blob: 45ab6664d2825f26241565880f16d2c4c5c19dfd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package driver implements drivers to execute tests.
package driver
import (
labapi ""
// Common test data for multiple tests.
const (
reqName1 = "PassedTest1"
reqName2 = "SkippedTest1"
reqName3 = "PassedTest2"
reqName4 = "SkippedTest2"
reqName5 = "FailedTest1"
suite1 = "suite1"
suite2 = "suite2"
test1 = "launcher.PinAppToShelf.clamshell_mode"
test2 = "launcher.PinAppToShelf.tablet_mode"
test3 = "launcher.CreateAndRenameFolder.clamshell_mode"
test4 = "launcher.CreateAndRenameFolder.tablet_mode"
test5 = "meta.LocalFail"
workDir1 = "/tmp/tast/result1"
workDir2 = "/tmp/tast/result2"
sinkPort = 22
tlsAddress = ""
tlsPort = 2227
tlwAddress = ""
dutName1 = "dut1"
dutPort1 = 2225
dut1 = "dut1:2225"
var req = api.CrosTestRequest{
TestSuites: []*api.TestSuite{
Name: suite1,
Spec: &api.TestSuite_TestCaseIds{
TestCaseIds: &api.TestCaseIdList{
TestCaseIds: []*api.TestCase_Id{
Value: test1,
Value: test2,
Value: test3,
Name: suite2,
Spec: &api.TestSuite_TestCaseIds{
TestCaseIds: &api.TestCaseIdList{
TestCaseIds: []*api.TestCase_Id{
Value: test4,
Value: test5,
Primary: &api.CrosTestRequest_Device{
Dut: &labapi.Dut{
Id: &labapi.Dut_Id{Value: "Dut1"},
DutType: &labapi.Dut_Chromeos{
Chromeos: &labapi.Dut_ChromeOS{
Ssh: &labapi.IpEndpoint{Address: dutName1, Port: dutPort1},