blob: f726bd13e84407111467e3e03222a748448ceb1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "pkcs11_keystore.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <chaps/attributes.h>
#include <chaps/chaps_proxy_mock.h>
#include <chromeos/secure_blob.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "make_tests.h"
#include "mock_pkcs11_init.h"
using chaps::Attributes;
using chromeos::SecureBlob;
using std::map;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::DoAll;
using ::testing::Invoke;
using ::testing::NiceMock;
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::SetArgumentPointee;
using ::testing::StartsWith;
namespace cryptohome {
typedef chaps::ChapsProxyMock Pkcs11Mock;
const uint64_t kSession = 7; // Arbitrary non-zero value.
const char* kDefaultUser = "test_user";
// Implements a fake PKCS #11 object store. Labeled data blobs can be stored
// and later retrieved. The mocked interface is ChapsInterface so these
// tests must be linked with the Chaps PKCS #11 library. The mock class itself
// is part of the Chaps package; it is reused here to avoid duplication (see
// chaps_proxy_mock.h).
class KeyStoreTest : public testing::Test {
: pkcs11_(false), // Do not pre-initialize the mock PKCS #11 library.
// This just controls whether the first call to
// C_Initialize returns 'already initialized'.
next_handle_(1) {}
virtual ~KeyStoreTest() {}
void SetUp() {
ON_CALL(pkcs11_, OpenSession(_, 0, _, _))
.WillByDefault(DoAll(SetArgumentPointee<3>(kSession), Return(0)));
ON_CALL(pkcs11_, CloseSession(_, _))
ON_CALL(pkcs11_, CreateObject(_, _, _, _))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(this, &KeyStoreTest::CreateObject));
ON_CALL(pkcs11_, DestroyObject(_, _, _))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(this, &KeyStoreTest::DestroyObject));
ON_CALL(pkcs11_, GetAttributeValue(_, _, _, _, _))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(this, &KeyStoreTest::GetAttributeValue));
ON_CALL(pkcs11_, SetAttributeValue(_, _, _, _))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(this, &KeyStoreTest::SetAttributeValue));
ON_CALL(pkcs11_, FindObjectsInit(_, _, _))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(this, &KeyStoreTest::FindObjectsInit));
ON_CALL(pkcs11_, FindObjects(_, _, _, _))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(this, &KeyStoreTest::FindObjects));
ON_CALL(pkcs11_, FindObjectsFinal(_, _))
ON_CALL(pkcs11_init_, GetTpmTokenSlotForPath(_, _))
.WillByDefault(DoAll(SetArgumentPointee<1>(0), Return(true)));
void TearDown() {
// Stores a new labeled object, only CKA_LABEL and CKA_VALUE are relevant.
virtual uint32_t CreateObject(const SecureBlob& isolate_credential,
uint64_t session_id,
const vector<uint8_t>& attributes,
uint64_t* new_object_handle) {
*new_object_handle = next_handle_++;
string label = GetValue(attributes, CKA_LABEL);
handles_[*new_object_handle] = label;
values_[label] = GetValue(attributes, CKA_VALUE);
labels_[label] = *new_object_handle;
return CKR_OK;
// Deletes a labeled object.
virtual uint32_t DestroyObject(const SecureBlob& isolate_credential,
uint64_t session_id,
uint64_t object_handle) {
string label = handles_[object_handle];
return CKR_OK;
// Supports reading CKA_VALUE.
virtual uint32_t GetAttributeValue(const SecureBlob& isolate_credential,
uint64_t session_id,
uint64_t object_handle,
const vector<uint8_t>& attributes_in,
vector<uint8_t>* attributes_out) {
string label = handles_[object_handle];
string value = values_[label];
Attributes parsed;
if (parsed.num_attributes() == 1 &&
parsed.attributes()[0].type == CKA_LABEL)
value = label;
if (parsed.num_attributes() != 1 ||
(parsed.attributes()[0].type != CKA_VALUE &&
parsed.attributes()[0].type != CKA_LABEL) ||
(parsed.attributes()[0].pValue &&
parsed.attributes()[0].ulValueLen != value.size()))
parsed.attributes()[0].ulValueLen = value.size();
if (parsed.attributes()[0].pValue)
memcpy(parsed.attributes()[0].pValue,, value.size());
return CKR_OK;
// Supports writing CKA_VALUE.
virtual uint32_t SetAttributeValue(
const SecureBlob& isolate_credential,
uint64_t session_id,
uint64_t object_handle,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& attributes) {
values_[handles_[object_handle]] = GetValue(attributes, CKA_VALUE);
return CKR_OK;
// Finds stored objects by CKA_LABEL. If no CKA_LABEL find all objects.
virtual uint32_t FindObjectsInit(const SecureBlob& isolate_credential,
uint64_t session_id,
const vector<uint8_t>& attributes) {
string label = GetValue(attributes, CKA_LABEL);
if (label.empty()) {
for (map<uint64_t, string>::iterator it = handles_.begin();
it != handles_.end();
++it) {
} else if (labels_.count(label) > 0) {
return CKR_OK;
// Reports a 'found' object based on find_status_.
virtual uint32_t FindObjects(const SecureBlob& isolate_credential,
uint64_t session_id,
uint64_t max_object_count,
vector<uint64_t>* object_list) {
while (!found_objects_.empty() && object_list->size() < max_object_count) {
return CKR_OK;
NiceMock<Pkcs11Mock> pkcs11_;
NiceMock<MockPkcs11Init> pkcs11_init_;
bool CompareBlob(const chromeos::SecureBlob& blob, const string& str) {
string blob_str(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(blob.const_data()),
return (blob_str == str);
MakeTests helper_;
map<string, string> values_; // The fake object store: label->value
map<uint64_t, string> handles_; // The fake object store: handle->label
map<string, uint64_t> labels_; // The fake object store: label->handle
vector<uint64_t> found_objects_; // The most recent objects searched.
uint64_t next_handle_; // Tracks handle assignment.
// A helper to pull the value for a given attribute out of a serialized
// template.
string GetValue(const vector<uint8_t>& attributes, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type) {
Attributes parsed;
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR array = parsed.attributes();
for (CK_ULONG i = 0; i < parsed.num_attributes(); ++i) {
if (array[i].type == type) {
if (!array[i].pValue)
return string();
return string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(array[i].pValue),
return string();
// This test assumes that chaps in not available on the system running the test.
// The purpose of this test is to exercise the C_Initialize failure code path.
// Without a mock, the Chaps library will attempt to connect to the Chaps daemon
// unsuccessfully, resulting in a C_Initialize failure.
TEST(KeyStoreTest_NoMock, Pkcs11NotAvailable) {
Pkcs11KeyStore key_store;
SecureBlob blob;
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test", &blob));
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "test", blob));
// Exercises the key store when PKCS #11 returns success. This exercises all
// non-error-handling code paths.
TEST_F(KeyStoreTest, Pkcs11Success) {
Pkcs11KeyStore key_store(&pkcs11_init_);
SecureBlob blob;
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test", &blob));
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "test", SecureBlob("test_data")));
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test", &blob));
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareBlob(blob, "test_data"));
// Try with a different key name.
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test2", &blob));
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "test2", SecureBlob("test_data2")));
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test2", &blob));
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareBlob(blob, "test_data2"));
// Read the original key again.
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test", &blob));
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareBlob(blob, "test_data"));
// Replace key data.
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "test", SecureBlob("test_data3")));
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test", &blob));
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareBlob(blob, "test_data3"));
// Delete key data.
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Delete(kDefaultUser, "test2"));
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test2", &blob));
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test", &blob));
// Tests the key store when PKCS #11 fails to open a session.
TEST_F(KeyStoreTest, NoSession) {
EXPECT_CALL(pkcs11_, OpenSession(_, _, _, _))
Pkcs11KeyStore key_store(&pkcs11_init_);
SecureBlob blob;
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "test", SecureBlob("test_data")));
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test", &blob));
// Tests the key store when PKCS #11 fails to create an object.
TEST_F(KeyStoreTest, CreateObjectFail) {
EXPECT_CALL(pkcs11_, CreateObject(_, _, _, _))
Pkcs11KeyStore key_store(&pkcs11_init_);
SecureBlob blob;
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "test", SecureBlob("test_data")));
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test", &blob));
// Tests the key store when PKCS #11 fails to read attribute values.
TEST_F(KeyStoreTest, ReadValueFail) {
EXPECT_CALL(pkcs11_, GetAttributeValue(_, _, _, _, _))
Pkcs11KeyStore key_store(&pkcs11_init_);
SecureBlob blob;
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "test", SecureBlob("test_data")));
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test", &blob));
// Tests the key store when PKCS #11 fails to delete key data.
TEST_F(KeyStoreTest, DeleteValueFail) {
EXPECT_CALL(pkcs11_, DestroyObject(_, _, _))
Pkcs11KeyStore key_store(&pkcs11_init_);
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "test", SecureBlob("test_data")));
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "test", SecureBlob("test_data2")));
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Delete(kDefaultUser, "test"));
// Tests the key store when PKCS #11 fails to find objects. Tests each part of
// the multi-part find operation individually.
TEST_F(KeyStoreTest, FindFail) {
EXPECT_CALL(pkcs11_, FindObjectsInit(_, _, _))
Pkcs11KeyStore key_store(&pkcs11_init_);
SecureBlob blob;
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "test", SecureBlob("test_data")));
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test", &blob));
EXPECT_CALL(pkcs11_, FindObjectsInit(_, _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(pkcs11_, FindObjects(_, _, _, _))
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "test", SecureBlob("test_data")));
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test", &blob));
EXPECT_CALL(pkcs11_, FindObjects(_, _, _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(pkcs11_, FindObjectsFinal(_, _))
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "test", SecureBlob("test_data")));
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test", &blob));
// Tests the key store when PKCS #11 successfully finds zero objects.
TEST_F(KeyStoreTest, FindNoObjects) {
vector<uint64_t> empty;
EXPECT_CALL(pkcs11_, FindObjects(_, _, _, _))
.WillRepeatedly(DoAll(SetArgumentPointee<3>(empty), Return(CKR_OK)));
Pkcs11KeyStore key_store(&pkcs11_init_);
SecureBlob blob;
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "test", SecureBlob("test_data")));
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "test", &blob));
TEST_F(KeyStoreTest, Register) {
Pkcs11KeyStore key_store(&pkcs11_init_);
const char* public_key_der_hex =
SecureBlob public_key_der;
base::HexStringToBytes(public_key_der_hex, &public_key_der);
// Tests that the DeleteByPrefix() method removes the correct objects and only
// the correct objects.
TEST_F(KeyStoreTest, DeleteByPrefix) {
Pkcs11KeyStore key_store(&pkcs11_init_);
// Test with no keys.
ASSERT_TRUE(key_store.DeleteByPrefix(kDefaultUser, "prefix"));
// Test with a single matching key.
ASSERT_TRUE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "prefix_test", SecureBlob("test")));
ASSERT_TRUE(key_store.DeleteByPrefix(kDefaultUser, "prefix"));
SecureBlob blob;
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "prefix_test", &blob));
// Test with a single non-matching key.
ASSERT_TRUE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "_prefix_", SecureBlob("test")));
ASSERT_TRUE(key_store.DeleteByPrefix(kDefaultUser, "prefix"));
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "_prefix_", &blob));
// Test with an empty prefix.
ASSERT_TRUE(key_store.DeleteByPrefix(kDefaultUser, ""));
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "_prefix_", &blob));
// Test with multiple matching and non-matching keys.
const int kNumKeys = 110; // Pkcs11KeyStore max is 100 for FindObjects.
key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "other1", SecureBlob("test"));
for (int i = 0; i < kNumKeys; ++i) {
string key_name = string("prefix") + base::IntToString(i);
key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, key_name, SecureBlob(key_name));
ASSERT_TRUE(key_store.Write(kDefaultUser, "other2", SecureBlob("test")));
ASSERT_TRUE(key_store.DeleteByPrefix(kDefaultUser, "prefix"));
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "other1", &blob));
EXPECT_TRUE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, "other2", &blob));
for (int i = 0; i < kNumKeys; ++i) {
string key_name = string("prefix") + base::IntToString(i);
EXPECT_FALSE(key_store.Read(kDefaultUser, key_name, &blob));
} // namespace cryptohome