devices: Use async from balloon

The newly added async primitives allow for increasing the separation of
the various tasks performed by balloon. Breaking each task in to an
asynchronous function.

TEST=Boot crosvm, run 'crosvm balloon' to set the balloon size, check
'vmstat' inside the VM to verify the free memory is affected by the
balloon growing and shrinking.
run crosvm balloon_stats command and ensure that stats are reported

Change-Id: I0ae2be5eb8e4be65b2eb74de90888357af6ecfd4
Tested-by: Keiichi Watanabe <>
Tested-by: kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Keiichi Watanabe <>
Reviewed-by: Chirantan Ekbote <>
Reviewed-by: Dylan Reid <>
diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index e310480..60caef3 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -253,6 +253,7 @@
+ "futures",
diff --git a/devices/Cargo.toml b/devices/Cargo.toml
index a9aa3c7..3072f83 100644
--- a/devices/Cargo.toml
+++ b/devices/Cargo.toml
@@ -56,5 +56,9 @@
 vm_control = { path = "../vm_control" }
 vm_memory = { path = "../vm_memory" }
+version = "*"
+default-features = false
 tempfile = { path = "../tempfile" }
diff --git a/devices/src/virtio/ b/devices/src/virtio/
index 83184b9..4868f5a 100644
--- a/devices/src/virtio/
+++ b/devices/src/virtio/
@@ -2,43 +2,45 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 // found in the LICENSE file.
-use std::fmt::{self, Display};
+use std::cell::RefCell;
+use std::rc::Rc;
 use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
 use std::sync::Arc;
 use std::thread;
-use base::{
-    self, error, info, warn, AsRawDescriptor, Event, PollToken, RawDescriptor, WaitContext,
+use futures::{channel::mpsc, pin_mut, StreamExt};
+use remain::sorted;
+use thiserror::Error as ThisError;
+use base::{self, error, info, warn, AsRawDescriptor, Event, RawDescriptor};
+use cros_async::{select6, EventAsync, Executor};
 use data_model::{DataInit, Le16, Le32, Le64};
-use msg_socket::{MsgReceiver, MsgSender};
+use msg_socket::MsgSender;
 use vm_control::{
     BalloonControlCommand, BalloonControlResponseSocket, BalloonControlResult, BalloonStats,
 use vm_memory::{GuestAddress, GuestMemory};
-use super::{copy_config, Interrupt, Queue, Reader, VirtioDevice, TYPE_BALLOON};
+use super::{
+    copy_config, descriptor_utils, DescriptorChain, Interrupt, Queue, Reader, VirtioDevice,
+#[derive(ThisError, Debug)]
 pub enum BalloonError {
-    /// Request to adjust memory size can't provide the number of pages requested.
-    NotEnoughPages,
-    /// Failure wriitng the config notification event.
+    /// Failed to create async message receiver.
+    #[error("failed to create async message receiver: {0}")]
+    CreatingMessageReceiver(msg_socket::MsgError),
+    /// Failed to receive command message.
+    #[error("failed to receive command message: {0}")]
+    ReceivingCommand(msg_socket::MsgError),
+    /// Failed to write config event.
+    #[error("failed to write config event: {0}")]
 pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, BalloonError>;
-impl Display for BalloonError {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-        use self::BalloonError::*;
-        match self {
-            NotEnoughPages => write!(f, "not enough pages"),
-            WritingConfigEvent(e) => write!(f, "failed to write config event: {}", e),
-        }
-    }
 // Balloon has three virt IO queues: Inflate, Deflate, and Stats.
 const QUEUE_SIZE: u16 = 128;
@@ -50,7 +52,7 @@
 const VIRTIO_BALLOON_F_STATS_VQ: u32 = 1; // Stats reporting enabled
 const VIRTIO_BALLOON_F_DEFLATE_ON_OOM: u32 = 2; // Deflate balloon on OOM
-// virtio_balloon_config is the ballon device configuration space defined by the virtio spec.
+// virtio_balloon_config is the balloon device configuration space defined by the virtio spec.
 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)]
 struct virtio_balloon_config {
@@ -109,228 +111,262 @@
-struct Worker {
-    interrupt: Interrupt,
-    mem: GuestMemory,
-    inflate_queue: Queue,
-    deflate_queue: Queue,
-    stats_queue: Queue,
-    stats_desc_index: Option<u16>,
-    config: Arc<BalloonConfig>,
-    command_socket: BalloonControlResponseSocket,
+// Processes one message's list of addresses.
+fn handle_address_chain<F>(
+    avail_desc: DescriptorChain,
+    mem: &GuestMemory,
+    desc_handler: &mut F,
+) -> descriptor_utils::Result<()>
+    F: FnMut(GuestAddress),
+    let mut reader = Reader::new(mem.clone(), avail_desc)?;
+    for res in reader.iter::<Le32>() {
+        let pfn = match res {
+            Ok(pfn) => pfn,
+            Err(e) => {
+                error!("error while reading unused pages: {}", e);
+                break;
+            }
+        };
+        let guest_address = GuestAddress((u64::from(pfn.to_native())) << VIRTIO_BALLOON_PFN_SHIFT);
+        desc_handler(guest_address);
+    }
+    Ok(())
-impl Worker {
-    fn process_inflate_deflate(&mut self, inflate: bool) -> bool {
-        let queue = if inflate {
-            &mut self.inflate_queue
-        } else {
-            &mut self.deflate_queue
-        };
-        let mut needs_interrupt = false;
-        while let Some(avail_desc) = queue.pop(&self.mem) {
-            let index = avail_desc.index;
-            if inflate {
-                let mut reader = match Reader::new(self.mem.clone(), avail_desc) {
-                    Ok(r) => r,
-                    Err(e) => {
-                        error!("balloon: failed to create reader: {}", e);
-                        queue.add_used(&self.mem, index, 0);
-                        needs_interrupt = true;
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                };
-                for res in reader.iter::<Le32>() {
-                    let pfn = match res {
-                        Ok(pfn) => pfn,
-                        Err(e) => {
-                            error!("error while reading unused pages: {}", e);
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    };
-                    let guest_address =
-                        GuestAddress((u64::from(pfn.to_native())) << VIRTIO_BALLOON_PFN_SHIFT);
-                    if self
-                        .mem
-                        .remove_range(guest_address, 1 << VIRTIO_BALLOON_PFN_SHIFT)
-                        .is_err()
-                    {
-                        warn!("Marking pages unused failed; addr={}", guest_address);
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            queue.add_used(&self.mem, index, 0);
-            needs_interrupt = true;
-        }
-        needs_interrupt
-    }
-    fn process_stats(&mut self) {
-        let queue = &mut self.stats_queue;
-        while let Some(stats_desc) = queue.pop(&self.mem) {
-            if let Some(prev_desc) = self.stats_desc_index {
-                // We shouldn't ever have an extra buffer if the driver follows
-                // the protocol, but return it if we find one.
-                warn!("balloon: driver is not compliant, more than one stats buffer received");
-                queue.add_used(&self.mem, prev_desc, 0);
-            }
-            self.stats_desc_index = Some(stats_desc.index);
-            let mut reader = match Reader::new(self.mem.clone(), stats_desc) {
-                Ok(r) => r,
-                Err(e) => {
-                    error!("balloon: failed to create reader: {}", e);
-                    continue;
-                }
-            };
-            let mut stats: BalloonStats = Default::default();
-            for res in reader.iter::<BalloonStat>() {
-                match res {
-                    Ok(stat) => stat.update_stats(&mut stats),
-                    Err(e) => {
-                        error!("error while reading stats: {}", e);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-            let actual_pages = self.config.actual_pages.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as u64;
-            let result = BalloonControlResult::Stats {
-                balloon_actual: actual_pages << VIRTIO_BALLOON_PFN_SHIFT,
-                stats,
-            };
-            if let Err(e) = self.command_socket.send(&result) {
-                warn!("failed to send stats result: {}", e);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    fn request_stats(&mut self) {
-        if let Some(index) = self.stats_desc_index.take() {
-            self.stats_queue.add_used(&self.mem, index, 0);
-            self.interrupt.signal_used_queue(self.stats_queue.vector);
-        }
-    }
-    fn run(&mut self, mut queue_evts: Vec<Event>, kill_evt: Event) {
-        #[derive(PartialEq, PollToken)]
-        enum Token {
-            Inflate,
-            Deflate,
-            Stats,
-            CommandSocket,
-            InterruptResample,
-            Kill,
-        }
-        let inflate_queue_evt = queue_evts.remove(0);
-        let deflate_queue_evt = queue_evts.remove(0);
-        let stats_queue_evt = queue_evts.remove(0);
-        let wait_ctx: WaitContext<Token> = match WaitContext::build_with(&[
-            (&inflate_queue_evt, Token::Inflate),
-            (&deflate_queue_evt, Token::Deflate),
-            (&stats_queue_evt, Token::Stats),
-            (&self.command_socket, Token::CommandSocket),
-            (self.interrupt.get_resample_evt(), Token::InterruptResample),
-            (&kill_evt, Token::Kill),
-        ]) {
-            Ok(pc) => pc,
+// Async task that handles the main balloon inflate and deflate queues.
+async fn handle_queue<F>(
+    mem: &GuestMemory,
+    mut queue: Queue,
+    mut queue_event: EventAsync,
+    interrupt: Rc<RefCell<Interrupt>>,
+    mut desc_handler: F,
+) where
+    F: FnMut(GuestAddress),
+    loop {
+        let avail_desc = match queue.next_async(mem, &mut queue_event).await {
             Err(e) => {
-                error!("failed creating WaitContext: {}", e);
+                error!("Failed to read descriptor {}", e);
+            Ok(d) => d,
+        let index = avail_desc.index;
+        if let Err(e) = handle_address_chain(avail_desc, mem, &mut desc_handler) {
+            error!("balloon: failed to process inflate addresses: {}", e);
+        }
+        queue.add_used(mem, index, 0);
+        interrupt.borrow_mut().signal_used_queue(queue.vector);
+    }
-        'wait: loop {
-            let events = match wait_ctx.wait() {
-                Ok(v) => v,
+// Async task that handles the stats queue. Note that the cadence of this is driven by requests for
+// balloon stats from the control pipe.
+// The guests queues an initial buffer on boot, which is read and then this future will block until
+// signaled from the command socket that stats should be collected again.
+async fn handle_stats_queue(
+    mem: &GuestMemory,
+    mut queue: Queue,
+    mut queue_event: EventAsync,
+    mut stats_rx: mpsc::Receiver<()>,
+    command_socket: &BalloonControlResponseSocket,
+    config: Arc<BalloonConfig>,
+    interrupt: Rc<RefCell<Interrupt>>,
+) {
+    loop {
+        let stats_desc = match queue.next_async(mem, &mut queue_event).await {
+            Err(e) => {
+                error!("Failed to read descriptor {}", e);
+                return;
+            }
+            Ok(d) => d,
+        };
+        let index = stats_desc.index;
+        let mut reader = match Reader::new(mem.clone(), stats_desc) {
+            Ok(r) => r,
+            Err(e) => {
+                error!("balloon: failed to CREATE Reader: {}", e);
+                continue;
+            }
+        };
+        let mut stats: BalloonStats = Default::default();
+        for res in reader.iter::<BalloonStat>() {
+            match res {
+                Ok(stat) => stat.update_stats(&mut stats),
                 Err(e) => {
-                    error!("failed polling for events: {}", e);
+                    error!("error while reading stats: {}", e);
+        }
+        let actual_pages = config.actual_pages.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as u64;
+        let result = BalloonControlResult::Stats {
+            balloon_actual: actual_pages << VIRTIO_BALLOON_PFN_SHIFT,
+            stats,
+        };
+        if let Err(e) = command_socket.send(&result) {
+            error!("failed to send stats result: {}", e);
+        }
-            let mut needs_interrupt_inflate = false;
-            let mut needs_interrupt_deflate = false;
-            for event in events.iter().filter(|e| e.is_readable) {
-                match event.token {
-                    Token::Inflate => {
-                        if let Err(e) = {
-                            error!("failed reading inflate queue Event: {}", e);
-                            break 'wait;
-                        }
-                        needs_interrupt_inflate |= self.process_inflate_deflate(true);
-                    }
-                    Token::Deflate => {
-                        if let Err(e) = {
-                            error!("failed reading deflate queue Event: {}", e);
-                            break 'wait;
-                        }
-                        needs_interrupt_deflate |= self.process_inflate_deflate(false);
-                    }
-                    Token::Stats => {
-                        if let Err(e) = {
-                            error!("failed reading stats queue Event: {}", e);
-                            break 'wait;
-                        }
-                        self.process_stats();
-                    }
-                    Token::CommandSocket => {
-                        if let Ok(req) = self.command_socket.recv() {
-                            match req {
-                                BalloonControlCommand::Adjust { num_bytes } => {
-                                    let num_pages =
-                                        (num_bytes >> VIRTIO_BALLOON_PFN_SHIFT) as usize;
-                                    info!("ballon config changed to consume {} pages", num_pages);
+        // Wait for a request to read the stats again.
+        if {
+            error!("stats signal channel was closed");
+            break;
+        }
-                          , Ordering::Relaxed);
-                                    self.interrupt.signal_config_changed();
-                                }
-                                BalloonControlCommand::Stats => {
-                                    self.request_stats();
-                                }
-                            };
-                        }
-                    }
-                    Token::InterruptResample => {
-                        self.interrupt.interrupt_resample();
-                    }
-                    Token::Kill => break 'wait,
+        // Request a new stats_desc to the guest.
+        queue.add_used(&mem, index, 0);
+        interrupt.borrow_mut().signal_used_queue(queue.vector);
+    }
+// Async task that handles the command socket. The command socket handles messages from the host
+// requesting that the guest balloon be adjusted or to report guest memory statistics.
+async fn handle_command_socket(
+    ex: &Executor,
+    command_socket: &BalloonControlResponseSocket,
+    interrupt: Rc<RefCell<Interrupt>>,
+    config: Arc<BalloonConfig>,
+    mut stats_tx: mpsc::Sender<()>,
+) -> Result<()> {
+    let mut async_messages = command_socket
+        .async_receiver(ex)
+        .map_err(BalloonError::CreatingMessageReceiver)?;
+    loop {
+        match {
+            Ok(command) => match command {
+                BalloonControlCommand::Adjust { num_bytes } => {
+                    let num_pages = (num_bytes >> VIRTIO_BALLOON_PFN_SHIFT) as usize;
+                    info!("balloon config changed to consume {} pages", num_pages);
+          , Ordering::Relaxed);
+                    interrupt.borrow_mut().signal_config_changed();
-            }
-            for event in events.iter().filter(|e| e.is_hungup) {
-                if event.token == Token::CommandSocket && !event.is_readable {
-                    // If this call fails, the command socket was already removed from the
-                    // WaitContext.
-                    let _ = wait_ctx.delete(&self.command_socket);
+                BalloonControlCommand::Stats => {
+                    if let Err(e) = stats_tx.try_send(()) {
+                        error!("failed to signal the stat handler: {}", e);
+                    }
-            }
-            if needs_interrupt_inflate {
-                self.interrupt.signal_used_queue(self.inflate_queue.vector);
-            }
-            if needs_interrupt_deflate {
-                self.interrupt.signal_used_queue(self.deflate_queue.vector);
+            },
+            Err(e) => {
+                return Err(BalloonError::ReceivingCommand(e));
+// Async task that resamples the status of the interrupt when the guest sends a request by
+// signalling the resample event associated with the interrupt.
+async fn handle_irq_resample(ex: &Executor, interrupt: Rc<RefCell<Interrupt>>) {
+    let resample_evt = interrupt
+        .borrow_mut()
+        .get_resample_evt()
+        .try_clone()
+        .unwrap();
+    let resample_evt = EventAsync::new(resample_evt.0, ex).unwrap();
+    while resample_evt.next_val().await.is_ok() {
+        interrupt.borrow_mut().do_interrupt_resample();
+    }
+// Async task that waits for a signal from the kill event given to the device at startup.  Once this event is
+// readable, exit. Exiting this future will cause the main loop to break and the worker thread to
+// exit.
+async fn wait_kill(kill_evt: EventAsync) {
+    let _ = kill_evt.next_val().await;
+// The main worker thread. Initialized the asynchronous worker tasks and passes them to the executor
+// to be processed.
+fn run_worker(
+    mut queue_evts: Vec<Event>,
+    mut queues: Vec<Queue>,
+    command_socket: &BalloonControlResponseSocket,
+    interrupt: Interrupt,
+    kill_evt: Event,
+    mem: GuestMemory,
+    config: Arc<BalloonConfig>,
+) {
+    // Wrap the interrupt in a `RefCell` so it can be shared between async functions.
+    let interrupt = Rc::new(RefCell::new(interrupt));
+    let ex = Executor::new().unwrap();
+    // The first queue is used for inflate messages
+    let inflate_event =
+        EventAsync::new(queue_evts.remove(0).0, &ex).expect("failed to set up the inflate event");
+    let inflate = handle_queue(
+        &mem,
+        queues.remove(0),
+        inflate_event,
+        interrupt.clone(),
+        |guest_address| {
+            if let Err(e) = mem.remove_range(guest_address, 1 << VIRTIO_BALLOON_PFN_SHIFT) {
+                warn!("Marking pages unused failed: {}, addr={}", e, guest_address);
+            }
+        },
+    );
+    pin_mut!(inflate);
+    // The second queue is used for deflate messages
+    let deflate_event =
+        EventAsync::new(queue_evts.remove(0).0, &ex).expect("failed to set up the deflate event");
+    let deflate = handle_queue(
+        &mem,
+        queues.remove(0),
+        deflate_event,
+        interrupt.clone(),
+        std::mem::drop, // Ignore these.
+    );
+    pin_mut!(deflate);
+    // The third queue is used for stats messages
+    let (stats_tx, stats_rx) = mpsc::channel::<()>(1);
+    let stats_event =
+        EventAsync::new(queue_evts.remove(0).0, &ex).expect("failed to set up the stats event");
+    let stats = handle_stats_queue(
+        &mem,
+        queues.remove(0),
+        stats_event,
+        stats_rx,
+        command_socket,
+        config.clone(),
+        interrupt.clone(),
+    );
+    pin_mut!(stats);
+    // Future to handle command messages that resize the balloon.
+    let command = handle_command_socket(&ex, command_socket, interrupt.clone(), config, stats_tx);
+    pin_mut!(command);
+    // Process any requests to resample the irq value.
+    let resample = handle_irq_resample(&ex, interrupt.clone());
+    pin_mut!(resample);
+    // Exit if the kill event is triggered.
+    let kill_evt = EventAsync::new(kill_evt.0, &ex).expect("failed to set up the kill event");
+    let kill = wait_kill(kill_evt);
+    pin_mut!(kill);
+    if let Err(e) = ex.run_until(select6(inflate, deflate, stats, command, resample, kill)) {
+        error!("error happened in executor: {}", e);
+    }
 /// Virtio device for memory balloon inflation/deflation.
 pub struct Balloon {
     command_socket: Option<BalloonControlResponseSocket>,
     config: Arc<BalloonConfig>,
     features: u64,
     kill_evt: Option<Event>,
-    worker_thread: Option<thread::JoinHandle<Worker>>,
+    worker_thread: Option<thread::JoinHandle<BalloonControlResponseSocket>>,
 impl Balloon {
-    /// Create a new virtio balloon device.
+    /// Creates a new virtio balloon device.
     pub fn new(
         base_features: u64,
         command_socket: BalloonControlResponseSocket,
@@ -410,7 +446,7 @@
         &mut self,
         mem: GuestMemory,
         interrupt: Interrupt,
-        mut queues: Vec<Queue>,
+        queues: Vec<Queue>,
         queue_evts: Vec<Event>,
     ) {
         if queues.len() != QUEUE_SIZES.len() || queue_evts.len() != QUEUE_SIZES.len() {
@@ -431,18 +467,16 @@
         let worker_result = thread::Builder::new()
             .spawn(move || {
-                let mut worker = Worker {
+                run_worker(
+                    queue_evts,
+                    queues,
+                    &command_socket,
+                    kill_evt,
-                    inflate_queue: queues.remove(0),
-                    deflate_queue: queues.remove(0),
-                    stats_queue: queues.remove(0),
-                    stats_desc_index: None,
-                    command_socket,
-                };
-      , kill_evt);
-                worker
+                );
+                command_socket // Return the command socket so it can be re-used.
         match worker_result {
@@ -469,8 +503,8 @@
                     error!("{}: failed to get back resources", self.debug_label());
                     return false;
-                Ok(worker) => {
-                    self.command_socket = Some(worker.command_socket);
+                Ok(command_socket) => {
+                    self.command_socket = Some(command_socket);
                     return true;
@@ -478,3 +512,45 @@
+mod tests {
+    use super::*;
+    use crate::virtio::descriptor_utils::{create_descriptor_chain, DescriptorType};
+    #[test]
+    fn desc_parsing_inflate() {
+        // Check that the memory addresses are parsed correctly by 'handle_address_chain' and passed
+        // to the closure.
+        let memory_start_addr = GuestAddress(0x0);
+        let memory = GuestMemory::new(&vec![(memory_start_addr, 0x10000)]).unwrap();
+        memory
+            .write_obj_at_addr(0x10u32, GuestAddress(0x100))
+            .unwrap();
+        memory
+            .write_obj_at_addr(0xaa55aa55u32, GuestAddress(0x104))
+            .unwrap();
+        let chain = create_descriptor_chain(
+            &memory,
+            GuestAddress(0x0),
+            GuestAddress(0x100),
+            vec![(DescriptorType::Readable, 8)],
+            0,
+        )
+        .expect("create_descriptor_chain failed");
+        let mut addrs = Vec::new();
+        let res = handle_address_chain(chain, &memory, &mut |guest_address| {
+            addrs.push(guest_address);
+        });
+        assert!(res.is_ok());
+        assert_eq!(addrs.len(), 2);
+        assert_eq!(addrs[0], GuestAddress(0x10u64 << VIRTIO_BALLOON_PFN_SHIFT));
+        assert_eq!(
+            addrs[1],
+            GuestAddress(0xaa55aa55u64 << VIRTIO_BALLOON_PFN_SHIFT)
+        );
+    }
diff --git a/seccomp/aarch64/balloon_device.policy b/seccomp/aarch64/balloon_device.policy
index fa86280..e1ca953 100644
--- a/seccomp/aarch64/balloon_device.policy
+++ b/seccomp/aarch64/balloon_device.policy
@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@
 @include /usr/share/policy/crosvm/common_device.policy
+fcntl: 1
 openat: return ENOENT
diff --git a/seccomp/aarch64/common_device.policy b/seccomp/aarch64/common_device.policy
index 93b01f1..841e52d 100644
--- a/seccomp/aarch64/common_device.policy
+++ b/seccomp/aarch64/common_device.policy
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 futex: 1
 getpid: 1
 gettimeofday: 1
+io_uring_setup: 1
+io_uring_enter: 1
 kill: 1
 madvise: arg2 == MADV_DONTNEED || arg2 == MADV_DONTDUMP || arg2 == MADV_REMOVE
 mmap: arg2 in ~PROT_EXEC
diff --git a/seccomp/arm/balloon_device.policy b/seccomp/arm/balloon_device.policy
index 0c7d258..868ae31 100644
--- a/seccomp/arm/balloon_device.policy
+++ b/seccomp/arm/balloon_device.policy
@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
 @include /usr/share/policy/crosvm/common_device.policy
+fcntl64: 1
 open: return ENOENT
 openat: return ENOENT
diff --git a/seccomp/arm/common_device.policy b/seccomp/arm/common_device.policy
index 41b176c..cbbfd7d 100644
--- a/seccomp/arm/common_device.policy
+++ b/seccomp/arm/common_device.policy
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 getpid: 1
 gettid: 1
 gettimeofday: 1
+io_uring_setup: 1
+io_uring_enter: 1
 kill: 1
 madvise: arg2 == MADV_DONTNEED || arg2 == MADV_DONTDUMP || arg2 == MADV_REMOVE
 mmap2: arg2 in ~PROT_EXEC
diff --git a/seccomp/x86_64/balloon_device.policy b/seccomp/x86_64/balloon_device.policy
index c668163..49cf785 100644
--- a/seccomp/x86_64/balloon_device.policy
+++ b/seccomp/x86_64/balloon_device.policy
@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
 @include /usr/share/policy/crosvm/common_device.policy
+fcntl: 1
 open: return ENOENT
 openat: return ENOENT
diff --git a/seccomp/x86_64/common_device.policy b/seccomp/x86_64/common_device.policy
index 453719d..bf8dd15 100644
--- a/seccomp/x86_64/common_device.policy
+++ b/seccomp/x86_64/common_device.policy
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
 getpid: 1
 gettid: 1
 gettimeofday: 1
+io_uring_setup: 1
+io_uring_enter: 1
 kill: 1
 madvise: arg2 == MADV_DONTNEED || arg2 == MADV_DONTDUMP || arg2 == MADV_REMOVE
 mmap: arg2 in ~PROT_EXEC