdown to power library.
// 78: Changed ListIPConfigs to return the hardware address as well.
// 79: Added RequestRestart to power library.
// 80: Added a context parameter to GetSystemLogs
// 81: Added SetTrack and GetTrack to update engine library.
// 82: Add *Safe calls for the ownership API, which use memory safely.
// 83: Changed CellularDataPlan APIs, which use memory safely
// 84: Added Connectable property to network services.
// 85: Changed DeviceInfo in network library.
// 86: Deprecated restricted_pool and added connectivity_state in ServiceInfo
// struct in network library
// 87: Added entd restarting ability.
// 88: Added MonitorBrightness and DisconnectBrightness.
// 89: Added GetCurrentInputMethod.
// 90: Added StopInputMethodProcess.
// 91: Added GetKeyboardOverlayID to input method library.
// 92: Added IsBootDevicePath.
// 93: Deprecated GetKeyboardLayoutPerWindow and SetKeyboardLayoutPerWindow.
// 94: Added LibCrosService service for network proxy resolution functionality.
// 95: Deprecated GetActiveInputMethods and SetActiveInputMethods.
// 96: Deleted GetKeyboardLayoutPerWindow and SetKeyboardLayoutPerWindow.
// 97: Added GetSupportedInputMethodDescriptors
// 98: Deprecated GetHardwareKeyboardLayoutName and
// CreateFallbackInputMethodDescriptors
// 99: Deprecated GetSupportedInputMethods.
// 100: Deprecated GetImeConfig.
// 101: Added MonitorResume and DisconnectResume.
// 102: Moved chromeos_network:GetSystemInfo() into chromeos_network_deprecated
// and added new asynchronous getters.
// 103: Deprecated GetCurrentKeyboardLayoutName.
// 104: Deprecated DisconnectInputMethodStatus and
// InputMethodStatusConnectionIsAlive.
// 105: Introduce SetLibcrosHistogramFunction.
// 106: Removed GetActiveInputMethods, SetActiveInputMethods,
// GetSupportedInputMethods, SetInputMethodActivated, GetImeConfig,
// GetHardwareKeyboardLayoutName, GetCurrentKeyboardLayoutName,
// DisconnectInputMethodStatus, and InputMethodStatusConnectionIsAlive.
// 107: Added RequestNetworkServiceConnect and SetNetworkServiceProperty.
// 108: Move types, RequestWifiServicePath, RequestScan, EnableNetworkDevice
// to deprecated. Add RequestHiddenWifiNetwork, RequestNetworkScan,
// RequestNetworkDeviceEnable.
// 109: Added CryptohomeDoAutomaticFreeDiskSpaceControl and
// CryptohomeAsyncDoAutomaticFreeDiskSpaceControl.
// 110: Deprecated GetCurrentInputMethod.
// 111: Added async RequestUpdateCheck.
// 112: Added MonitorBrightnessV2 and deprecated MonitorBrightness.
// 113: Deprecated GetAutoRepeatEnabled and GetAutoRepeatRate.
// 114: Added async RequestUpdateTrack and SetUpdateTrack to update_engine.
// 115: Added async methods for mount operations.
// 116: Added Store/RetrievePolicy.
// 117: Added async RequestRetrieveProperty.
// 118: Add async ClearNetworkServiceProperty
// 119: Added support for passing dict for SetNetworkServiceProperty.
// 120: Added RequestVirtualNetwork to chromeos_network.
// 121: Added MonitorSMS and DisconnectSMSMonitor
// 122: Removed GetCurrentInputMethod.
// 123: Change Store/RetrievePolicy to use byte arrays underneath the hood.
// 124: Deprecated SetCurrentKeyboardLayoutByName, RemapModifierKeys,
// SetAutoRepeatEnabled, SetAutoRepeatRate
// (all functions in chromeos_keyboard.h)
// 125: Fix Store/RetrievePolicy. No one's using these yet, so change is ok.
// 126: Added RequestPin, EnterPin, UnblockPin, ChangePin, MonitorNetworkDevice
// 127: Added some properties to chromeos_mount DiskInfo. New interface is
// DiskInfoAdvanced
// 128: Removed SetCurrentKeyboardLayoutByName, RemapModifierKeys,
// SetAutoRepeatEnabled, SetAutoRepeatRate.
// 129: Added CryptohomePkcs11IsTpmTokenReady, CryptohomePkcs11GetTpmTokenInfo.
// 130: Added InstallAttributes* to the cryptohome DBus bindings.
// 131: Added ProposeScan and RequestCellularRegister.
// 132: Added NotifyCursorUp, NotifyCursorDown, NotifyPageUp, NotifyPageDown
// 133: Stop loading deprecated functions.
// 134: Added CryptohomeAsyncSetOwnerUser.
// 135: Remove deprecated functions.
// 136: Added SetNetworkDeviceProperty and ClearNetworkDeviceProperty.
// 137: Stop loading more deprecated functions.
// 138: Deprecated GetTimezoneID, SetTimezoneID, GetMachineInfo,
// FreeMachineInfo (all functions in chromeos_system.h)
// 139: Remove CheckWhitelistSafe, EnumerateWhitelistedSafe, StorePropertySafe,
// RetrievePropertySafe, RequestRetrieveProperty, all Create/Free
// functions, WhitelistSafe, UnwhitelistSafe, SetOwnerKeySafe.
// 140: Added DecreaseScreenBrightness and IncreaseScreenBrightness.
// 141: Added SendHandwritingStroke and CancelHandwriting.
// 142: Added async RequestUpdateStatus.
// 143: Migrate to a more recent version of libbase.a
namespace chromeos { // NOLINT
enum CrosAPIVersion {
kCrosAPIMinVersion = 137,
kCrosAPIVersion = 143
// Default path to pass to LoadCros: "/opt/google/chrome/chromeos/"
extern char const * const kCrosDefaultPath;
// |path_to_libcros| is the path to the file.
// Returns true to indicate success.
// If returns false, |load_error| will contain a string describing the
// problem.
bool LoadLibcros(const char* path_to_libcros, std::string& load_error);
// Use to provide a function for passing histogram timing values to Chrome.
typedef void (*LibcrosTimeHistogramFunc)(
const char* name, const base::TimeDelta& delta);
void SetLibcrosTimeHistogramFunction(LibcrosTimeHistogramFunc func);
} // namespace chromeos