blob: 96d64db0068b1b9ee7098c9f8866689cee5acd73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Homedirs - manages the collection of user home directories on disk. When a
// homedir is actually mounted, it becomes a Mount.
#ifndef HOMEDIRS_H_
#define HOMEDIRS_H_
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/file_path.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <base/time.h>
#include <chaps/login_event_client.h>
#include <chromeos/secure_blob.h>
#include <policy/device_policy.h>
#include <policy/libpolicy.h>
#include <string>
#include "crypto.h"
#include "vault_keyset.pb.h"
namespace cryptohome {
const int64 kMinFreeSpace = 512 * 1LL << 20;
const int64 kEnoughFreeSpace = 1LL << 30;
extern const base::TimeDelta kOldUserLastActivityTime;
class Credentials;
class Platform;
class UserOldestActivityTimestampCache;
class HomeDirs {
virtual ~HomeDirs();
// Initializes this HomeDirs object. Returns true for success.
virtual bool Init();
// Frees disk space for unused cryptohomes. If less than kMinFreeSpace is
// available, frees space until kEnoughFreeSpace is available. Returns true if
// there is now at least kEnoughFreeSpace, or false otherwise.
virtual bool FreeDiskSpace();
// Removes all cryptohomes owned by anyone other than the owner user (if set),
// regardless of free disk space.
virtual void RemoveNonOwnerCryptohomes();
// Returns the system salt, creating a new one if necessary. If loading the
// system salt fails, returns false, and blob is unchanged.
virtual bool GetSystemSalt(chromeos::SecureBlob *blob);
// Returns the owner's obfuscated username.
virtual bool GetOwner(std::string* owner);
virtual bool GetPlainOwner(std::string* owner);
// Removes the cryptohome for the named user.
virtual bool Remove(const std::string& username);
// Returns true if the supplied Credentials are a valid (username, passkey)
// pair.
virtual bool AreCredentialsValid(const Credentials& credentials);
// Returns the vault keyset path for the supplied obfuscated username.
virtual std::string GetVaultKeysetPath(const std::string& obfuscated) const;
// Migrates the cryptohome for the supplied obfuscated username from the
// supplied old key to the supplied new key.
virtual bool Migrate(const Credentials& newcreds,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& oldkey);
// Accessors. Mostly used for unit testing. These do not take ownership of
// passed-in pointers.
void set_platform(Platform *value) { platform_ = value; }
Platform* platform() { return platform_; }
void set_shadow_root(const std::string& value) { shadow_root_ = value; }
const std::string& shadow_root() const { return shadow_root_; }
UserOldestActivityTimestampCache *timestamp_cache() {
return timestamp_cache_;
void set_timestamp_cache(UserOldestActivityTimestampCache *value) {
timestamp_cache_ = value;
void set_enterprise_owned(bool value) { enterprise_owned_ = value; }
bool enterprise_owned() const { return enterprise_owned_; }
void set_old_user_last_activity_time(base::TimeDelta value) {
old_user_last_activity_time_ = value;
const base::TimeDelta &old_user_last_activity_time() const {
return old_user_last_activity_time_;
void set_policy_provider(policy::PolicyProvider* value) {
policy_provider_ = value;
policy::PolicyProvider* policy_provider() { return policy_provider_; }
void set_crypto(Crypto* value) { crypto_ = value; }
Crypto* crypto() const { return crypto_; }
bool AreEphemeralUsersEnabled();
// Loads the device policy, either by initializing it or reloading the
// existing one.
void LoadDevicePolicy();
typedef base::Callback<void(const FilePath&)> CryptohomeCallback;
// Runs the supplied callback for every unmounted cryptohome.
void DoForEveryUnmountedCryptohome(const CryptohomeCallback& cryptohome_cb);
// Callback used during RemoveNonOwnerCryptohomes()
void RemoveNonOwnerCryptohomesCallback(const FilePath& vault);
// Callback used during FreeDiskSpace().
void DeleteCacheCallback(const FilePath& vault);
// Callback used during FreeDiskSpace().
void DeleteGCacheTmpCallback(const FilePath& vault);
// Recursively deletes all contents of a directory while leaving the directory
// itself intact.
void DeleteDirectoryContents(const FilePath& dir);
// Deletes all directories under the supplied directory whose basename is not
// the same as the obfuscated owner name.
void RemoveNonOwnerDirectories(const FilePath& prefix);
// Callback used during FreeDiskSpace()
void AddUserTimestampToCacheCallback(const FilePath& vault);
// Loads the serialized vault keyset for the supplied obfuscated username.
// Returns true for success, false for failure.
bool LoadVaultKeysetForUser(const std::string& obfuscated_user,
SerializedVaultKeyset* serialized) const;
// Takes ownership of the supplied PolicyProvider. Used to avoid leaking mocks
// in unit tests.
void own_policy_provider(policy::PolicyProvider* value) {
policy_provider_ = value;
scoped_ptr<Platform> default_platform_;
Platform* platform_;
std::string shadow_root_;
scoped_ptr<UserOldestActivityTimestampCache> default_timestamp_cache_;
UserOldestActivityTimestampCache* timestamp_cache_;
bool enterprise_owned_;
scoped_ptr<policy::PolicyProvider> default_policy_provider_;
policy::PolicyProvider* policy_provider_;
scoped_ptr<Crypto> default_crypto_;
Crypto* crypto_;
base::TimeDelta old_user_last_activity_time_;
chromeos::SecureBlob system_salt_;
chaps::LoginEventClient chaps_event_client_;
friend class HomeDirsTest;
} // namespace cryptohome
#endif // HOMEDIRS_H_