blob: d7d8f625190ca1eaeae1e8a00764ebb25b76d669 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/time.h>
#include <base/values.h>
namespace chromeos { // NOLINT
// ipconfig types (see flimflam/files/doc/ipconfig-api.txt)
enum IPConfigType {
enum CellularDataPlanType {
struct CellularDataPlanInfo {
const char *plan_name;
CellularDataPlanType plan_type;
int64 update_time;
int64 plan_start_time;
int64 plan_end_time;
int64 plan_data_bytes;
int64 data_bytes_used;
struct CellularDataPlanList {
struct CellularDataPlanInfo *plans;
size_t plans_size; // number of plans
size_t data_plan_size; // size of a data plan structure
// Client needs to call this method to get each CellularDataPlan object.
CellularDataPlanInfo* GetCellularDataPlan(size_t index) {
DCHECK(index < plans_size);
size_t ptr = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(plans);
reinterpret_cast<CellularDataPlanInfo*>(ptr + index * data_plan_size);
const CellularDataPlanInfo* GetCellularDataPlan(size_t index) const {
DCHECK(index < plans_size);
size_t ptr = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(plans);
return reinterpret_cast<const CellularDataPlanInfo*>(
ptr + index * data_plan_size);
struct SMS {
base::Time timestamp;
const char *number;
const char *text;
const char *smsc; // optional; NULL if not present in message
int32 validity; // optional; -1 if not present in message
int32 msgclass; // optional; -1 if not present in message
struct IPConfig {
const char* path;
IPConfigType type;
const char* address;
int32 mtu;
const char* netmask;
const char* broadcast;
const char* peer_address;
const char* gateway;
const char* domainname;
const char* name_servers;
struct IPConfigStatus {
IPConfig* ips;
int size;
// This is usually a MAC address. If no hardware address is present,
// this field will be an empty string.
const char *hardware_address;
// Represents a single network object (i.e. access point) from the list
// networks DBus API.
struct DeviceNetworkInfo {
const char* device_path; // Path to the device that owns this network
const char* network_path; // Path to this network object itself
const char* address; // Mac address, format 11:22:33:44:55:66
const char* name; // SSID for wifi
int strength; // Signal strengh
int channel; // Wifi channel number
bool connected; // True if this network is connected
int age_seconds; // Time in seconds since this network was seen
struct DeviceNetworkList {
size_t network_size;
DeviceNetworkInfo* networks;
// Activates the cellular modem specified by |service_path| with carrier
// specified by |carrier|.
// |carrier| is NULL or an empty string, this will activate with the currently
// active carrier.
// Returns false on failure and true on success.
extern bool (*ActivateCellularModem)(const char* service_path,
const char* carrier);
// Set a property of a service to the provided value
// Success is indicated by the receipt of a matching PropertyChanged signal.
extern void (*SetNetworkServiceProperty)(const char* service_path,
const char* property,
const Value* setting);
// Clear a property of a service
extern void (*ClearNetworkServiceProperty)(const char* service_path,
const char* property);
// Set a property of a device to the provided value
// Success is indicated by the receipt of a matching PropertyChanged signal.
extern void (*SetNetworkDeviceProperty)(const char* device_path,
const char* property,
const Value* setting);
// Clear a property of a device
extern void (*ClearNetworkDeviceProperty)(const char* device_path,
const char* property);
// Set a property of an ip config to the provided value
// Success is indicated by the receipt of a matching PropertyChanged signal.
extern void (*SetNetworkIPConfigProperty)(const char* ipconfig_path,
const char* property,
const Value* setting);
// Clear a property of an ip config
extern void (*ClearNetworkIPConfigProperty)(const char* ipconfig_path,
const char* property);
// Delete a remembered service from a profile.
extern void (*DeleteServiceFromProfile)(const char* profile_path,
const char* service_path);
// Disconnects from the network with the |service_path|.
extern bool (*DisconnectFromNetwork)(const char* service_path);
// This will delete this service from the list of remembered service.
// Returns false on failure and true on success.
extern bool (*DeleteRememberedService)(const char* service_path);
// Get the list of data plans for the cellular network corresponding to path.
// The CellularDataPlansList instance that is returned by this function MUST be
// deleted by calling FreeCellularDataPlanList
// Returns NULL on error or no data available.
extern CellularDataPlanList* (*RetrieveCellularDataPlans)(
const char* modem_service_path);
// Request an update of the data plans. A callback will be received by any
// object that invoked MonitorCellularDataPlan when up to date data is ready.
extern void (*RequestCellularDataPlanUpdate)(const char* modem_service_path);
// Deletes a CellularDataPlanList that was allocated in the ChromeOS
// dll. We need to do this to safely pass data over the dll boundary
// between our .so and Chrome.
extern void (*FreeCellularDataPlanList)(CellularDataPlanList* list);
// An internal listener to a d-bus signal. When notifications are received
// they are rebroadcasted in non-glib form.
class PropertyChangedHandler;
typedef PropertyChangedHandler* PropertyChangeMonitor;
// Callback for MonitorNetworkManager.
typedef void (*MonitorPropertyCallback)(void* object,
const char* path,
const char* key,
const Value* value);
// Sets up monitoring of the PropertyChanged signal on the flimflam manager.
// The provided MonitorPropertyCallback will be called whenever a manager
// property changes. |object| will be supplied as the first argument to the
// callback.
extern PropertyChangeMonitor (*MonitorNetworkManager)(
MonitorPropertyCallback callback,
void* object);
// Disconnects a PropertyChangeMonitor.
extern void (*DisconnectPropertyChangeMonitor)(
PropertyChangeMonitor monitor);
// Sets up monitoring of the PropertyChanged signal on the specified service.
// The provided MonitorPropertyCallback will be called whenever a service
// property changes. |object| will be supplied as the first argument to the
// callback.
extern PropertyChangeMonitor (*MonitorNetworkService)(
MonitorPropertyCallback callback,
const char* service_path,
void* object);
// Sets up monitoring of the PropertyChanged signal on the specified device.
// The provided MonitorPropertyCallback will be called whenever a device
// property changes. |object| will be supplied as the first argument to the
// callback.
extern PropertyChangeMonitor (*MonitorNetworkDevice)(
MonitorPropertyCallback callback,
const char* device_path,
void* object);
// An internal listener to a d-bus signal for plan data.
class DataPlanUpdateHandler;
typedef DataPlanUpdateHandler* DataPlanUpdateMonitor;
// Callback for MonitorCellularDataPlan.
// NOTE: callback function must copy 'dataplan' if it wants it to persist.
typedef void (*MonitorDataPlanCallback)(void* object,
const char* modem_service_path,
const CellularDataPlanList* dataplan);
// Sets up monitoring of the cellular data plan updates from Cashew.
extern DataPlanUpdateMonitor (*MonitorCellularDataPlan)(
MonitorDataPlanCallback callback,
void* object);
// Disconnects a DataPlanUpdateMonitor.
extern void (*DisconnectDataPlanUpdateMonitor)(
DataPlanUpdateMonitor monitor);
class SMSHandler;
typedef SMSHandler* SMSMonitor;
typedef void (*MonitorSMSCallback)(void* object,
const char* modem_device_path,
const SMS* message);
extern SMSMonitor (*MonitorSMS)(const char* modem_device_path,
MonitorSMSCallback callback,
void* object);
extern void (*DisconnectSMSMonitor)(SMSMonitor monitor);
// Asynchronous flimflam interfaces.
// Callback for asynchronous getters.
typedef void (*NetworkPropertiesCallback)(void* object,
const char* path,
const Value* properties);
// Describes whether there is an error and whether the error came from
// the local system or from the server implementing the connect
// method.
enum NetworkMethodErrorType {
// Callback for methods that initiate an action and return no data.
typedef void (*NetworkActionCallback)(void* object,
const char* path,
NetworkMethodErrorType error,
const char* error_message);
// Connect to the service with the |service_path|.
// Service parameters such as authentication must already be configured.
// Note, a successful invocation of the callback only indicates that
// the connection process has started. You will have to query the
// connection state to determine if the connection was established
// successfully.
extern void (*RequestNetworkServiceConnect)(const char* service_path,
NetworkActionCallback callback,
void* object);
extern void (*RequestNetworkManagerInfo)(NetworkPropertiesCallback callback,
void* object);
// Retrieve the latest info for a particular service.
extern void (*RequestNetworkServiceInfo)(const char* service_path,
NetworkPropertiesCallback callback,
void* object);
// Retrieve the latest info for a particular device.
extern void (*RequestNetworkDeviceInfo)(const char* device_path,
NetworkPropertiesCallback callback,
void* object);
// Retrieve the list of remembered services for a profile.
extern void (*RequestNetworkProfile)(const char* profile_path,
NetworkPropertiesCallback callback,
void* object);
// Retrieve the latest info for a profile service entry.
extern void (*RequestNetworkProfileEntry)(const char* profile_path,
const char* profile_entry_path,
NetworkPropertiesCallback callback,
void* object);
// Request a wifi service not in the network list (i.e. hidden).
extern void (*RequestHiddenWifiNetwork)(const char* ssid,
const char* security,
NetworkPropertiesCallback callback,
void* object);
// Request a new VPN service.
extern void (*RequestVirtualNetwork)(const char* service_name,
const char* server_hostname,
const char* provider_type,
NetworkPropertiesCallback callback,
void* object);
// Requests a scan of services of |type|.
// |type| should be is a string recognized by flimflam's Manager API.
extern void (*RequestNetworkScan)(const char* network_type);
// Request enabling or disabling a device.
extern void (*RequestNetworkDeviceEnable)(const char* network_type,
bool enable);
// Enable or disable PIN protection for a SIM card.
extern void (*RequestRequirePin)(const char* device_path,
const char* pin,
bool enable,
NetworkActionCallback callback,
void* object);
// Enter a PIN to unlock a SIM card.
extern void (*RequestEnterPin)(const char* device_path,
const char* pin,
NetworkActionCallback callback,
void* object);
// Enter a PUK to unlock a SIM card whose PIN has been entered
// incorrectly too many times. A new |pin| must be supplied
// along with the |unblock_code| (PUK).
extern void (*RequestUnblockPin)(const char* device_path,
const char* unblock_code,
const char* pin,
NetworkActionCallback callback,
void* object);
// Change the PIN used to unlock a SIM card.
extern void (*RequestChangePin)(const char* device_path,
const char* old_pin,
const char* new_pin,
NetworkActionCallback callback,
void* object);
// Proposes to trigger a scan transaction. For cellular networks scan result
// is set in the property Cellular.FoundNetworks.
extern void (*ProposeScan)(const char* device_path);
// Initiate registration on the network specified by network_id, which is in the
// form MCCMNC. If the network ID is the empty string, then switch back to
// automatic registration mode before initiating registration.
extern void (*RequestCellularRegister)(const char* device_path,
const char* network_id,
NetworkActionCallback callback,
void* object);
// Enable or disable the specific network device for connection.
// Set offline mode. This will turn off all radios.
// Returns false on failure and true on success.
extern bool (*SetOfflineMode)(bool offline);
// Set auto_connect for service.
// Returns true on success.
extern bool (*SetAutoConnect)(const char* service_path, bool auto_connect);
// Set passphrase for service.
// Returns true on success.
extern bool (*SetPassphrase)(const char* service_path, const char* passphrase);
// Set security identity for service.
// Returns true on success.
extern bool (*SetIdentity)(const char* service_path, const char* identity);
// Gets a list of all the IPConfigs using a given device path
extern IPConfigStatus* (*ListIPConfigs)(const char* device_path);
// Add a IPConfig of the given type to the device
extern bool (*AddIPConfig)(const char* device_path, IPConfigType type);
// Save the IP config data
extern bool (*SaveIPConfig)(IPConfig* config);
// Remove an existing IP Config
extern bool (*RemoveIPConfig)(IPConfig* config);
// Free a found IPConfig
extern void (*FreeIPConfig)(IPConfig* config);
// Free out a full status
extern void (*FreeIPConfigStatus)(IPConfigStatus* status);
// Retrieves the list of visible network objects. This structure is not cached
// within the DLL, and is fetched via d-bus on each call.
// Ownership of the DeviceNetworkList is returned to the caller; use
// FreeDeviceNetworkList to release it.
extern DeviceNetworkList* (*GetDeviceNetworkList)();
// Deletes a DeviceNetworkList type that was allocated in the ChromeOS dll. We
// need to do this to safely pass data over the dll boundary between our .so
// and Chrome.
extern void (*FreeDeviceNetworkList)(DeviceNetworkList* network_list);
} // namespace chromeos