blob: bd0b315bdb78a16ff542886715da2b31c6e5c8da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <base/threading/thread.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/abstract_dbus_service.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/dbus.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include <chromeos/glib/object.h>
#include <chromeos/secure_blob.h>
#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
#include <glib-object.h>
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
#include <metrics/timer.h>
#include "cryptohome_event_source.h"
#include "install_attributes.h"
#include "mount.h"
#include "mount_task.h"
#include "pkcs11_init.h"
#include "tpm_init.h"
namespace cryptohome {
namespace gobject {
struct Cryptohome;
} // namespace gobject
// Wrapper for all timers used by the cryptohome daemon.
class TimerCollection;
class Platform;
// Service
// Provides a wrapper for exporting CryptohomeInterface to
// D-Bus and entering the glib run loop.
// ::g_type_init() must be called before this class is used.
class Service : public chromeos::dbus::AbstractDbusService,
public CryptohomeEventSourceSink,
public TpmInit::TpmInitCallback {
virtual ~Service();
// From chromeos::dbus::AbstractDbusService
// Setup the wrapped GObject and the GMainLoop
virtual bool Initialize();
virtual bool SeedUrandom();
virtual void InitializeInstallAttributes(bool first_time);
virtual void InitializePkcs11(cryptohome::Mount* mount);
virtual bool Reset();
// Used internally during registration to set the
// proper service information.
virtual const char *service_name() const {
return kCryptohomeServiceName;
virtual const char *service_path() const {
return kCryptohomeServicePath;
virtual const char *service_interface() const {
return kCryptohomeInterface;
virtual GObject* service_object() const {
return G_OBJECT(cryptohome_);
virtual void set_tpm(Tpm* tpm) {
tpm_ = tpm;
virtual void set_tpm_init(TpmInit* tpm_init) {
tpm_init_ = tpm_init;
virtual void set_initialize_tpm(bool value) {
initialize_tpm_ = value;
virtual void set_auto_cleanup_period(int value) {
auto_cleanup_period_ = value;
virtual void set_install_attrs(InstallAttributes* install_attrs) {
install_attrs_ = install_attrs;
virtual void set_update_user_activity_period(int value) {
update_user_activity_period_ = value;
virtual void set_mount_for_user(const std::string& username,
cryptohome::Mount* m) {
mounts_[username] = m;
virtual void set_use_tpm(bool value) {
use_tpm_ = value;
virtual void set_platform(Platform *value) {
platform_ = value;
virtual void set_homedirs(cryptohome::HomeDirs* value) { homedirs_ = value; }
virtual cryptohome::HomeDirs* homedirs() { return homedirs_; }
// CryptohomeEventSourceSink
virtual void NotifyEvent(CryptohomeEventBase* event);
// TpmInitCallback
virtual void InitializeTpmComplete(bool status, bool took_ownership);
// Service implementation functions as wrapped in
// and defined in cryptohome.xml.
virtual gboolean CheckKey(gchar *user,
gchar *key,
gboolean *OUT_result,
GError **error);
virtual gboolean AsyncCheckKey(gchar *user,
gchar *key,
gint *OUT_async_id,
GError **error);
virtual gboolean MigrateKey(gchar *user,
gchar *from_key,
gchar *to_key,
gboolean *OUT_result,
GError **error);
virtual gboolean AsyncMigrateKey(gchar *user,
gchar *from_key,
gchar *to_key,
gint *OUT_async_id,
GError **error);
virtual gboolean Remove(gchar *user,
gboolean *OUT_result,
GError **error);
virtual gboolean AsyncRemove(gchar *user,
gint *OUT_async_id,
GError **error);
virtual gboolean GetSystemSalt(GArray **OUT_salt, GError **error);
virtual gboolean IsMountedForUser(gchar *user,
gboolean *OUT_is_mounted,
gboolean *OUT_is_ephemeral_mount,
GError **error);
virtual gboolean IsMounted(gboolean *OUT_is_mounted, GError **error);
virtual gboolean Mount(const gchar *user,
const gchar *key,
gboolean create_if_missing,
gboolean ensure_ephemeral,
gint *OUT_error_code,
gboolean *OUT_result,
GError **error);
virtual gboolean AsyncMount(
const gchar *user,
const gchar *key,
gboolean create_if_missing,
gboolean ensure_ephemeral,
gint *OUT_async_id,
GError **error);
virtual gboolean MountGuest(gint *OUT_error_code,
gboolean *OUT_result,
GError **error);
virtual gboolean AsyncMountGuest(gint *OUT_async_id,
GError **error);
virtual gboolean Unmount(gboolean *OUT_result, GError **error);
virtual gboolean UnmountForUser(gchar* userid, gboolean *OUT_result,
GError **error);
virtual gboolean DoAutomaticFreeDiskSpaceControl(gboolean *OUT_result,
GError **error);
virtual gboolean AsyncDoAutomaticFreeDiskSpaceControl(gint *OUT_async_id,
GError **error);
virtual gboolean UpdateCurrentUserActivityTimestamp(gint time_shift_sec,
GError **error);
virtual gboolean TpmIsReady(gboolean* OUT_ready, GError** error);
virtual gboolean TpmIsEnabled(gboolean* OUT_enabled, GError** error);
virtual gboolean TpmGetPassword(gchar** OUT_password, GError** error);
virtual gboolean TpmIsOwned(gboolean* OUT_owned, GError** error);
virtual gboolean TpmIsBeingOwned(gboolean* OUT_owning, GError** error);
virtual gboolean TpmCanAttemptOwnership(GError** error);
virtual gboolean TpmClearStoredPassword(GError** error);
virtual gboolean TpmIsAttestationPrepared(gboolean* OUT_prepared,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean TpmVerifyAttestationData(gboolean* OUT_verified,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean TpmVerifyEK(gboolean* OUT_verified, GError** error);
virtual gboolean TpmAttestationCreateEnrollRequest(GArray** OUT_pca_request,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean AsyncTpmAttestationCreateEnrollRequest(
gint* OUT_async_id,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean TpmAttestationEnroll(GArray* pca_response,
gboolean* OUT_success,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean AsyncTpmAttestationEnroll(GArray* pca_response,
gint* OUT_async_id,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean TpmAttestationCreateCertRequest(gboolean is_cert_for_owner,
GArray** OUT_pca_request,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean AsyncTpmAttestationCreateCertRequest(
gboolean is_cert_for_owner,
gint* OUT_async_id,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean TpmAttestationFinishCertRequest(GArray* pca_response,
GArray** OUT_cert,
gboolean* OUT_success,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean AsyncTpmAttestationFinishCertRequest(GArray* pca_response,
gint* OUT_async_id,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean TpmIsAttestationEnrolled(gboolean* OUT_is_enrolled,
GError** error);
// Returns the label of the TPM token along with its user PIN.
virtual gboolean Pkcs11GetTpmTokenInfo(gchar** OUT_label,
gchar** OUT_user_pin,
GError** error);
// Returns the label of the TPM token along with its user PIN.
virtual gboolean Pkcs11GetTpmTokenInfoForUser(gchar *username,
gchar** OUT_label,
gchar** OUT_user_pin,
GError** error);
// Returns in |OUT_ready| whether the TPM token is ready for use.
virtual gboolean Pkcs11IsTpmTokenReady(gboolean* OUT_ready, GError** error);
virtual gboolean Pkcs11IsTpmTokenReadyForUser(gchar *username,
gboolean* OUT_ready,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean Pkcs11Terminate(gchar* username, GError** error);
virtual gboolean GetStatusString(gchar** OUT_status, GError** error);
// InstallAttributes methods
virtual gboolean InstallAttributesGet(gchar* name,
GArray** OUT_value,
gboolean* OUT_successful,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean InstallAttributesSet(gchar* name,
GArray* value,
gboolean* OUT_successful,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean InstallAttributesFinalize(gboolean* OUT_finalized,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean InstallAttributesCount(gint* OUT_count, GError** error);
virtual gboolean InstallAttributesIsReady(gboolean* OUT_ready,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean InstallAttributesIsSecure(gboolean* OUT_secure,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean InstallAttributesIsInvalid(gboolean* OUT_invalid,
GError** error);
virtual gboolean InstallAttributesIsFirstInstall(gboolean* OUT_first_install,
GError** error);
virtual GMainLoop *main_loop() { return loop_; }
// Called periodically on Mount thread to initiate automatic disk
// cleanup if needed.
virtual void AutoCleanupCallback();
// Checks if the machine is enterprise owned and report to mount_ then.
virtual void DetectEnterpriseOwnership() const;
// Runs the event loop once. Only for testing.
virtual void DispatchEvents();
bool CreateSystemSaltIfNeeded();
cryptohome::Mount* GetMountForUser(const std::string& username);
cryptohome::Mount* CreateMountForUser(const std::string& username);
bool use_tpm_;
GMainLoop* loop_;
// Can't use scoped_ptr for cryptohome_ because memory is allocated by glib.
gobject::Cryptohome* cryptohome_;
chromeos::SecureBlob system_salt_;
cryptohome::Mount* mount_;
cryptohome::Crypto* crypto_;
scoped_ptr<Platform> default_platform_;
Platform* platform_;
// TPM doesn't use the scoped_ptr for default pattern, since the tpm is a
// singleton - we don't want it getting destroyed when we are.
Tpm* tpm_;
scoped_ptr<TpmInit> default_tpm_init_;
TpmInit* tpm_init_;
scoped_ptr<Pkcs11Init> default_pkcs11_init_;
Pkcs11Init* pkcs11_init_;
bool initialize_tpm_;
base::Thread mount_thread_;
guint async_complete_signal_;
// A completion signal for async calls that return data.
guint async_data_complete_signal_;
guint tpm_init_signal_;
CryptohomeEventSource event_source_;
int auto_cleanup_period_;
scoped_ptr<cryptohome::InstallAttributes> default_install_attrs_;
cryptohome::InstallAttributes* install_attrs_;
int update_user_activity_period_;
// Metrics library used by all metrics reporters in cryptohome.
MetricsLibrary metrics_lib_;
// Collection of timers for UMA reports.
scoped_ptr<TimerCollection> timer_collection_;
// Keeps track of whether a failure on PKCS#11 initialization was reported
// during this user login. We use this not to report a same failure multiple
// times.
bool reported_pkcs11_init_fail_;
// Tracks Mount objects for each user by username.
typedef std::map<const std::string, cryptohome::Mount*> MountMap;
MountMap mounts_;
scoped_ptr<HomeDirs> default_homedirs_;
HomeDirs* homedirs_;
} // namespace cryptohome