blob: 68dfe3ca4d338451517cd874f2dcb5173417189a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::os::unix::io::RawFd;
use audio_streams::StreamSource;
use pci::ac97_bus_master::Ac97BusMaster;
use pci::ac97_mixer::Ac97Mixer;
use pci::ac97_regs::*;
use pci::pci_configuration::{
PciBarConfiguration, PciClassCode, PciConfiguration, PciHeaderType, PciMultimediaSubclass,
use pci::pci_device::{self, PciDevice, Result};
use pci::PciInterruptPin;
use resources::SystemAllocator;
use sys_util::{EventFd, GuestMemory};
// Use 82801AA because it's what qemu does.
const PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801AA_5: u16 = 0x2415;
/// AC97 audio device emulation.
/// Provides the PCI interface for the internal Ac97 emulation.
/// Internally the `Ac97BusMaster` and `Ac97Mixer` structs are used to emulated the bus master and
/// mixer registers respectively. `Ac97BusMaster` handles moving smaples between guest memory and
/// the audio backend.
pub struct Ac97Dev {
config_regs: PciConfiguration,
// The irq events are temporarily saved here. They need to be passed to the device after the
// jail forks. This happens when the bus is first written.
irq_evt: Option<EventFd>,
irq_resample_evt: Option<EventFd>,
bus_master: Ac97BusMaster,
mixer: Ac97Mixer,
impl Ac97Dev {
/// Creates an 'Ac97Dev' that uses the given `GuestMemory` and starts with all registers at
/// default values.
pub fn new(mem: GuestMemory, audio_server: Box<StreamSource>) -> Self {
let config_regs = PciConfiguration::new(
None, // No Programming interface.
0x8086, // Subsystem Vendor ID
0x1, // Subsystem ID.
Ac97Dev {
irq_evt: None,
irq_resample_evt: None,
bus_master: Ac97BusMaster::new(mem, audio_server),
mixer: Ac97Mixer::new(),
fn read_mixer(&mut self, offset: u64, data: &mut [u8]) {
match data.len() {
// The mixer is only accessed with 16-bit words.
2 => {
let val: u16 = self.mixer.readw(offset);
data[0] = val as u8;
data[1] = (val >> 8) as u8;
l => error!("mixer read length of {}", l),
fn write_mixer(&mut self, offset: u64, data: &[u8]) {
match data.len() {
// The mixer is only accessed with 16-bit words.
2 => self
.writew(offset, u16::from(data[0]) | u16::from(data[1]) << 8),
l => error!("mixer write length of {}", l),
// Apply the new mixer settings to the bus master.
fn read_bus_master(&mut self, offset: u64, data: &mut [u8]) {
match data.len() {
1 => data[0] = self.bus_master.readb(offset),
2 => {
let val: u16 = self.bus_master.readw(offset);
data[0] = val as u8;
data[1] = (val >> 8) as u8;
4 => {
let val: u32 = self.bus_master.readl(offset);
data[0] = val as u8;
data[1] = (val >> 8) as u8;
data[2] = (val >> 16) as u8;
data[3] = (val >> 24) as u8;
l => error!("read length of {}", l),
fn write_bus_master(&mut self, offset: u64, data: &[u8]) {
match data.len() {
1 => self.bus_master.writeb(offset, data[0], &self.mixer),
2 => self
.writew(offset, u16::from(data[0]) | u16::from(data[1]) << 8),
4 => self.bus_master.writel(
| (u32::from(data[1]) << 8)
| (u32::from(data[2]) << 16)
| (u32::from(data[3]) << 24),
l => error!("write length of {}", l),
impl PciDevice for Ac97Dev {
fn debug_label(&self) -> String {
fn assign_irq(
&mut self,
irq_evt: EventFd,
irq_resample_evt: EventFd,
irq_num: u32,
irq_pin: PciInterruptPin,
) {
self.config_regs.set_irq(irq_num as u8, irq_pin);
self.irq_evt = Some(irq_evt);
self.irq_resample_evt = Some(irq_resample_evt);
fn allocate_io_bars(&mut self, resources: &mut SystemAllocator) -> Result<Vec<(u64, u64)>> {
let mut ranges = Vec::new();
let mixer_regs_addr = resources
let config: PciBarConfiguration = PciBarConfiguration::default()
.ok_or_else(|| pci_device::Error::IoRegistrationFailed(mixer_regs_addr))?;
ranges.push((mixer_regs_addr, MIXER_REGS_SIZE));
let master_regs_addr = resources
.ok_or_else(|| pci_device::Error::IoAllocationFailed(MASTER_REGS_SIZE))?;
.ok_or_else(|| pci_device::Error::IoRegistrationFailed(master_regs_addr))?;
ranges.push((master_regs_addr, MASTER_REGS_SIZE));
fn config_registers(&self) -> &PciConfiguration {
fn config_registers_mut(&mut self) -> &mut PciConfiguration {
&mut self.config_regs
fn keep_fds(&self) -> Vec<RawFd> {
if let Some(server_fds) = self.bus_master.keep_fds() {
} else {
fn read_bar(&mut self, addr: u64, data: &mut [u8]) {
let bar0 = u64::from(self.config_regs.get_bar_addr(0));
let bar1 = u64::from(self.config_regs.get_bar_addr(1));
match addr {
a if a >= bar0 && a < bar0 + MIXER_REGS_SIZE => self.read_mixer(addr - bar0, data),
a if a >= bar1 && a < bar1 + MASTER_REGS_SIZE => {
self.read_bus_master(addr - bar1, data)
_ => (),
fn write_bar(&mut self, addr: u64, data: &[u8]) {
let bar0 = u64::from(self.config_regs.get_bar_addr(0));
let bar1 = u64::from(self.config_regs.get_bar_addr(1));
match addr {
a if a >= bar0 && a < bar0 + MIXER_REGS_SIZE => self.write_mixer(addr - bar0, data),
a if a >= bar1 && a < bar1 + MASTER_REGS_SIZE => {
// Check if the irq needs to be passed to the device.
if let (Some(irq_evt), Some(irq_resample_evt)) =
(self.irq_evt.take(), self.irq_resample_evt.take())
self.bus_master.set_irq_event_fd(irq_evt, irq_resample_evt);
self.write_bus_master(addr - bar1, data)
_ => (),