blob: 204029575b964c9e186e93b463bfb411c20a2532 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
namespace chromeos { // NOLINT
// TODO(cmasone): change references to "login" (LoginLibrary, etc) to "session"
// or similar. The API implemented here doesn't really deal with logging in
// so much as state relating to user and the user sessions.
enum OwnershipEvent {
SetKeySuccess = 0,
SetKeyFailure = 1,
WhitelistOpSuccess = 2,
WhitelistOpFailure = 3,
PropertyOpSuccess = 4,
PropertyOpFailure = 5,
struct CryptoBlob {
const uint8* data;
int length;
struct Property {
const char* name;
const char* value;
CryptoBlob* signature;
struct UserList {
const char** users; // array of NULL-terminated C-strings
int num_users;
static const char kOwnerKeyFile[] = "/var/lib/whitelist/owner.key";
class OpaqueSessionConnection;
typedef OpaqueSessionConnection* SessionConnection;
typedef void(*SessionMonitor)(void*, const OwnershipEvent&);
// Async callback functions
typedef void(*RetrievePolicyCallback)(void*, const char*, const unsigned int);
typedef void(*StorePolicyCallback)(void*, bool);
typedef void(*RetrievePropertyCallback)(void* user_data,
bool success,
const Property* property);
extern SessionConnection (*MonitorSession)(SessionMonitor monitor, void*);
extern void (*DisconnectSession)(SessionConnection connection);
// Kicks off an attempt to emit the "login-prompt-ready" upstart signal.
extern bool (*EmitLoginPromptReady)();
extern bool (*RestartJob)(int pid, const char* command_line);
extern bool (*RestartEntd)();
// Fetches the policy blob stored by the session manager.
// Upon completion of the retrieve attempt, we will call the provided callback.
// Policies are serialized protocol buffers. Upon success, we will pass a
// protobuf to the callback. On failure, we will pass NULL.
extern void (*RetrievePolicy)(RetrievePolicyCallback callback, void* delegate);
extern bool (*StartSession)(const char* user_email,
const char* unique_id /* unused */);
extern bool (*StopSession)(const char* unique_id /* unused */);
// Attempts to store the policy blob |prop| asynchronously.
// Takes |len| because |prop| may have embedded NULL characters.
// Upon completion of the store attempt, we will call callback(delegate, ...)
extern void (*StorePolicy)(const char* prop,
const unsigned int len,
StorePolicyCallback callback,
void* delegate);
} // namespace chromeos