blob: 62c592ec724a21885103c919d4d1ac4c8522c1a6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/abstract_dbus_service.h>
#include <cros/chromeos_libcros_service.h>
namespace chromeos {
struct LibCrosServicer;
class NetworkProxyResolverHandler;
// Provides a wrapper for exporting LibCrosServiceInterface to DBus.
// ::g_type_init() must be called before this class is used.
class LibCrosService : public dbus::AbstractDbusService {
virtual ~LibCrosService();
// chromeos::dbus::AbstractDbusService implementation.
virtual bool Initialize();
virtual bool Reset();
virtual bool Run();
virtual bool Shutdown();
virtual const char *service_name() const;
virtual const char *service_path() const;
virtual const char *service_interface() const;
virtual GObject *service_object() const;
// Network proxy resolver.
// Methods via dbus invocation.
gboolean ResolveNetworkProxy(gchar* source_url, gchar* signal_interface,
gchar* signal_name, GError** error);
// Methods via direct invocation.
void SetNetworkProxyResolver(chromeos::NetworkProxyResolver handler,
void* object);
bool NotifyNetworkProxyResolved(const char* source_url,
const char* proxy_list,
const char* resolved_error);
virtual GMainLoop *main_loop() {
LOG(FATAL) << "LibCrosService should not have its main loop; "
<< "it should use Chrome's UI loop";
return NULL;
void Cleanup();
LibCrosServicer* libcros_servicer_;
scoped_ptr<NetworkProxyResolverHandler> network_proxy_resolver_handler_;
} // namespace chromeos