blob: f1d6bb7d2f36d162e396813d307811a6e818cece [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <glib-object.h>
#include <iostream> // NOLINT
#include <base/logging.h>
#include "chromeos_cros_api.h" // NOLINT
#include "chromeos_power.h"
#include "monitor_utils.h" //NOLINT
// \file This is a simple console application which will monitor the power
// status to std::cout and disconnect after it has reported the status
// 20 times.
void PrintPowerStatus(const chromeos::PowerStatus& x) {
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
cout << " line_power_on: " << x.line_power_on << endl;
cout << " battery_energy: " << x.battery_energy << endl;
cout << " battery_energy_rate: " << x.battery_energy_rate << endl;
cout << " battery_voltage: " << x.battery_voltage << endl;
cout << " battery_time_to_empty: " << x.battery_time_to_empty << endl;
cout << " battery_time_to_full: " << x.battery_time_to_full << endl;
cout << " battery_percentage: " << x.battery_percentage << endl;
cout << " battery_is_present: " << x.battery_is_present << endl;
cout << " battery_state: " << x.battery_state << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl;
// Callback is an example object which can be passed to MonitorPowerStatus.
class Callback {
// You can store whatever state is needed in the function object.
explicit Callback(GMainLoop* loop) :
loop_(loop) {
static void Run(void* object, const chromeos::PowerStatus& x) {
Callback* self = static_cast<Callback*>(object);
if (self->count_ == 20)
int count_;
GMainLoop* loop_;
int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
// Initialize the g_type systems an g_main event loop, normally this would be
// done by chrome.
GMainLoop* loop = ::g_main_loop_new(NULL, false);
DCHECK(LoadCrosLibrary(argv)) << "Failed to load cros .so";
// Display information about the power system
chromeos::PowerInformation info = {};
bool success;
success = chromeos::RetrievePowerInformation(&info);
DCHECK(success) << "RetrievePowerInformation failed.";
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
cout << " battery_energy_empty: " << info.battery_energy_empty << endl;
cout << " battery_energy_full: " << info.battery_energy_full << endl;
cout << "battery_energy_full_design: " << info.battery_energy_full_design
<< endl;
cout << " battery_is_rechargeable: " << info.battery_is_rechargeable
<< endl;
cout << " battery_capacity: " << info.battery_capacity << endl;
cout << " battery_technology: " << info.battery_technology << endl;
cout << " battery_vendor: " << info.battery_vendor << endl;
cout << " battery_model: " << info.battery_model << endl;
cout << " battery_serial: " << info.battery_serial << endl;
cout << " line_power_vendor: " << info.line_power_vendor << endl;
cout << " line_power_model: " << info.line_power_model << endl;
cout << " line_power_serial: " << info.line_power_serial << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;
// Connect the callback to monitor the power status. The monitor function will
// be called once immediately on connection, and then any time the status
// changes. (Currently only called when the battery status changes.) The
// callback must have a lifetime at least until after the call to
// DisconnectPowerStatus.
Callback callback(loop);
chromeos::PowerStatusConnection connection =
chromeos::MonitorPowerStatus(&Callback::Run, &callback);
// When we're done, we disconnect the power status.
return 0;