blob: 2706d378f52815c8e9513ba36a3903131a07640c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TpmInit - public interface class for initializing the TPM
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <chromeos/utility.h>
#include "attestation.h"
#include "crypto.h"
#include "tpm.h"
namespace cryptohome {
class TpmInitTask;
class Platform;
class TpmInit {
// Friend class TpmInitTask as it is a glue class to allow ThreadMain to be
// called on a separate thread without inheriting from
// PlatformThread::Delegate
friend class TpmInitTask;
class TpmInitCallback {
virtual void InitializeTpmComplete(bool status, bool took_ownership) = 0;
// Default constructor
explicit TpmInit(Platform* platform);
virtual ~TpmInit();
virtual void Init(TpmInitCallback* notify_callback, Crypto* crypto);
// Gets random data from the TPM
// Parameters
// length - The number of bytes to get
// data (OUT) - Receives the random bytes
virtual bool GetRandomData(int length, chromeos::Blob* data);
// Starts asynchronous initialization of the TPM
virtual bool StartInitializeTpm();
// Returns true if the TPM is initialized and ready for use
virtual bool IsTpmReady();
// Returns true if the TPM is enabled
virtual bool IsTpmEnabled();
// Returns true if the TPM is owned
virtual bool IsTpmOwned();
// Returns true if the TPM is being owned
virtual bool IsTpmBeingOwned();
// Returns true if initialization has been called
virtual bool HasInitializeBeenCalled();
// Gets the TPM password if the TPM initialization took ownership
// Parameters
// password (OUT) - The owner password used for the TPM
virtual bool GetTpmPassword(chromeos::Blob* password);
// Clears the TPM password from memory and disk
virtual void ClearStoredTpmPassword();
// Returns true if attestation data has been prepared for enrollment.
virtual bool IsAttestationPrepared();
// Returns true if all attestation data can be validated.
virtual bool VerifyAttestationData();
// Returns true if the EK certificate can be validated.
virtual bool VerifyEK();
virtual void set_tpm(Tpm* value);
virtual Tpm* get_tpm();
// Returns NULL if attestation is not available.
virtual Attestation* get_attestation();
virtual void ThreadMain();
// The background task for initializing the TPM, implemented as a
// PlatformThread::Delegate
scoped_ptr<TpmInitTask> tpm_init_task_;
base::PlatformThreadHandle init_thread_;
TpmInitCallback* notify_callback_;
bool initialize_called_;
bool task_done_;
bool initialize_took_ownership_;
int64_t initialization_time_;
scoped_ptr<Attestation> attestation_;
Platform* platform_;
Crypto* crypto_;
} // namespace cryptohome