blob: a7dd44bd25a23a2a422a1fc88507a752a4bff0a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <base/file_path.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <base/threading/platform_thread.h>
#include <chromeos/secure_blob.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include "attestation.pb.h"
namespace cryptohome {
class KeyStore;
class Pkcs11KeyStore;
class Platform;
class Tpm;
// This class performs tasks which enable attestation enrollment. These tasks
// include creating an AIK and recording all information about the AIK and EK
// that an attestation server will need to issue credentials for this system. If
// a platform does not have a TPM, this class does nothing. This class is
// thread-safe.
class Attestation : public base::PlatformThread::Delegate {
Attestation(Tpm* tpm, Platform* platform);
virtual ~Attestation();
// Must be called before any other method.
virtual void Initialize();
// Returns true if the attestation enrollment blobs already exist.
virtual bool IsPreparedForEnrollment();
// Returns true if an AIK certificate exists.
virtual bool IsEnrolled();
// Creates attestation enrollment blobs if they do not already exist. This
// includes extracting the EK information from the TPM and generating an AIK
// to be used later during enrollment.
virtual void PrepareForEnrollment();
// Like PrepareForEnrollment(), but asynchronous.
virtual void PrepareForEnrollmentAsync();
// Verifies all attestation data as an attestation server would. Returns true
// if all data is valid.
virtual bool Verify();
// Verifies the EK certificate.
virtual bool VerifyEK();
// Creates an enrollment request to be sent to the Privacy CA. This request
// is a serialized AttestationEnrollmentRequest protobuf. Attestation
// enrollment is a process by which the Privacy CA verifies the EK certificate
// of a device and issues a certificate for an AIK. The enrollment process can
// be finished by calling Enroll() with the response from the Privacy CA. This
// method can only succeed if IsPreparedForEnrollment() returns true.
// Parameters
// pca_request - The request to be sent to the Privacy CA.
// Returns true on success.
virtual bool CreateEnrollRequest(chromeos::SecureBlob* pca_request);
// Finishes the enrollment process. On success, IsEnrolled() will return true.
// The response from the Privacy CA is a serialized
// AttestationEnrollmentResponse protobuf. This method recovers the AIK
// certificate by calling TPM_ActivateIdentity and stores this certificate to
// be used later during a certificate request.
// Parameters
// pca_response - The Privacy CA's response to an enrollment request as
// returned by CreateEnrollRequest().
// Returns true on success.
virtual bool Enroll(const chromeos::SecureBlob& pca_response);
// Creates an attestation certificate request to be sent to the Privacy CA.
// The request is a serialized AttestationCertificateRequest protobuf. The
// certificate request process generates and certifies a key in the TPM and
// sends the AIK certificate along with information about the certified key to
// the Privacy CA. The PCA verifies the information and issues a certificate
// for the certified key. The certificate request process can be finished by
// calling FinishCertRequest() with the response from the Privacy CA. This
// method can only succeed if IsEnrolled() returns true.
// Parameters
// include_stable_id - Whether the PCA should include a stable identifier in
// the certificate. A stable identifier will remain the
// same even if the TPM owner is cleared.
// include_device_state - Whether the PCA should include device state
// information in the certificate.
// pca_request - The request to be sent to the Privacy CA.
// Returns true on success.
virtual bool CreateCertRequest(bool include_stable_id,
bool include_device_state,
chromeos::SecureBlob* pca_request);
// Finishes the certificate request process. The |pca_response| from the PCA
// is a serialized AttestationCertificateResponse protobuf. This final step
// verifies the PCA operation succeeded and extracts the certificate for the
// certified key. The certificate is stored with the key in association with
// the |key_name|. If the key is a user-specific key it is stored in
// association with the currently signed-in user.
// Parameters
// pca_response - The Privacy CA's response to a certificate request as
// returned by CreateCertRequest().
// is_user_specific - Whether the key is associated with the current user.
// key_name - A name for the key. If a key already exists with this name it
// will be destroyed and replaced with this one. This name may
// subsequently be used to query the certificate for the key
// using GetCertificateChain.
// certificate_chain - The PCA issued certificate chain in PEM format. By
// convention the certified key certificate is listed
// first followed by intermediate CA certificate(s).
// The PCA root certificate is not included.
virtual bool FinishCertRequest(const chromeos::SecureBlob& pca_response,
bool is_user_specific,
const std::string& key_name,
chromeos::SecureBlob* certificate_chain);
// Gets the PCA issued certificate chain for an existing certified key.
// Returns true on success.
// Parameters
// is_user_specific - Whether the key is associated with the current user.
// key_name - The key name; this is the same name previously passed to
// FinishCertRequest.
// certificate_chain - The PCA issued certificate chain in the same format
// used by FinishCertRequest.
virtual bool GetCertificateChain(bool is_user_specific,
const std::string& key_name,
chromeos::SecureBlob* certificate_chain);
// Gets the public key for an existing certified key. Returns true on
// success. This method is provided for convenience, the same public key can
// also be extracted from the certificate chain.
// Parameters
// is_user_specific - Whether the key is associated with the current user.
// key_name - The key name; this is the same name previously passed to
// FinishCertRequest.
// public_key - The public key in DER form, according to the RSAPublicKey
// ASN.1 type defined in PKCS #1 A.1.1.
virtual bool GetPublicKey(bool is_user_specific,
const std::string& key_name,
chromeos::SecureBlob* public_key);
// Returns true iff a given key exists.
virtual bool DoesKeyExist(bool is_user_specific, const std::string& key_name);
// Signs a challenge for an enterprise device / user. This challenge is
// typically generated by and the response verified by DMServer. Returns true
// on success.
// Parameters
// is_user_specific - Whether the key is associated with the current user.
// key_name - The key name; this is the same name previously passed to
// FinishCertRequest.
// domain - A domain value to be included in the challenge response. The
// value is opaque to this class.
// device_id - A device identifier to be included in the challenge response.
// This value is opaque to this class.
// include_signed_public_key - Whether the challenge response should include
// a SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge.
// challenge - The challenge to be signed.
// response - On success is populated with the challenge response.
virtual bool SignEnterpriseChallenge(
bool is_user_specific,
const std::string& key_name,
const std::string& domain,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& device_id,
bool include_signed_public_key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& challenge,
chromeos::SecureBlob* response);
// Signs a challenge outside of an enterprise context. This challenge is
// typically generated by some module running within Chrome. Returns true
// on success.
// Parameters
// is_user_specific - Whether the key is associated with the current user.
// key_name - The key name; this is the same name previously passed to
// FinishCertRequest.
// challenge - The challenge to be signed.
// response - On success is populated with the challenge response.
virtual bool SignSimpleChallenge(bool is_user_specific,
const std::string& key_name,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& challenge,
chromeos::SecureBlob* response);
// Registers a key with the user's PKCS #11 token. On success, the key is
// removed from its old location and will no longer be available via this
// interface. Returns true on success.
// Parameters
// is_user_specific - Whether the key is associated with the current user.
// key_name - The key name; this is the same name previously passed to
// FinishCertRequest.
virtual bool RegisterKey(bool is_user_specific, const std::string& key_name);
// Gets a payload previously set for a key. If the key exists but no payload
// has been set, the payload will be empty. Returns true on success.
// Parameters
// is_user_specific - Whether the key is associated with the current user.
// key_name - The key name; this is the same name previously passed to
// FinishCertRequest.
// payload - Receives the payload data.
virtual bool GetKeyPayload(bool is_user_specific,
const std::string& key_name,
chromeos::SecureBlob* payload);
// Sets a payload for a key; any previous payload will be overwritten.
// Returns true on success.
// Parameters
// is_user_specific - Whether the key is associated with the current user.
// key_name - The key name; this is the same name previously passed to
// FinishCertRequest.
// payload - The payload data.
virtual bool SetKeyPayload(bool is_user_specific,
const std::string& key_name,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& payload);
// Sets an alternative attestation database location. Useful in testing.
virtual void set_database_path(const char* path) {
database_path_ = FilePath(path);
// Sets an alternate key store.
virtual void set_user_key_store(KeyStore* user_key_store) {
user_key_store_ = user_key_store;
virtual void set_enterprise_test_key(RSA* enterprise_test_key) {
enterprise_test_key_ = enterprise_test_key;
// PlatformThread::Delegate interface.
virtual void ThreadMain() { PrepareForEnrollment(); }
typedef std::map<std::string, chromeos::SecureBlob> CertRequestMap;
enum FirmwareType {
// So we can use scoped_ptr with openssl types.
struct RSADeleter {
inline void operator()(void* ptr) const;
struct X509Deleter {
inline void operator()(void* ptr) const;
struct EVP_PKEYDeleter {
inline void operator()(void* ptr) const;
struct NETSCAPE_SPKIDeleter {
inline void operator()(void* ptr) const;
static const size_t kQuoteExternalDataSize;
static const size_t kCipherKeySize;
static const size_t kCipherBlockSize;
static const size_t kNonceSize;
static const size_t kDigestSize;
static const char kDefaultDatabasePath[];
static const char kDefaultPCAPublicKey[];
static const char kDefaultPCAPublicKeyID[];
static const char kEnterpriseSigningPublicKey[];
static const char kEnterpriseEncryptionPublicKey[];
static const char kEnterpriseEncryptionPublicKeyID[];
static const struct CertificateAuthority {
const char* issuer;
const char* modulus; // In hex format.
} kKnownEndorsementCA[];
static const struct PCRValue {
bool developer_mode_enabled;
bool recovery_mode_enabled;
FirmwareType firmware_type;
} kKnownPCRValues[];
// ASN.1 DigestInfo header for SHA-256 (see PKCS #1 v2.1 section 9.2).
static const unsigned char kSha256DigestInfo[];
Tpm* tpm_;
Platform* platform_;
// A lock to protect all data members except |tpm_| and |platform_| which are
// not owned by this class.
base::Lock lock_;
chromeos::SecureBlob database_key_;
FilePath database_path_;
AttestationDatabase database_pb_;
base::PlatformThreadHandle thread_;
CertRequestMap pending_cert_requests_;
scoped_ptr<Pkcs11KeyStore> pkcs11_key_store_;
KeyStore* user_key_store_;
// If set, this will be used to sign / encrypt enterprise challenge-response
// data instead of using kEnterprise*PublicKey.
RSA* enterprise_test_key_;
// Moves data from a std::string container to a SecureBlob container.
chromeos::SecureBlob ConvertStringToBlob(const std::string& s);
// Moves data from a chromeos::Blob container to a std::string container.
std::string ConvertBlobToString(const chromeos::Blob& blob);
// Concatenates two SecureBlobs.
chromeos::SecureBlob SecureCat(const chromeos::SecureBlob& blob1,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& blob2);
// Serializes and encrypts an attestation database.
bool EncryptDatabase(const AttestationDatabase& db,
EncryptedData* encrypted_db);
// Decrypts and parses an attestation database.
bool DecryptDatabase(const EncryptedData& encrypted_db,
AttestationDatabase* db);
// Computes an encrypted database HMAC.
std::string ComputeHMAC(const EncryptedData& encrypted_data,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& hmac_key);
// Writes an encrypted database to a persistent storage location.
bool StoreDatabase(const EncryptedData& encrypted_db);
// Reads a database from a persistent storage location.
bool LoadDatabase(EncryptedData* encrypted_db);
// Persists any changes made to database_pb_.
bool PersistDatabaseChanges();
// Ensures permissions of the database file are correct.
void CheckDatabasePermissions();
// Verifies an endorsement credential against known Chrome OS issuers.
bool VerifyEndorsementCredential(const chromeos::SecureBlob& credential,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& public_key);
// Verifies identity key binding data.
bool VerifyIdentityBinding(const IdentityBinding& binding);
// Verifies a quote of PCR0.
bool VerifyQuote(const chromeos::SecureBlob& aik_public_key,
const Quote& quote);
// Verifies a certified key.
bool VerifyCertifiedKey(const chromeos::SecureBlob& aik_public_key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& certified_public_key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& certified_key_info,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& proof);
// Creates a public key based on a known credential issuer.
scoped_ptr<EVP_PKEY, EVP_PKEYDeleter> GetAuthorityPublicKey(
const char* issuer_name);
// Verifies an RSA-PKCS1-SHA1 digital signature.
bool VerifySignature(const chromeos::SecureBlob& public_key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& signed_data,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& signature);
// Clears the memory of the database protobuf.
void ClearDatabase();
// Clears the memory of a std::string.
void ClearString(std::string* s);
// Performs AIK activation with a fake credential.
bool VerifyActivateIdentity(const chromeos::SecureBlob& delegate_blob,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& delegate_secret,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& identity_key_blob,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& identity_public_key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& ek_public_key);
// Encrypts the endorsement credential with the Privacy CA public key.
bool EncryptEndorsementCredential(const chromeos::SecureBlob& credential,
EncryptedData* encrypted_credential);
// Adds named device-wide key to the attestation database.
bool AddDeviceKey(const std::string& key_name, const CertifiedKey& key);
// Finds a key by name.
bool FindKeyByName(bool is_user_specific,
const std::string& key_name,
CertifiedKey* key);
// Saves a key either in the device or user key store.
bool SaveKey(bool is_user_specific,
const std::string& key_name,
const CertifiedKey& key);
// Assembles a certificate chain in PEM format given a leaf certificate and an
// intermediate CA certificate. By convention, the leaf certificate will be
// first.
bool CreatePEMCertificateChain(const std::string& leaf_certificate,
const std::string& intermediate_ca_cert,
chromeos::SecureBlob* certificate_chain);
// Creates a certificate in PEM format from a DER encoded X.509 certificate.
std::string CreatePEMCertificate(const std::string& certificate);
// Signs data with a certified key using the scheme specified for challenges
// and outputs a serialized SignedData protobuf.
bool SignChallengeData(const CertifiedKey& key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& challenge,
chromeos::SecureBlob* response);
// Validates incoming enterprise challenge data.
bool ValidateEnterpriseChallenge(const SignedData& signed_challenge);
// Encrypts a KeyInfo protobuf as required for an enterprise challenge
// response.
bool EncryptEnterpriseKeyInfo(const KeyInfo& key_info,
EncryptedData* encrypted_data);
// Encrypts data into an EncryptedData protobuf, wrapping the encryption key
// with |wrapping_key|.
bool EncryptData(const chromeos::SecureBlob& input,
RSA* wrapping_key,
const std::string& wrapping_key_id,
EncryptedData* output);
// Creates an RSA* given a modulus in hex format. The exponent is always set
// to 65537. If an error occurs, NULL is returned.
scoped_ptr<RSA, RSADeleter> CreateRSAFromHexModulus(
const std::string& hex_modulus);
// Creates a SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge with a random challenge.
bool CreateSignedPublicKey(const CertifiedKey& key,
chromeos::SecureBlob* signed_public_key);
// Standard AES-256-CBC padded encryption.
bool AesEncrypt(const chromeos::SecureBlob& plaintext,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& iv,
chromeos::SecureBlob* ciphertext);
// Standard AES-256-CBC padded decryption.
bool AesDecrypt(const chromeos::SecureBlob& ciphertext,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& iv,
chromeos::SecureBlob* plaintext);
} // namespace cryptohome