blob: 2371ece615d196e2e98bdbf5054d961397ea5670 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/file_path.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <base/threading/platform_thread.h>
#include <chromeos/secure_blob.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include "attestation.pb.h"
namespace cryptohome {
class Tpm;
// This class performs tasks which enable attestation enrollment. These tasks
// include creating an AIK and recording all information about the AIK and EK
// that an attestation server will need to issue credentials for this system. If
// a platform does not have a TPM, this class does nothing.
class Attestation : public base::PlatformThread::Delegate {
Attestation(Tpm* tpm) : tpm_(tpm),
thread_(base::kNullThreadHandle) {}
virtual ~Attestation() {
if (thread_ != base::kNullThreadHandle)
// Returns true if the attestation enrollment blobs already exist.
virtual bool IsPreparedForEnrollment();
// Creates attestation enrollment blobs if they do not already exist.
virtual void PrepareForEnrollment();
// Like PrepareForEnrollment(), but asynchronous.
virtual void PrepareForEnrollmentAsync() {
base::PlatformThread::Create(0, this, &thread_);
// Verifies all attestation data as an attestation server would. Returns true
// if all data is valid.
virtual bool Verify();
// Verifies the EK credential.
virtual bool VerifyEK();
// Sets an alternative attestation database location. Useful in testing.
virtual void set_database_path(const char* path) {
database_path_ = FilePath(path);
// PlatformThread::Delegate interface.
virtual void ThreadMain() { PrepareForEnrollment(); }
enum FirmwareType {
static const size_t kQuoteExternalDataSize;
static const size_t kCipherKeySize;
static const size_t kCipherBlockSize;
static const size_t kNonceSize;
static const size_t kDigestSize;
static const char* kDefaultDatabasePath;
static const struct CertificateAuthority {
const char* issuer;
const char* modulus; // In hex format.
} kKnownEndorsementCA[];
static const struct PCRValue {
bool developer_mode_enabled;
bool recovery_mode_enabled;
FirmwareType firmware_type;
} kKnownPCRValues[];
Tpm* tpm_;
bool is_prepared_;
base::Lock prepare_lock_;
chromeos::SecureBlob database_key_;
FilePath database_path_;
AttestationDatabase database_pb_;
base::PlatformThreadHandle thread_;
// Moves data from a std::string container to a SecureBlob container.
chromeos::SecureBlob ConvertStringToBlob(const std::string& s);
// Moves data from a chromeos::Blob container to a std::string container.
std::string ConvertBlobToString(const chromeos::Blob& blob);
// Concatenates two SecureBlobs.
chromeos::SecureBlob SecureCat(const chromeos::SecureBlob& blob1,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& blob2);
// Serializes and encrypts an attestation database.
bool EncryptDatabase(const AttestationDatabase& db,
EncryptedDatabase* encrypted_db);
// Decrypts and parses an attestation database.
bool DecryptDatabase(const EncryptedDatabase& encrypted_db,
AttestationDatabase* db);
// Computes an encrypted database HMAC.
std::string ComputeHMAC(const EncryptedDatabase& encrypted_db);
// Writes an encrypted database to a persistent storage location.
bool StoreDatabase(const EncryptedDatabase& encrypted_db);
// Reads a database from a persistent storage location.
bool LoadDatabase(EncryptedDatabase* encrypted_db);
// Verifies an endorsement credential against known Chrome OS issuers.
bool VerifyEndorsementCredential(const chromeos::SecureBlob& credential,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& public_key);
// Verifies identity key binding data.
bool VerifyIdentityBinding(const IdentityBinding& binding);
// Verifies a quote of PCR0.
bool VerifyQuote(const chromeos::SecureBlob& aik_public_key,
const Quote& quote);
// Verifies a certified key.
bool VerifyCertifiedKey(const chromeos::SecureBlob& aik_public_key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& certified_public_key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& certified_key_info,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& proof);
// Creates a public key based on a known credential issuer.
EVP_PKEY* GetAuthorityPublicKey(const char* issuer_name);
// Verifies an RSA-PKCS1-SHA1 digital signature.
bool VerifySignature(const chromeos::SecureBlob& public_key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& signed_data,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& signature);
// Clears the memory of the database protobuf.
void ClearDatabase();
// Clears the memory of a std::string.
void ClearString(std::string* s);
// Performs AIK activation with a fake credential.
bool VerifyActivateIdentity(const chromeos::SecureBlob& delegate_blob,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& delegate_secret,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& identity_key_blob,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& identity_public_key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& ek_public_key);
} // namespace cryptohome