blob: c2fdbc5be548742cee262edb18597f661077cd40 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is an example of a tool. A tool is the implementation of one or more of
// debugd's dbus methods. The main DebugDaemon class creates a single instance
// of each tool and calls it to answer methods.
#include "example_tool.h"
#include "process_with_output.h"
namespace debugd {
ExampleTool::ExampleTool() { }
ExampleTool::~ExampleTool() { }
// Tool methods have the same signature as the generated DBus adaptors. Most
// pertinently, this means they take their DBus::Error argument as a non-const
// reference (hence the NOLINT). Tool methods are generally written in
// can't-fail style, since their output is usually going to be displayed to the
// user; instead of returning a DBus exception, we tend to return a string
// indicating what went wrong.
std::string ExampleTool::GetExample(DBus::Error& error) { // NOLINT
// This environment var controls the root for debugd helpers, which lets
// people develop helpers even when verified root is on.
char *envvar = getenv("DEBUGD_HELPERS");
std::string path = StringPrintf("%s/example", envvar ? envvar
: "/usr/libexec/debugd/helpers");
if (path.length() > PATH_MAX)
return "<path too long>";
// This whole method is synchronous, so we create a subprocess, let it run to
// completion, then gather up its output to return it.
ProcessWithOutput process;
if (!process.Init())
return "<process init failed>";
// If you're going to add switches to a command, have a look at the Process
// interface; there's support for adding options specifically.
// Run the process to completion. If the process might take a while, you may
// have to make this asynchronous using .Start().
if (process.Run() != 0)
return "<process exited with nonzero status>";
std::string output;
return output;
}; // namespace debugd