blob: 61a9e104ba733d3b8072a238d7976702ede964d0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "perf_tool.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include "cpu_info_parser.h"
#include "process_with_output.h"
namespace {
// Location of quipper on ChromeOS.
const char kQuipperLocation[] = "/usr/bin/quipper";
// Base perf command line to be used.
const char kPerfRecord[] = "/usr/sbin/perf record -a";
// This is the key in /proc/cpuinfo whose value is the model name of the CPU.
const char kCPUModelNameKey[] = "model name";
// Processor model name substrings for which we have perf commands.
const char* kCPUOddsFiles[] = {
// Prefix path to attach to the CPU odds file.
const char kCPUOddsFilePrefix[] = "/etc/perf_commands/";
// Suffix to attach to the CPU odds file.
const char kCPUOddsFileSuffix[] = ".txt";
// Goes through the list of kCPUOddsFiles, and if the any of those strings is a
// substring of the |cpu_model_name|, returns that string. If no matches are
// found, returns the first string of |kCPUOddsFiles| ("unknown").
void GetOddsFilenameForCPU(const std::string& cpu_model_name,
std::string* odds_filename) {
std::string lowered_cpu_model_name = StringToLowerASCII(cpu_model_name);
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kCPUOddsFiles); ++i) {
if (lowered_cpu_model_name.find(kCPUOddsFiles[i]) != std::string::npos) {
*odds_filename = kCPUOddsFiles[i];
*odds_filename = kCPUOddsFiles[0];
} // namespace
namespace debugd {
PerfTool::PerfTool() {
std::string cpu_model_name;
debugd::CPUInfoParser cpu_info_parser;
cpu_info_parser.GetKey(kCPUModelNameKey, &cpu_model_name);
std::string odds_filename;
GetOddsFilenameForCPU(cpu_model_name, &odds_filename);
std::string odds_file_path = std::string(kCPUOddsFilePrefix) +
odds_filename +
PerfTool::~PerfTool() { }
// Tool methods have the same signature as the generated DBus adaptors. Most
// pertinently, this means they take their DBus::Error argument as a non-const
// reference (hence the NOLINT). Tool methods are generally written in
// can't-fail style, since their output is usually going to be displayed to the
// user; instead of returning a DBus exception, we tend to return a string
// indicating what went wrong.
std::vector<uint8> PerfTool::GetPerfData(const uint32_t& duration_secs,
DBus::Error& error) { // NOLINT
std::string output_string;
GetPerfDataHelper(duration_secs, kPerfRecord, error, &output_string);
std::vector<uint8> output_vector(output_string.begin(),
return output_vector;
std::vector<uint8> PerfTool::GetRichPerfData(const uint32_t& duration_secs,
DBus::Error& error) { // NOLINT
std::string perf_command_line;
std::string output_string;
GetPerfDataHelper(duration_secs, perf_command_line, error, &output_string);
return std::vector<uint8>(output_string.begin(), output_string.end());
void PerfTool::GetPerfDataHelper(const uint32_t& duration_secs,
const std::string& perf_command_line,
DBus::Error& error,
std::string* data_string) { // NOLINT
// This whole method is synchronous, so we create a subprocess, let it run to
// completion, then gather up its output to return it.
ProcessWithOutput process;
process.SandboxAs("root", "root");
if (!process.Init())
*data_string = "<process init failed>";
// If you're going to add switches to a command, have a look at the Process
// interface; there's support for adding options specifically.
process.AddArg(StringPrintf("%u", duration_secs));
// Run the process to completion. If the process might take a while, you may
// have to make this asynchronous using .Start().
int status = process.Run();
if (status != 0)
*data_string = StringPrintf("<process exited with status: %d", status);
}; // namespace debugd