blob: d758fd13960819971285cc71930a36b8edc5618b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Contains the implementation of class Crypto
#include "crypto.h"
#include <limits>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <chromeos/secure_blob.h>
#include <chromeos/utility.h>
extern "C" {
#include <scrypt/crypto_scrypt.h>
#include <scrypt/scryptenc.h>
#include "cryptohome_common.h"
#include "cryptolib.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "username_passkey.h"
// Included last because they both have conflicting defines :(
extern "C" {
#include <ecryptfs.h>
#include <keyutils.h>
using chromeos::SecureBlob;
using std::string;
namespace cryptohome {
// The OpenSSL "magic" value that prefixes the encrypted data blob. This is
// only used in migrating legacy keysets, which were stored in this manner.
const std::string kOpenSSLMagic = "Salted__";
// An upper bound on the amount of memory that we allow Scrypt to use when
// performing key strengthening (32MB). A large size is okay since we only use
// Scrypt during the login process, before the user is logged in. This memory
// is managed (and freed) by the scrypt library.
const unsigned int kScryptMaxMem = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
// An upper bound on the amount of time we allow Scrypt to use when performing
// key strenthening (1/3s) for encryption.
const double kScryptMaxEncryptTime = 0.333;
// An upper bound on the amount of time we allow Scrypt to use when performing
// key strenthening (100s) for decryption. This number can be high because in
// practice, it doesn't mean much. It simply needs to be large enough that we
// can guarantee that the key derived during encryption can always be derived at
// decryption time, so the typical time is usually close to 1/3s. However,
// because sometimes other processes may interfere, we need it to be large
// enough to allow the same calculation to be made amidst other heavy use.
const double kScryptMaxDecryptTime = 100.0;
// Scrypt creates a header in the cipher text that we need to account for in
// buffer sizing.
const unsigned int kScryptHeaderLength = 128;
// The number of hash rounds we originally used when converting a password to a
// key. This is used when converting older cryptohome vault keysets.
const unsigned int kDefaultLegacyPasswordRounds = 1;
// AES key size in bytes (256-bit). This key size is used for all key creation,
// though we currently only use 128 bits for the eCryptfs File Encryption Key
// (FEK). Larger than 128-bit has too great of a CPU overhead on unaccelerated
// architectures.
const unsigned int kDefaultAesKeySize = 32;
// Maximum size of the salt file.
const int64 Crypto::kSaltMax = (1 << 20); // 1 MB
Crypto::Crypto(Platform* platform)
: use_tpm_(false),
platform_(platform) {
Crypto::~Crypto() {
bool Crypto::Init() {
if (use_tpm_ && tpm_ == NULL) {
tpm_ = Tpm::GetSingleton();
if (tpm_) {
tpm_->Init(platform_, true);
return true;
Crypto::CryptoError Crypto::EnsureTpm(bool disconnect_first) const {
Crypto::CryptoError result = Crypto::CE_NONE;
if (tpm_) {
if (disconnect_first) {
if (!tpm_->IsConnected()) {
Tpm::TpmRetryAction retry_action;
if (!tpm_->Connect(&retry_action)) {
result = TpmErrorToCrypto(retry_action);
return result;
bool Crypto::PasskeyToTokenAuthData(const chromeos::Blob& passkey,
const FilePath& salt_file,
SecureBlob* auth_data) const {
// Use the scrypt algorithm to derive auth data from the passkey.
const size_t kAuthDataSizeBytes = 32;
// The following scrypt parameters are based on Colin Percival's interactive
// login example in and
// adjusted for ~100ms performance on slower models. The performance is
// dependant on CPU and memory performance.
const uint64_t kScryptParameterN = (1 << 11);
const uint32_t kScryptParameterR = 8;
const uint32_t kScryptParameterP = 1;
const unsigned int kSaltLength = 32;
SecureBlob salt;
if (!GetOrCreateSalt(salt_file, kSaltLength, false, &salt)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get authorization data salt.";
return false;
SecureBlob local_auth_data;
if (0 != crypto_scrypt(&passkey[0],
kAuthDataSizeBytes)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Scrypt key derivation failed.";
return false;
return true;
bool Crypto::GetOrCreateSalt(const FilePath& path, unsigned int length,
bool force, SecureBlob* salt) const {
int64 file_len = 0;
if (platform_->FileExists(path.value())) {
if (!platform_->GetFileSize(path.value(), &file_len)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Can't get file len for " << path.value();
return false;
SecureBlob local_salt;
if (force || file_len == 0 || file_len > kSaltMax) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Creating new salt at " << path.value()
<< " (" << force << ", " << file_len << ")";
// If this salt doesn't exist, automatically create it
CryptoLib::GetSecureRandom(static_cast<unsigned char*>(,
if (!platform_->WriteFile(path.value(), local_salt)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not write user salt";
return false;
} else {
if (!platform_->ReadFile(path.value(), &local_salt)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read sale file of length " << file_len;
return false;
return true;
bool Crypto::AddKeyset(const VaultKeyset& vault_keyset,
std::string* key_signature,
std::string* filename_key_signature) const {
// Add the File Encryption key (FEK) from the vault keyset. This is the key
// that is used to encrypt the file contents when it is persisted to the lower
// filesystem by eCryptfs.
*key_signature = chromeos::AsciiEncode(vault_keyset.FEK_SIG());
if (!PushVaultKey(vault_keyset.FEK(), *key_signature,
vault_keyset.FEK_SALT())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't add ecryptfs key to keyring";
return false;
// Add the File Name Encryption Key (FNEK) from the vault keyset. This is the
// key that is used to encrypt the file name when it is persisted to the lower
// filesystem by eCryptfs.
*filename_key_signature = chromeos::AsciiEncode(vault_keyset.FNEK_SIG());
if (!PushVaultKey(vault_keyset.FNEK(), *filename_key_signature,
vault_keyset.FNEK_SALT())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't add ecryptfs filename encryption key to keyring";
return false;
return true;
void Crypto::ClearKeyset() const {
errno = 0;
long ret = platform_->ClearUserKeyring();
if (ret == -1)
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to clear user keyring: " << errno;
Crypto::CryptoError Crypto::TpmErrorToCrypto(
Tpm::TpmRetryAction retry_action) const {
switch (retry_action) {
case Tpm::Fatal:
return Crypto::CE_TPM_FATAL;
case Tpm::RetryCommFailure:
return Crypto::CE_TPM_COMM_ERROR;
case Tpm::RetryDefendLock:
return Crypto::CE_TPM_DEFEND_LOCK;
case Tpm::RetryReboot:
return Crypto::CE_TPM_REBOOT;
return Crypto::CE_NONE;
bool Crypto::PushVaultKey(const SecureBlob& key, const std::string& key_sig,
const SecureBlob& salt) const {
if (platform_->AddEcryptfsAuthToken(key, key_sig, salt) < 0)
LOG(ERROR) << "PushVaultKey failed";
return true;
void Crypto::PasswordToPasskey(const char* password,
const chromeos::Blob& salt,
SecureBlob* passkey) {
std::string ascii_salt = chromeos::AsciiEncode(salt);
// Convert a raw password to a password hash
SHA256_CTX sha_context;
SecureBlob md_value(SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(,
static_cast<unsigned int>(ascii_salt.length()));
SHA256_Update(&sha_context, password, strlen(password));
SHA256_Final(static_cast<unsigned char*>(, &sha_context);
md_value.resize(SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH / 2);
SecureBlob local_passkey(SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
bool Crypto::IsTPMPubkeyHash(const string& hash,
CryptoError* error) const {
SecureBlob pub_key_hash;
Tpm::TpmRetryAction retry_action;
retry_action = tpm_->GetPublicKeyHash(&pub_key_hash);
if (retry_action != Tpm::RetryNone) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get the cryptohome public key from the TPM.";
if (error)
// This is a fatal error only if we don't get a transient error code.
*error = TpmErrorToCrypto(retry_action);
return false;
if ((hash.size() != pub_key_hash.size()) ||
pub_key_hash.size()))) {
if (error)
*error = CE_TPM_FATAL;
return false;
return true;
bool Crypto::DecryptTPM(const SerializedVaultKeyset& serialized,
const SecureBlob& vault_key,
CryptoError* error,
VaultKeyset* keyset) const {
CHECK(serialized.flags() & SerializedVaultKeyset::TPM_WRAPPED);
SecureBlob local_encrypted_keyset(serialized.wrapped_keyset().length());
serialized.wrapped_keyset().length(), 0);
SecureBlob salt(serialized.salt().length());
serialized.salt().length(), 0);
SecureBlob local_vault_key(vault_key.begin(), vault_key.end());
if (!serialized.has_tpm_key()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Decrypting with TPM, but no tpm key present";
if (error)
*error = CE_TPM_FATAL;
return false;
// If the TPM is enabled but not owned, and the keyset is TPM wrapped, then
// it means the TPM has been cleared since the last login, and is not
// re-owned. In this case, the SRK is cleared and we cannot recover the
// keyset.
if (tpm_->IsEnabled() && !tpm_->IsOwned()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Fatal error--the TPM is enabled but not owned, and this "
<< "keyset was wrapped by the TPM. It is impossible to "
<< "recover this keyset.";
if (error)
*error = CE_TPM_FATAL;
return false;
Crypto::CryptoError local_error = EnsureTpm(false);
if (!tpm_->IsConnected()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Vault keyset is wrapped by the TPM, but the TPM is "
<< "unavailable";
if (error)
*error = local_error;
return false;
unsigned int rounds;
if (serialized.has_password_rounds()) {
rounds = serialized.password_rounds();
} else {
rounds = kDefaultLegacyPasswordRounds;
if (serialized.has_tpm_public_key_hash()) {
if (!IsTPMPubkeyHash(serialized.tpm_public_key_hash(), error)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "TPM public key hash mismatch.";
return false;
Tpm::TpmRetryAction retry_action;
SecureBlob tpm_key(serialized.tpm_key().length());
serialized.tpm_key().length(), 0);
SecureBlob key;
CryptoLib::PasskeyToAesKey(vault_key, salt, rounds, &key, NULL);
if (!tpm_->Decrypt(tpm_key, key, &local_vault_key, &retry_action)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "The TPM failed to unwrap the intermediate key with the "
<< "supplied credentials";
if (error)
// This is a fatal error only if we don't get a transient error code.
*error = TpmErrorToCrypto(retry_action);
return false;
SecureBlob aes_key;
SecureBlob iv;
SecureBlob plain_text;
if (!CryptoLib::PasskeyToAesKey(local_vault_key,
&iv)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure converting passkey to key";
if (error)
*error = CE_OTHER_FATAL;
return false;
if (!CryptoLib::AesDecrypt(local_encrypted_keyset, aes_key, iv,
&plain_text)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "AES decryption failed.";
if (error)
return false;
if (!serialized.has_tpm_public_key_hash() && error)
return true;
bool Crypto::DecryptScrypt(const SerializedVaultKeyset& serialized,
const SecureBlob& key,
CryptoError* error,
VaultKeyset* keyset) const {
SecureBlob blob(serialized.wrapped_keyset().length());
blob.size(), 0);
size_t out_len = blob.size();
SecureBlob decrypted(out_len);
int scrypt_rc;
if ((scrypt_rc = scryptdec_buf(
static_cast<const uint8_t*>(blob.const_data()),
static_cast<const uint8_t*>(key.const_data()),
kScryptMaxDecryptTime))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Scrypt decryption failed: " << scrypt_rc;
if (error)
return false;
// TODO(ellyjones): size underflow?
SecureBlob included_hash(SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);
if (decrypted.size() < SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Message length underflow: " << decrypted.size() << " bytes?";
return false;
memcpy(&included_hash[0], &decrypted[decrypted.size() - SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH],
decrypted.resize(decrypted.size() - SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);
chromeos::Blob hash = CryptoLib::Sha1(decrypted);
if (chromeos::SafeMemcmp(, &included_hash[0],
hash.size())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Scrypt hash verification failed";
if (error) {
return false;
return true;
bool Crypto::DecryptVaultKeyset(const SerializedVaultKeyset& serialized,
const SecureBlob& vault_key,
unsigned int* crypt_flags, CryptoError* error,
VaultKeyset* vault_keyset) const {
if (crypt_flags)
*crypt_flags = serialized.flags();
if (error)
*error = CE_NONE;
// Check if the vault keyset was TPM-wrapped
if (serialized.flags() & SerializedVaultKeyset::TPM_WRAPPED) {
return DecryptTPM(serialized, vault_key, error, vault_keyset);
} else if (serialized.flags() & SerializedVaultKeyset::SCRYPT_WRAPPED) {
return DecryptScrypt(serialized, vault_key, error, vault_keyset);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Keyset wrapped with neither TPM nor Scrypt?";
return false;
bool Crypto::EncryptTPM(const SecureBlob& blob,
const SecureBlob& key,
const SecureBlob& salt,
SerializedVaultKeyset* serialized) const {
unsigned int rounds = kDefaultPasswordRounds;
if (!use_tpm_)
return false;
if (tpm_ == NULL || !tpm_->IsConnected())
return false;
SecureBlob local_blob(kDefaultAesKeySize);
CryptoLib::GetSecureRandom(static_cast<unsigned char*>(,
Tpm::TpmRetryAction retry_action;
SecureBlob tpm_key;
SecureBlob derived_key;
CryptoLib::PasskeyToAesKey(key, salt, rounds, &derived_key, NULL);
// Encrypt the VKK using the TPM and the user's passkey. The output is an
// encrypted blob in tpm_key, which is stored in the serialized vault
// keyset.
if (!tpm_->Encrypt(local_blob, derived_key, &tpm_key, &retry_action)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to wrap vkk with creds.";
return false;
SecureBlob aes_key;
SecureBlob iv;
SecureBlob cipher_text;
if (!CryptoLib::PasskeyToAesKey(local_blob, salt, rounds, &aes_key, &iv)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure converting passkey to key";
return false;
if (!CryptoLib::AesEncrypt(blob, aes_key, iv, &cipher_text)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "AES encryption failed.";
return false;
// Allow this to fail. It is not absolutely necessary; it allows us to
// detect a TPM clear. If this fails due to a transient issue, then on next
// successful login, the vault keyset will be re-saved anyway.
SecureBlob pub_key_hash;
if (tpm_->GetPublicKeyHash(&pub_key_hash) == Tpm::RetryNone)
unsigned int flags = serialized->flags();
serialized->set_flags(flags | SerializedVaultKeyset::TPM_WRAPPED);
serialized->set_tpm_key(tpm_key.const_data(), tpm_key.size());
serialized->set_wrapped_keyset(cipher_text.const_data(), cipher_text.size());
return true;
bool Crypto::EncryptScrypt(const SecureBlob& blob,
const SecureBlob& key,
SerializedVaultKeyset* serialized) const {
// Append the SHA1 hash of the keyset blob
SecureBlob cipher_text;
SecureBlob hash = CryptoLib::Sha1(blob);
SecureBlob local_blob(blob.size() + hash.size());
memcpy(&local_blob[0], blob.const_data(), blob.size());
memcpy(&local_blob[blob.size()],, hash.size());
cipher_text.resize(local_blob.size() + kScryptHeaderLength);
int scrypt_rc;
if ((scrypt_rc = scryptenc_buf(
static_cast<const uint8_t*>(local_blob.const_data()),
static_cast<const uint8_t*>(&key[0]),
kScryptMaxEncryptTime))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Scrypt encryption failed: " << scrypt_rc;
return false;
unsigned int flags = serialized->flags();
serialized->set_flags(flags | SerializedVaultKeyset::SCRYPT_WRAPPED);
serialized->set_wrapped_keyset(cipher_text.const_data(), cipher_text.size());
return true;
bool Crypto::EncryptVaultKeyset(const VaultKeyset& vault_keyset,
const SecureBlob& vault_key,
const SecureBlob& vault_key_salt,
SerializedVaultKeyset* serialized) const {
SecureBlob keyset_blob;
if (!vault_keyset.ToKeysBlob(&keyset_blob)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure serializing keyset to buffer";
return false;
if (!EncryptTPM(keyset_blob, vault_key, vault_key_salt, serialized))
if (!EncryptScrypt(keyset_blob, vault_key, serialized))
return false;
return true;
} // namespace cryptohome