blob: 88fec59d7128cbcfea40a74091019b320f2100ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::fs::File;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::os::windows::fs::OpenOptionsExt;
use anyhow::{bail, Context};
use argh::FromArgs;
use base::{enable_high_res_timers, info, Event, RawDescriptor};
use broker_ipc::{common_child_setup, CommonChildStartupArgs};
use cros_async::Executor;
use disk::{async_ok, AsyncDisk, SingleFileDisk};
use hypervisor::ProtectionType;
use tracing;
use tube_transporter::TubeToken;
use winapi::um::winnt::{FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE};
use crate::virtio::base_features;
use crate::virtio::block::block::DiskOption;
use crate::virtio::vhost::user::device::block::BlockBackend;
use crate::virtio::vhost::user::device::handler::read_from_tube_transporter;
use crate::virtio::vhost::user::device::handler::DeviceRequestHandler;
impl BlockBackend {
pub(in crate::virtio::vhost::user::device::block) fn new_from_files(
ex: &Executor,
files: Vec<File>,
base_features: u64,
read_only: bool,
sparse: bool,
block_size: u32,
) -> anyhow::Result<BlockBackend> {
// Safe because the executor is initialized in main() below.
let disk = Box::new(SingleFileDisk::new_from_files(files, ex)?) as Box<dyn AsyncDisk>;
Self::new_from_async_disk(ex, disk, base_features, read_only, sparse, block_size)
/// Opens a disk image for use by the backend.
fn open_disk_file(disk_option: &DiskOption, take_write_lock: bool) -> anyhow::Result<File> {
let share_flags = if take_write_lock {
} else {
.context("Failed to open disk file")
#[argh(description = "")]
struct Options {
description = "pipe handle end for Tube Transporter",
arg_name = "HANDLE"
bootstrap: usize,
pub(in crate::virtio::vhost::user::device::block) fn start_device(
program_name: &str,
args: &[&str],
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let opts = match Options::from_args(&[program_name], args) {
Ok(opts) => opts,
Err(e) => {
if e.status.is_err() {
} else {
println!("{}", e.output);
return Ok(());
let raw_transport_tube = opts.bootstrap as RawDescriptor;
let mut tubes = read_from_tube_transporter(raw_transport_tube)?;
let vhost_user_tube = tubes.get_tube(TubeToken::VhostUser)?;
let _control_tube = tubes.get_tube(TubeToken::Control)?;
let bootstrap_tube = tubes.get_tube(TubeToken::Bootstrap)?;
let startup_args: CommonChildStartupArgs = bootstrap_tube.recv::<CommonChildStartupArgs>()?;
let disk_option: DiskOption = bootstrap_tube.recv::<DiskOption>()?;
let exit_event = bootstrap_tube.recv::<Event>()?;
// TODO(b/213146388): Replace below with `broker_ipc::common_child_setup`
// once `src` directory is upstreamed.
let _raise_timer_resolution =
enable_high_res_timers().context("failed to set timer resolution")?;
info!("using {} IO handles.", disk_option.io_concurrency.get());
// We can only take the write lock if a single handle is used (otherwise we can't open multiple
// handles).
let take_write_lock = disk_option.io_concurrency.get() == 1;
let mut files = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..disk_option.io_concurrency.get() {
files.push(open_disk_file(&disk_option, take_write_lock)?);
if !async_ok(&files[0])? {
bail!("found non-raw image; only raw images are supported.");
let base_features = base_features(ProtectionType::Unprotected);
let ex = Executor::new().context("failed to create executor")?;
let block = BlockBackend::new_from_files(
if sandbox::is_sandbox_target() {
.expect("failed to get target services")
// This is basically the event loop.
let handler = DeviceRequestHandler::new(Box::new(block));
if let Err(e) = ex.run_until(, exit_event, &ex)) {
bail!("error occurred: {}", e);