blob: 2106deb6410153438ba1a97b9a5eb0e68ce2af8d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package cryptohome;
// Holds TPM credentials that the attestation server will need to see. These
// credentials must be cleared once the attestation server has certified the
// AIK.
message TPMCredentials {
optional bytes endorsement_public_key = 1;
optional bytes endorsement_credential = 2;
optional bytes platform_credential = 3;
optional bytes conformance_credential = 4;
// Holds information relevant to a particular AIK.
message IdentityKey {
// The DER encoded public key.
optional bytes identity_public_key = 1;
// The TPM-specific key blob that can be loaded back into the TPM.
optional bytes identity_key_blob = 2;
// A credential issued by the attestation server.
optional bytes identity_credential = 3;
// Holds information required to verify the binding of an AIK to an EK. This
// information should be cleared once the attestation server has certified the
// AIK.
message IdentityBinding {
// The binding data, as output by the TPM_MakeIdentity operation.
optional bytes identity_binding = 1;
// The AIK public key, DER encoded.
optional bytes identity_public_key_der = 2;
// The AIK public key, in TPM_PUBKEY form.
optional bytes identity_public_key = 3;
// The label used during AIK creation.
optional bytes identity_label = 4;
// The PCA public key used during AIK creation, in TPM_PUBKEY form.
optional bytes pca_public_key = 5;
// Holds information about a quote generated by the TPM.
message Quote {
// The quote; a signature generated with the AIK.
optional bytes quote = 1;
// The serialized data that was quoted; this assists in verifying the quote.
optional bytes quoted_data = 2;
// The value of the PCR(s) at the time the quote was generated.
optional bytes quoted_pcr_value = 3;
// Holds owner delegation information.
message Delegation {
// The delegate owner blob.
optional bytes blob = 1;
// The authorization secret.
optional bytes secret = 2;
// This message holds all information to be sent to the attestation server in
// order to complete enrollment.
message AttestationEnrollmentRequest {
// The EK cert, in X.509 form.
optional bytes endorsement_credential = 1;
// The AIK public key, in TPM_PUBKEY form.
optional bytes identity_public_key = 2;
// PCR0 quoted by AIK.
optional Quote pcr0_quote = 3;
// These two fields are suitable for passing to Tspi_TPM_ActivateIdentity()
// directly.
message EncryptedIdentityCredential {
// TPM_ASYM_CA_CONTENTS, encrypted with EK public key.
optional bytes asym_ca_contents = 1;
// TPM_SYM_CA_ATTESTATION, encrypted with the key in aysm_ca_contents.
optional bytes sym_ca_attestation = 2;
enum ResponseStatus {
OK = 0;
// Internal server error.
// The server cannot parse the request.
// The server rejects the request.
// The response from the attestation server for the enrollment request.
message AttestationEnrollmentResponse {
optional ResponseStatus status = 1;
// Detail response message. Included when the result is not OK.
optional string detail = 2;
optional EncryptedIdentityCredential encrypted_identity_credential = 3;
// The certificate request to be sent to the attestation server.
message AttestationCertificateRequest {
// The AIK cert in X.509 format.
optional bytes identity_credential = 1;
// Set this field to true to include detail information (e.g. device mode) in
// the issued certificate.
optional bool is_cert_for_owner = 2;
// A certified public key in TPM_PUBKEY.
optional bytes certified_public_key = 3;
// The serialized TPM_CERTIFY_INFO for the certified key.
optional bytes certified_key_info = 4;
// The signature of the TPM_CERTIFY_INFO by the AIK.
optional bytes certified_key_proof = 5;
// The response from the attestation server for the certificate request.
message AttestationCertificateResponse {
optional ResponseStatus status = 1;
// Detail response message. Included when the result is not OK.
optional string detail = 2;
// The credential of the ceritified key in X.509 format.
optional bytes certified_key_credential = 3;
// Holds all information that a client stores locally.
message AttestationDatabase {
optional TPMCredentials credentials = 2;
optional IdentityBinding identity_binding = 3;
optional IdentityKey identity_key = 4;
optional Quote pcr0_quote = 5;
optional Delegation delegate = 6;
// Holds encrypted data and information required to decrypt it.
message EncryptedDatabase {
// A key that has been sealed to the TPM.
optional bytes sealed_key = 2;
// The initialization vector used during encryption.
optional bytes iv = 3;
// MAC of (iv || encrypted_data).
optional bytes mac = 4;
optional bytes encrypted_data = 5;