blob: b8f6e0d6c0fb36edd4417b2088de734feab83fc6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
namespace chromeos {
struct BurnStatus{
const char* target_path;
int64 amount_burnt;
int64 total_size;
const char* error;
enum BurnEventType{
class OpaqueBurnStatusConnection;
typedef OpaqueBurnStatusConnection* BurnStatusConnection;
// The expected callback signature that will be provided by the client who
// calls MonitorBurnStatus. Object given while calling MonitorBurnStatus, status
// of burning process and burning event will be passed when calling a callback.
typedef void(*BurnMonitor)(void*,
const BurnStatus&,
// Processes a callback from a d-bus signal. Caller provides a callback function
// monitor that will be called to process callback. object will be passed as one
// of arguments to callback function,
extern BurnStatusConnection (*MonitorBurnStatus)(BurnMonitor monitor,
void* object);
// Disconnects a listener from the burning events (connection).
extern void (*DisconnectBurnStatus)(BurnStatusConnection connection);
// Initiates image burning. Image located on path from_path is burnt to a device
// on to_path. Call is done over connection since in case of failure, an event
// that informs us of failure will be fired.
extern void (*StartBurn)(const char* from_path, const char* to_path,
BurnStatusConnection connection);
} // namespace chromeos