blob: ced48b12c686bf213cbbda69c20a634d2d6395df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The mmap module provides a safe interface to mmap memory and ensures unmap is called when the
//! mmap object leaves scope.
use std;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::ptr::null_mut;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use libc;
use errno;
use data_model::volatile_memory::*;
use data_model::DataInit;
pub enum Error {
/// Requested memory out of range.
/// Requested offset is out of range of `libc::off_t`.
/// Requested memory range spans past the end of the region.
InvalidRange(usize, usize),
/// Couldn't read from the given source.
/// `mmap` returned the given error.
/// Writing to memory failed
/// Reading from memory failed
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
/// Wraps an anonymous shared memory mapping in the current process.
pub struct MemoryMapping {
addr: *mut u8,
size: usize,
// Send and Sync aren't automatically inherited for the raw address pointer.
// Accessing that pointer is only done through the stateless interface which
// allows the object to be shared by multiple threads without a decrease in
// safety.
unsafe impl Send for MemoryMapping {}
unsafe impl Sync for MemoryMapping {}
impl MemoryMapping {
/// Creates an anonymous shared mapping of `size` bytes.
/// # Arguments
/// * `size` - Size of memory region in bytes.
pub fn new(size: usize) -> Result<MemoryMapping> {
// This is safe because we are creating an anonymous mapping in a place not already used by
// any other area in this process.
let addr = unsafe {
libc::PROT_READ | libc::PROT_WRITE,
if addr == libc::MAP_FAILED {
return Err(Error::SystemCallFailed(errno::Error::last()));
// This is safe because we call madvise with a valid address and size, and we check the
// return value. We only warn about an error because failure here is not fatal to the mmap.
if unsafe { libc::madvise(addr, size, libc::MADV_DONTDUMP) } == -1 {
warn!("failed madvise(MADV_DONTDUMP) on mmap: {:?}",
Ok(MemoryMapping {
addr: addr as *mut u8,
size: size,
/// Maps the first `size` bytes of the given `fd`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `fd` - File descriptor to mmap from.
/// * `size` - Size of memory region in bytes.
pub fn from_fd(fd: &AsRawFd, size: usize) -> Result<MemoryMapping> {
MemoryMapping::from_fd_offset(fd, size, 0)
/// Maps the `size` bytes starting at `offset` bytes of the given `fd`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `fd` - File descriptor to mmap from.
/// * `size` - Size of memory region in bytes.
/// * `offset` - Offset in bytes from the beginning of `fd` to start the mmap.
pub fn from_fd_offset(fd: &AsRawFd, size: usize, offset: usize) -> Result<MemoryMapping> {
if offset > libc::off_t::max_value() as usize {
return Err(Error::InvalidOffset);
// This is safe because we are creating a mapping in a place not already used by any other
// area in this process.
let addr = unsafe {
libc::PROT_READ | libc::PROT_WRITE,
offset as libc::off_t)
if addr == libc::MAP_FAILED {
return Err(Error::SystemCallFailed(errno::Error::last()));
// This is safe because we call madvise with a valid address and size, and we check the
// return value. We only warn about an error because failure here is not fatal to the mmap.
if unsafe { libc::madvise(addr, size, libc::MADV_DONTDUMP) } == -1 {
warn!("failed madvise(MADV_DONTDUMP) on mmap: {:?}",
Ok(MemoryMapping {
addr: addr as *mut u8,
size: size,
/// Returns a pointer to the begining of the memory region. Should only be
/// used for passing this region to ioctls for setting guest memory.
pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut u8 {
/// Returns the size of the memory region in bytes.
pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
/// Writes a slice to the memory region at the specified offset.
/// Returns the number of bytes written. The number of bytes written can
/// be less than the length of the slice if there isn't enough room in the
/// memory region.
/// # Examples
/// * Write a slice at offset 256.
/// ```
/// # use sys_util::MemoryMapping;
/// # let mut mem_map = MemoryMapping::new(1024).unwrap();
/// let res = mem_map.write_slice(&[1,2,3,4,5], 256);
/// assert!(res.is_ok());
/// assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), 5);
/// ```
pub fn write_slice(&self, buf: &[u8], offset: usize) -> Result<usize> {
if offset >= self.size {
return Err(Error::InvalidAddress);
unsafe {
// Guest memory can't strictly be modeled as a slice because it is
// volatile. Writing to it with what compiles down to a memcpy
// won't hurt anything as long as we get the bounds checks right.
let mut slice: &mut [u8] = &mut self.as_mut_slice()[offset..];
/// Reads to a slice from the memory region at the specified offset.
/// Returns the number of bytes read. The number of bytes read can
/// be less than the length of the slice if there isn't enough room in the
/// memory region.
/// # Examples
/// * Read a slice of size 16 at offset 256.
/// ```
/// # use sys_util::MemoryMapping;
/// # let mut mem_map = MemoryMapping::new(1024).unwrap();
/// let buf = &mut [0u8; 16];
/// let res = mem_map.read_slice(buf, 256);
/// assert!(res.is_ok());
/// assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), 16);
/// ```
pub fn read_slice(&self, mut buf: &mut [u8], offset: usize) -> Result<usize> {
if offset >= self.size {
return Err(Error::InvalidAddress);
unsafe {
// Guest memory can't strictly be modeled as a slice because it is
// volatile. Writing to it with what compiles down to a memcpy
// won't hurt anything as long as we get the bounds checks right.
let slice: &[u8] = &self.as_slice()[offset..];
/// Writes an object to the memory region at the specified offset.
/// Returns Ok(()) if the object fits, or Err if it extends past the end.
/// # Examples
/// * Write a u64 at offset 16.
/// ```
/// # use sys_util::MemoryMapping;
/// # let mut mem_map = MemoryMapping::new(1024).unwrap();
/// let res = mem_map.write_obj(55u64, 16);
/// assert!(res.is_ok());
/// ```
pub fn write_obj<T: DataInit>(&self, val: T, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
unsafe {
// Guest memory can't strictly be modeled as a slice because it is
// volatile. Writing to it with what compiles down to a memcpy
// won't hurt anything as long as we get the bounds checks right.
self.range_end(offset, std::mem::size_of::<T>())?;
std::ptr::write_volatile(&mut self.as_mut_slice()[offset..] as *mut _ as *mut T, val);
/// Reads on object from the memory region at the given offset.
/// Reading from a volatile area isn't strictly safe as it could change
/// mid-read. However, as long as the type T is plain old data and can
/// handle random initialization, everything will be OK.
/// # Examples
/// * Read a u64 written to offset 32.
/// ```
/// # use sys_util::MemoryMapping;
/// # let mut mem_map = MemoryMapping::new(1024).unwrap();
/// let res = mem_map.write_obj(55u64, 32);
/// assert!(res.is_ok());
/// let num: u64 = mem_map.read_obj(32).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(55, num);
/// ```
pub fn read_obj<T: DataInit>(&self, offset: usize) -> Result<T> {
self.range_end(offset, std::mem::size_of::<T>())?;
unsafe {
// This is safe because by definition Copy types can have their bits
// set arbitrarily and still be valid.
Ok(std::ptr::read_volatile(&self.as_slice()[offset..] as *const _ as *const T))
/// Reads data from a readable object like a File and writes it to guest memory.
/// # Arguments
/// * `mem_offset` - Begin writing memory at this offset.
/// * `src` - Read from `src` to memory.
/// * `count` - Read `count` bytes from `src` to memory.
/// # Examples
/// * Read bytes from /dev/urandom
/// ```
/// # use sys_util::MemoryMapping;
/// # use std::fs::File;
/// # use std::path::Path;
/// # fn test_read_random() -> Result<u32, ()> {
/// # let mut mem_map = MemoryMapping::new(1024).unwrap();
/// let mut file = File::open(Path::new("/dev/urandom")).map_err(|_| ())?;
/// mem_map.read_to_memory(32, &mut file, 128).map_err(|_| ())?;
/// let rand_val: u32 = mem_map.read_obj(40).map_err(|_| ())?;
/// # Ok(rand_val)
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn read_to_memory<F>(&self, mem_offset: usize, src: &mut F, count: usize) -> Result<()>
where F: Read
let mem_end = self.range_end(mem_offset, count)
.map_err(|_| Error::InvalidRange(mem_offset, count))?;
unsafe {
// It is safe to overwrite the volatile memory. Acessing the guest
// memory as a mutable slice is OK because nothing assumes another
// thread won't change what is loaded.
let dst = &mut self.as_mut_slice()[mem_offset..mem_end];
/// Writes data from memory to a writable object.
/// # Arguments
/// * `mem_offset` - Begin reading memory from this offset.
/// * `dst` - Write from memory to `dst`.
/// * `count` - Read `count` bytes from memory to `src`.
/// # Examples
/// * Write 128 bytes to /dev/null
/// ```
/// # use sys_util::MemoryMapping;
/// # use std::fs::File;
/// # use std::path::Path;
/// # fn test_write_null() -> Result<(), ()> {
/// # let mut mem_map = MemoryMapping::new(1024).unwrap();
/// let mut file = File::open(Path::new("/dev/null")).map_err(|_| ())?;
/// mem_map.write_from_memory(32, &mut file, 128).map_err(|_| ())?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn write_from_memory<F>(&self, mem_offset: usize, dst: &mut F, count: usize) -> Result<()>
where F: Write
let mem_end = self.range_end(mem_offset, count)
.map_err(|_| Error::InvalidRange(mem_offset, count))?;
unsafe {
// It is safe to read from volatile memory. Acessing the guest
// memory as a slice is OK because nothing assumes another thread
// won't change what is loaded.
let src = &self.as_mut_slice()[mem_offset..mem_end];
/// Uses madvise to tell the kernel to remove the specified range. Subsequent reads
/// to the pages in the range will return zero bytes.
pub fn remove_range(&self, mem_offset: usize, count: usize) -> Result<()> {
self.range_end(mem_offset, count)
.map_err(|_| Error::InvalidRange(mem_offset, count))?;
let ret = unsafe {
// madvising away the region is the same as the guest changing it.
// Next time it is read, it may return zero pages.
libc::madvise((self.addr as usize + mem_offset) as *mut _,
if ret < 0 {
Err(Error::InvalidRange(mem_offset, count))
} else {
unsafe fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] {
// This is safe because we mapped the area at addr ourselves, so this slice will not
// overflow. However, it is possible to alias.
std::slice::from_raw_parts(self.addr, self.size)
unsafe fn as_mut_slice(&self) -> &mut [u8] {
// This is safe because we mapped the area at addr ourselves, so this slice will not
// overflow. However, it is possible to alias.
std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.addr, self.size)
// Check that offset+count is valid and return the sum.
fn range_end(&self, offset: usize, count: usize) -> Result<usize> {
let mem_end = offset.checked_add(count)
if mem_end > self.size() {
return Err(Error::InvalidAddress);
impl VolatileMemory for MemoryMapping {
fn get_slice(&self, offset: u64, count: u64) -> VolatileMemoryResult<VolatileSlice> {
let mem_end = calc_offset(offset, count)?;
if mem_end > self.size as u64 {
return Err(VolatileMemoryError::OutOfBounds { addr: mem_end });
// Safe because we checked that offset + count was within our range and we only ever hand
// out volatile accessors.
Ok(unsafe { VolatileSlice::new((self.addr as usize + offset as usize) as *mut _, count) })
impl Drop for MemoryMapping {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// This is safe because we mmap the area at addr ourselves, and nobody
// else is holding a reference to it.
unsafe {
libc::munmap(self.addr as *mut libc::c_void, self.size);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use data_model::{VolatileMemory, VolatileMemoryError};
use std::os::unix::io::FromRawFd;
fn basic_map() {
let m = MemoryMapping::new(1024).unwrap();
assert_eq!(1024, m.size());
fn map_invalid_size() {
let res = MemoryMapping::new(0).unwrap_err();
if let Error::SystemCallFailed(e) = res {
assert_eq!(e.errno(), libc::EINVAL);
} else {
panic!("unexpected error: {:?}", res);
fn map_invalid_fd() {
let fd = unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(-1) };
let res = MemoryMapping::from_fd(&fd, 1024).unwrap_err();
if let Error::SystemCallFailed(e) = res {
assert_eq!(e.errno(), libc::EBADF);
} else {
panic!("unexpected error: {:?}", res);
fn test_write_past_end() {
let m = MemoryMapping::new(5).unwrap();
let res = m.write_slice(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 0);
assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), 5);
fn slice_size() {
let m = MemoryMapping::new(5).unwrap();
let s = m.get_slice(2, 3).unwrap();
assert_eq!(s.size(), 3);
fn slice_addr() {
let m = MemoryMapping::new(5).unwrap();
let s = m.get_slice(2, 3).unwrap();
assert_eq!(s.as_ptr(), unsafe { m.as_ptr().offset(2) });
fn slice_store() {
let m = MemoryMapping::new(5).unwrap();
let r = m.get_ref(2).unwrap();;
assert_eq!(m.read_obj::<u16>(2).unwrap(), 9);
fn slice_overflow_error() {
let m = MemoryMapping::new(5).unwrap();
let res = m.get_slice(std::u64::MAX, 3).unwrap_err();
VolatileMemoryError::Overflow {
base: std::u64::MAX,
offset: 3,
fn slice_oob_error() {
let m = MemoryMapping::new(5).unwrap();
let res = m.get_slice(3, 3).unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(res, VolatileMemoryError::OutOfBounds { addr: 6 });
fn from_fd_offset_invalid() {
let fd = unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(-1) };
let res = MemoryMapping::from_fd_offset(&fd, 4096, (libc::off_t::max_value() as usize) + 1)
match res {
Error::InvalidOffset => {}
e => panic!("unexpected error: {:?}", e),